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stroll.sire (16278B)

      1 ; Copyright 2023 The Plunder Authors
      2 ; Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 ; found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #### stroll <- sieve
      7 ;;;; Stroll
      8 ;;;; ======
      9 ;;;;
     10 ;;;; A different way to Roam locally.
     13 ;;; Imports ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
     15 :| sire
     16 :| datom
     17 :| gen
     18 :| stew
     21 ;;; Schema ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
     23 = strollSchema
     24 ^ assertTransact _ emptyDB
     25 ; Page attributes
     26 ++ ## ={:db/ident} {:page/title}
     27    ## ={:db/unique} TRUE
     28    ## ={:db/doc}
     29        {When set on a block, that block is treated as a page with this title.}
     30 ; Block attributes
     31 ++ ## ={:db/ident} {:block/string}
     32    ## ={:db/cardinality} {one}
     33    ## ={:db/doc} {String content of a block}
     34 ++ ## ={:db/ident} {:block/uid}
     35    ## ={:db/cardinality} {one}
     36    ## ={:db/unique} TRUE
     37    ## ={:db/doc} {User referable text name for a block}
     38 ++ ## ={:db/ident} {:block/children}
     39    ## ={:db/cardinality} {many}
     40    ## ={:db/valueType} {ref}
     41    ## ={:db/doc} {Reference to all blocks under this block}
     42 ++ ## ={:db/ident} {:block/page}
     43    ## ={:db/cardinality} {one}
     44    ## ={:db/valueType} {ref}
     45    ## ={:db/indexed} TRUE
     46    ## ={:db/doc} {Reference to the page this block is displayed on.}
     47 ++ ## ={:db/ident} {:block/refs}
     48    ## ={:db/cardinality} {many}
     49    ## ={:db/valueType} {ref}
     50    ## ={:db/doc} {Reference to all blocks `:block/string` textually refers to.}
     51 ++ ## ={:db/ident} {:block/order}
     52    ## ={:db/cardinality} {one}
     53    ## ={:db/doc} {The order of these blocks in the list of `:block/children`.}
     55 ; Deliberately skipping :block/parents because we have a VAE table, unlike
     56 ; datascript. The data from :block/parents is derivable from :block/children,
     57 ; and will give you the order instead of having to calculate that after the
     58 ; fact.
     61 ; TODO: The above is the minimal viable stroll. There are a TON of things we
     62 ; want to look into:
     63 ;
     64 ; - Item filtering in the references section.
     65 ;
     66 ;   - Roam sticks a monolithic object in `:window/filters` on the block's eid
     67 ;     for filtering references positively or negatively. This is more than a
     68 ;     little brittle and also implies that they aren't using them in :find.
     69 ;
     70 ;   - logseq's datascript usage is ephemeral with the markdown files being
     71 ;     the persistent store. They just stick this data in a raw bullet point.
     72 ;
     73 ; - Open states
     74 ;
     75 ;   - A block is open or not and this is stored on the block, instead of being
     76 ;     open or not on a specific page, which is usually what you want?
     77 ;
     78 ; - Hierarchy view
     79 ;
     80 ;   - logseq's hierarchy view is just such a good feature and it's very
     81 ;     revealing that Roam hasn't or can't copy it. We should just verbatim
     82 ;     copy this feature because it's super useful and only costs a single
     83 ;     attribute per :page entity that participates in a hierarchy.
     84 ;
     85 ; - Aliases
     86 ;
     87 ;   - Roam has refused to implement this feature for basically its entire
     88 ;     existence when it's the most requested feature of the product. logseq
     89 ;     has aliases and it's actually super trivial, just add a {:page/alias}
     90 ;     attribute and check for aliases every place you'd other look for
     91 ;     {:page/title}.
     92 ;
     93 ; - Journal
     94 ;
     95 ;   - The "Daily Notes" style pages are the killer organizational feature of
     96 ;     both Roam, logseq and other imitators. But this involves another
     97 ;     attribute in ":page/" to support.
    100 ;;; Utils ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    102 ;;; These are general and should be moved elsewhere
    104 ; We need to be able to generate random uids, which are like base64 but with
    105 ; {-} and {_} instead of {+} and {/}.
    107 = base64hepbar
    108   b#{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_}
    110 abstype#Gen
    111 abstype#Error
    112 abstype#Uid
    114 > Gen > [Gen Nat]
    115 = (genUid gen)
    116 @ [gen l]
    117   ^ foldl _ [gen NIL] [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]
    118   & ([gen xs] i)
    119   @ [gen res] | genBitsNat 6 gen
    120   [gen (CONS (barIdx res base64hepbar) xs)]
    121 @ uid | listFoldl strWeld {} l
    122 [gen uid]
    124 = (assertRight x)
    125 | fromRight ({assertion failed} x) x
    128 ;;; Database Record ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    130 # record StrollDb
    131 | STROLL_DB gen:Rand db:Db
    133 > Nat > StrollDb
    134 = (emptyStrollDb seed)
    135 @ gen | mkRand seed
    136 | STROLL_DB gen strollSchema
    138 > Any > StrollDb > > Either (Row Error) StrollDb
    139 = (transactStrollDb txn strollDb)
    140 @ STROLL_DB(..) strollDb
    141 ;| trk [%txn db]
    142 # case | transact txn db
    143 - LEFT l | LEFT l
    144 - RIGHT r | RIGHT | STROLL_DB gen r
    146 > Any > StrollDb > StrollDb
    147 = (assertTransactStrollDb txn strollDb)
    148 # case (transactStrollDb txn strollDb)
    149 - LEFT l
    150     | trk [%l l]
    151     | {stroll transaction failed: } l
    152 - RIGHT r r
    154 ; Generates a unique id, checking that the uid isn't in the database
    155 ;
    156 > StrollDb > [uid StrollDb]
    157 = (generateUniqueID strollDb)
    158 @ STROLL_DB(..) strollDb
    159 ; generate a unique uid that doesn't exist in the database yet.
    160 @ [gen uid]
    161     ^ _ gen
    162     ? (loop gen)
    163     @ [gen uid] | genUid gen
    164     @ matches | lookupByAV {:block/uid} uid db
    165     | if | setIsEmpty matches
    166         [gen uid]
    167     | loop gen
    168 [uid (STROLL_DB gen db)]
    171 ;;; Queries ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
    173 ; Imagine you are writing a web frontend for the above and you want to deal
    174 ; with it entirely with pulls. This is contrived, since at least logseq's
    175 ; implementation of a Roam-like uses complex :find queries all over the place
    176 ; with comparatively few pulls. (I did pull first since the datascript designer
    177 ; said he doesn't reach for pulls in normal webapps, but the one example app I
    178 ; can find actually makes extensive use of them.)
    180 childrenQuery=[{:block/children}=[{:block/uid} {:block/order}]]
    182 ; Find the implicit block that make up a page, along with all its children.
    183 = (findPageBlock pageTitle strollDb)
    184 @ STROLL_DB(..) strollDb
    185 | pull ++ {:block/uid}
    186        ++ childrenQuery
    187        [{:page/title} pageTitle]
    188        db
    190 ; Given a row of all the child blocks sorted by order, list the data for each
    191 ; block for display.
    192 > Row Any > Db > Either (List Error) (List (Tab Any Any))
    193 = (findBlocksContent q strollDb)
    194 @ STROLL_DB(..) strollDb
    195 | pullMany ++ {:block/uid}
    196            ++ {:block/string}
    197            ++ childrenQuery
    198            q
    199            db
    201 = (sortRowTabByOrder t)
    202 ^ sortOn _ t
    203 & x
    204 | fromSome 0 | tabLookup {:block/order} x
    206 ; Given any result map which contains a childrenQuery, produce an ordered list
    207 ; of uids to lookup sorted on order.
    208 = (makeOrderedChildrenQuery s)
    209 @ rowOfTab | fromSome [] | tabLookup {:block/children} s
    210 : r < foreach (sortRowTabByOrder rowOfTab)
    211 [{:block/uid} (fromSome ({missing uid} 0) | tabLookup {:block/uid} r)]
    213 = (findBlocksChildrenUnsorted uid strollDb)
    214 @ STROLL_DB(..) strollDb
    215 # case | pull [childrenQuery] [{:block/uid} uid] db
    216 - LEFT l  | []
    217 - RIGHT r | fromSome []
    218           | tabLookup {:block/children} r
    221 ; Given a block, find all blocks which reference this block and the page
    222 ; they're on.
    223 ;
    224 ; The output of this pull is why the normal query interface is so nice: instead
    225 ; of returning a list of tuples, this returns a weird large nested structure of
    226 ; tabs and sets and rows. The data is in there, but it's pretty cumbersome to
    227 ; work with.
    228 ;
    229 = (findPageBlocksReferencing x strollDb)
    230 @ STROLL_DB(..) strollDb
    231 @ uid | fromSome {} | tabLookup {:block/uid} x
    232 | pull ++ ## ={:block/_refs} ++ {:block/uid}
    233                              ++ ## ={:block/page} ++ {:block/uid}
    234                                                   ++ {:page/title}
    235        [{:block/uid} uid]
    236        db
    238 = (getEidOf uid strollDb)
    239 @ STROLL_DB(..) strollDb
    240 | setMin
    241 | lookupByAV {:block/uid} uid db
    243 ; Returns the uid of the parent
    244 ;
    245 = (getParentOf uid strollDb)
    246 @ STROLL_DB(..) strollDb
    247 | fromSome {}
    248 | tabLookup {:block/uid}
    249 | idx 0
    250 | fromSome []
    251 | tabLookup {:block/children}
    252 | assertRight
    253 | pull [[{:block/_children}=[{:block/uid}]]]
    254        [{:block/uid} uid]
    255        db
    257 ; Get the block order by eid.
    258 ;
    259 = (getOrderByEid eid strollDb)
    260 @ STROLL_DB(..) strollDb
    261 | setMin
    262 | lookupByAE {:block/order} eid db
    264 = (getPageByEid eid strollDb)
    265 @ STROLL_DB(..) strollDb
    266 ; if this eid has a :page/title, it is a page.
    267 | ifNot (setIsEmpty | lookupByAE {:page/title} eid db) eid
    268 | setMin | lookupByAE {:block/page} eid db
    270 ; Given a uid, find all the eids of all the blocks this uid forward references
    271 ;
    272 ; TODO: this is another function where query would be cleaner
    273 = (findAllRefEids uid strollDb)
    274 @ STROLL_DB(..) strollDb
    275 | map [k v]&v
    276 | catMap tabToPairs
    277 | fromSome [] ; catMap expects a row of tabs
    278 | tabLookup {:block/refs}
    279 | assertRight
    280 | pull ++ ## ={:block/refs} ++ {:db/id}
    281        [{:block/uid} uid]
    282        db
    284 ; Given a uid, find all the uids of all the blocks this uid forward references
    285 = (findAllRefUids uid strollDb)
    286 @ STROLL_DB(..) strollDb
    287 | map [k v]&v
    288 | catMap tabToPairs
    289 | fromSome [] ; catMap expects a row of tabs
    290 | tabLookup {:block/refs}
    291 | assertRight
    292 | pull [[{:block/refs}=[{:block/uid}]]]
    293        [{:block/uid} uid]
    294        db
    296 = (findAllChildUids uid strollDb)
    297 | map x&(fromSome {} | tabLookup {:block/uid} x)
    298 | findBlocksChildrenUnsorted uid strollDb
    300 > (Nat -> Nat) > Str > Nat > StrollDb > StrollDb
    301 = (childrenUpdatesAfter fun parentUid pos strollDb)
    302 ; all children pulled from the database
    303 @ children | findBlocksChildrenUnsorted parentUid strollDb
    304 ^ mapMaybe _ children
    305 & node
    306 : uid < maybeCase (tabLookup {:block/uid} node) NONE
    307 : order < maybeCase (tabLookup {:block/order} node) NONE
    308 | if (lth order pos)
    309     | NONE
    310 ; TODO: If I allow reading of raw EID numbers during a pull via a virtual
    311 ; {:db/id} like Datomic, we can get rid of the overhead of this lookup
    312 ; here, which is probably small in this one instance, but is a unneeded
    313 ; repeated lookup over all queries.
    314 | SOME [%add [{:block/uid} uid] {:block/order} (fun order)]
    316 ; Create entries for a transaction which changes each block to a different page
    317 ; uid.
    318 ;
    319 > Str > Nat > StrollDb > Row Any
    320 = (mkPageUpdates uid dstEid strollDb)
    321 | cat
    322 | rowCons [[%add [{:block/uid} uid] {:block/page} dstEid]]
    323 | map u&(mkPageUpdates u dstEid strollDb)
    324 | findAllChildUids uid strollDb
    326 ; Given a block, add a new empty child at position X.
    327 ;
    328 ; This involves increasing the order of every block after pos and creating a
    329 ; new block at pos.
    330 = (insertEmptyBlock parentUid pos strollDb)
    331 @ [uid strollDb] | generateUniqueID strollDb
    332 @ STROLL_DB(..) strollDb
    333 ; new tuples for child nodes that must be updated.
    334 @ childUpdates | childrenUpdatesAfter inc parentUid pos strollDb
    335 ;
    336 @ page
    337     ; TODO: this would work better as a query, since that would just return the
    338     ; eid directly.
    339     | fromSome ({missing :block/page} 0)
    340     | tabLookup {:block/page}
    341     | idx 1
    342     | pull [{:block/page}] [{:block/uid} parentUid] db
    343 @ newItem
    344     ## ={:block/uid} uid
    345     ## ={:block/string} {}
    346     ## ={:block/order} pos
    347     ## ={:block/page} page
    348 ;
    349 @ addChild
    350     ## ={:db/id} [{:block/uid} parentUid]
    351     ## ={:block/children} newItem
    352 @ total | rowCons addChild childUpdates
    353 # case  | transact total db
    354 - LEFT l  | LEFT l
    355 - RIGHT r | RIGHT | STROLL_DB gen r
    357 ; Creates a new page with a new single empty bullet on it and returns the uid
    358 ; of the created page.
    359 ;
    360 > Str > StrollDb > [Uid StrollDb]
    361 = (makeNewPage pageTitle strollDb)
    362 @ [pointUid strollDb] | generateUniqueID strollDb
    363 @ [pageUid strollDb]  | generateUniqueID strollDb
    364 ^ [pageUid _]
    365 ^ assertTransactStrollDb _ strollDb
    366 ++ ## ={:db/id} %[{newpage}]
    367    ## ={:page/title} pageTitle
    368    ## ={:block/uid} pageUid
    369    ## ={:block/children}
    370       ++ ## ={:block/string} {}
    371          ## ={:block/uid} pointUid
    372          ## ={:block/order} 0
    373          ## ={:block/page} %[{newpage}]
    375 ; Given a page title, resolves it to a uid, creating the page if necessary.
    376 ;
    377 > Str > StrollDb > [Uid StrollDb]
    378 = (pageToUid pageTitle strollDb)
    379 @ STROLL_DB(..) strollDb
    380 @ eids | lookupByAV {:page/title} pageTitle db
    381 | if | setIsEmpty eids
    382     | makeNewPage pageTitle strollDb
    383 @ uids | lookupByAE {:block/uid} (setMin eids) db
    384 [(setMin uids) strollDb]
    386 ; Parses a string for things which look like references.
    387 ;
    388 > Str > List Str
    389 = (parseRefs txt)
    390 @ bar | natBar txt
    391 @ len | barLen bar
    392 | listToRow
    393 ^ _ 0 bar NIL
    394 ? (loop i bar out)
    395 | if | gth i len
    396     out
    397 | if | rowAnd ++ | eql (barIdx i bar) {(}
    398               ++ | eql (barIdx (inc i) bar) {(}
    399               ++ | eql (barIdx (add 11 i) bar) {)}
    400               ++ | eql (barIdx (add 12 i) bar) {)}
    401    ; todo: additionally validate that its base64
    402    @ ref | barNat | barSlice (add i 2) 9 bar
    403    | loop (add i 12) bar (CONS ref out)
    404 | loop (inc i) bar out
    406 =?=     [%bbCCddEE1 %aaBBccDD9]
    407     | parseRefs {One ((aaBBccDD9)) Three ((bbCCddEE1))}
    409 ; Parse inside links
    410 =?=     [%bbCCddEE1]
    411     | parseRefs {Yesterday, [I wrote this](((bbCCddEE1)))}
    413 ; Parses titles out of the data
    414 ;
    415 ; This is tricky because you have to deal with page titles that contain page
    416 ; titles, and have to deal with malformed ones. (We deal with extra [[ or ]]
    417 ; on either side of the title.)
    418 ;
    419 > Str > List Str
    420 = (parseTitles txt)
    421 @ bar | natBar txt
    422 @ len | barLen bar
    423 | listToRow
    424 ^ _ 0 bar NIL NIL
    425 ? (loop i bar stack out)
    426 | if | gth i len
    427     out
    428 | if | rowAnd ++ | eql (barIdx i bar) {[}
    429               ++ | eql (barIdx (inc i) bar) {[}
    430     ; we mark that this is where we have the beginning of a mark
    431     | loop (add 2 i) bar (CONS (add 2 i) stack) out
    432 | if | rowAnd ++ | eql (barIdx i bar) {]}
    433               ++ | eql (barIdx (inc i) bar) {]}
    434     : x xs < listCase stack
    435                  ; extra unmatched right close. ignore it
    436                  | loop (add 2 i) bar stack out
    437     @ title | barNat | barSlice x (sub i x) bar
    438     | loop (add 2 i) bar xs (CONS title out)
    439 | loop (inc i) bar stack out
    441 ; Simple case
    442 =?=     [%Iceman]
    443     | parseTitles {[[Iceman]]}
    445 ;; Parse in links
    446 =?=     [%Iceman]
    447     | parseTitles {[This dude]([[Iceman]])}
    449 ;; Simple recursive case
    450 =?=     [{[[Word]] More} %Word]
    451     | parseTitles {[[[[Word]] More]]}
    453 ;; Extra {[[} on left
    454 =?=     [{[[Word]] More} %Word]
    455     | parseTitles {[[ [[[[Word]] More]]}
    457 ;; Extra {]]} on right
    458 =?=     [{[[Word]] More} %Word]
    459     | parseTitles {[[[[Word]] More]] ]]}
    461 ;; Parallel references
    462 =?=     [{[[One]] and [[Two]]} {Two} {One}]
    463     | parseTitles {[[[[One]] and [[Two]]]]}
    466 ; Sets the text content of a block to a given string, extracting page titles
    467 ; and block references and then updating the correct ref attributes.
    468 ;
    469 > Str > Str > StrollDb > StrollDb
    470 = (setBlockText textUid text strollDb)
    471 @ STROLL_DB(..) strollDb
    472 ; Calculate all the uid references that text refers to.
    473 @ refs   | parseRefs text
    474 @ [titleRefs strollDb]
    475     ^ foldl _ [NIL strollDb] | parseTitles text
    476     & ([titleRefs strollDb] i)
    477     @ [uid strollDb] | pageToUid i strollDb
    478     [(CONS uid titleRefs) strollDb]
    479 ;
    480 @ newRefUids | weld refs | listToRow titleRefs
    481 @ newRefEids
    482     | setCatRow
    483     | map uid&(lookupByAV {:block/uid} uid db) newRefUids
    484 ;
    485 ; Fetch the current references uids from textUid.
    486 @ currentRefEids | setFromRow | findAllRefEids textUid strollDb
    487 ;
    488 @ toAdd | setToRow | setSub newRefEids currentRefEids
    489 @ toDel | setToRow | setSub currentRefEids newRefEids
    490 ;
    491 ^ assertTransactStrollDb (cat _) strollDb
    492 ++ [[%add [{:block/uid} textUid] {:block/string} text]]
    493 ++ | map a&[%add [{:block/uid} textUid] {:block/refs} a] toAdd
    494 ++ | map r&[%rm [{:block/uid} textUid] {:block/refs} r] toDel
    496 ; Moves a bullet point to a new parent, updating all references and page
    497 ; entries.
    498 ;
    499 > Str > Str > Nat > StrollDb > StrollDb
    500 = (reparent nodeUid newParentUid newOrder strollDb)
    501 @ nodeEid      | getEidOf nodeUid strollDb
    502 @ curParentUid | getParentOf nodeUid strollDb
    503 @ curOrder     | getOrderByEid nodeEid strollDb
    504 @ prevReorders | childrenUpdatesAfter dec curParentUid curOrder strollDb
    505 @ newReorders  | childrenUpdatesAfter inc newParentUid newOrder strollDb
    506 ;
    507 @ pageChanges
    508     @ curPage | getPageByEid nodeEid strollDb
    509     @ dstPage
    510       ^ getPageByEid _ strollDb
    511       | getEidOf newParentUid strollDb
    512     | if (curPage == dstPage) []
    513     ;
    514     ; we must reassign the page of the block and of every child block
    515     ; recursively.
    516     | mkPageUpdates nodeUid dstPage strollDb
    517 ;
    518 ^ assertTransactStrollDb (cat _) strollDb
    519 ++ [[%rm [{:block/uid} curParentUid] {:block/children} nodeEid]]
    520 ++ [[%add [{:block/uid} newParentUid] {:block/children} nodeEid]]
    521 ++ [[%add nodeEid {:block/order} newOrder]]
    522 ++ prevReorders
    523 ++ newReorders
    524 ++ pageChanges