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vararg1.ssa (547B)

      1 export
      2 function d $f(l %x, ...) {
      3 @start
      4 	%vp =l alloc8 32
      5 	vastart %vp
      6 	%i =l vaarg %vp
      7 	%n =d vaarg %vp
      8 	ret %n
      9 }
     11 export
     12 function w $g(l %fmt, ...) {
     13 @start
     14 	%vp =l alloc8 32
     15 	vastart %vp
     16 	%r =w call $print(l %fmt, l %vp)
     17 	ret %r
     18 }
     20 # >>> driver
     21 # #include <stdarg.h>
     22 # #include <stdio.h>
     23 # extern double f(int, ...);
     24 # extern int g(char *, ...);
     25 # int print(const char *fmt, va_list *ap) {
     26 # 	return vprintf(fmt, *ap);
     27 # }
     28 # int main() {
     29 # 	g("Hell%c %s %g!\n", 'o', "world", f(42, "x", 42.0));
     30 # }
     31 # <<<
     33 # >>> output
     34 # Hello world 42!
     35 # <<<