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package.yaml (5204B)

      1 name:                plunder
      2 version:   
      3 license:             BSD3
      4 author:              "Plunder Authors"
      5 copyright:           "2023 Plunder Authors"
      7 # ghc-options: -O2 -j
      8 ghc-options: -O -j
     10 cc-options: -Wall -O3
     12 library:
     13   source-dirs: lib
     14   c-sources:
     15     - cbits/jets.c
     16     - cbits/base58.c
     17     - cbits/blake3.c
     18     - cbits/blake3_dispatch.c
     19     - cbits/blake3_portable.c
     20     - cbits/seed.c
     21     - cbits/jets.c
     22     - cbits/xxhash.c
     23   when:
     24     - condition: arch(aarch64)
     25       then:
     26         c-sources:
     27           - cbits/blake3_neon.c
     28       else:
     29         c-sources:
     30           - cbits/xxh_x86dispatch.c
     31           - cbits/blake3_avx2_x86-64_unix.S
     32           - cbits/blake3_avx512_x86-64_unix.S
     33           - cbits/blake3_sse2_x86-64_unix.S
     34           - cbits/blake3_sse41_x86-64_unix.S
     36 pkgconfig-depends:
     37   - gmp
     39 extra-source-files:
     40   - cbits/*.h
     41   - cbits/*.c
     42   - cbits/*.S
     44 include-dirs:
     45   - cbits
     47 executables:
     48   rex:
     49     main: Main.hs
     50     source-dirs: exe/rex
     51     dependencies:
     52       - plunder
     54   plock:
     55     main: Main.hs
     56     source-dirs: exe/plock
     57     ghc-options: "-threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N"
     58     dependencies:
     59       - plunder
     60       - bytestring
     62   plunder:
     63     main: Main.hs
     64     source-dirs: exe/plunder
     65     ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts "-with-rtsopts=-N -Iw60"
     66     dependencies:
     67       - plunder
     69   localhost-router:
     70     main: Main.hs
     71     source-dirs: exe/localhost-router
     72     ghc-options: "-threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N"
     73     dependencies:
     74       - plunder
     75       - network
     76       - network-run
     78   localhost-client:
     79     main: Main.hs
     80     source-dirs: exe/localhost-client
     81     ghc-options: "-threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N"
     82     dependencies:
     83       - plunder
     84       - network
     85       - network-run
     87   port:
     88     main: Main.hs
     89     source-dirs: exe/port
     90     ghc-options: "-threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N"
     91     other-modules:
     92       - Cat
     93       - Common
     94       - Proxy
     95     dependencies:
     96       - plunder
     97       - conduit-extra
     98       - network
     99       - network-run
    101 tests:
    102   server-tests:
    103     source-dirs: exe/server-tests
    104     main: Main.hs
    105     ghc-options: "-threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N"
    106     dependencies:
    107       - base
    108       - plunder
    110   seed-tests:
    111     source-dirs: exe/seed-tests
    112     main: Main.hs
    113     ghc-options: "-threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N"
    114     dependencies:
    115       - base
    116       - plunder
    118   sorted-tests:
    119     source-dirs: exe/sorted-tests
    120     main: Main.hs
    121     ghc-options: "-threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N"
    122     dependencies:
    123       - base
    124       - plunder
    126   nat-tests:
    127     source-dirs: exe/nat-tests
    128     main: Main.hs
    129     ghc-options: "-threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N"
    130     dependencies:
    131       - base
    132       - bytestring
    133       - plunder
    134       - QuickCheck
    135       - text
    136       - vector
    138   rex-tests:
    139     source-dirs: exe/rex-tests
    140     main: Main.hs
    141     dependencies:
    142       - plunder
    144   loot-tests:
    145     source-dirs: exe/loot-tests
    146     main: Main.hs
    147     dependencies:
    148       - plunder
    150   sire-tests:
    151     source-dirs: exe/sire-tests
    152     main: Main.hs
    153     dependencies:
    154       - plunder
    156 benchmarks:
    157   nat-bench:
    158     source-dirs: exe/nat-bench
    159     main: Main.hs
    160     ghc-options: "-threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N"
    161     dependencies:
    162       - plunder
    164   sorted-bench:
    165     source-dirs: exe/sorted-bench
    166     main: Main.hs
    167     ghc-options: "-threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N"
    168     dependencies:
    169       - plunder
    172 dependencies:
    173 - aeson
    174 - async
    175 - base
    176 - base16-bytestring
    177 - base58-bytestring
    178 - binary
    179 - bytestring
    180 - bytestring-mmap
    181 - case-insensitive
    182 - classy-prelude
    183 - conduit
    184 - containers
    185 - criterion
    186 - deepseq
    187 - deque
    188 - directory
    189 - ed25519
    190 - entropy
    191 - exceptions
    192 - filepath
    193 - focus
    194 - ghc-bignum
    195 - ghc-prim
    196 - hashable
    197 - hashtables
    198 - heap
    199 - http-client
    200 - http-types
    201 - integer-gmp
    202 - kazura-queue
    203 - largeword
    204 - lmdb
    205 - memory
    206 - mono-traversable
    207 - mtl
    208 - network
    209 - network-run
    210 - optics
    211 - optparse-applicative
    212 - parallel
    213 - pretty-show
    214 - primitive
    215 - process
    216 - QuickCheck
    217 - random
    218 - random-shuffle
    219 - resourcet
    220 - serialise
    221 - servant
    222 - servant-client
    223 - servant-server
    224 - stm
    225 - stm-chans
    226 - stm-containers
    227 - stm-delay
    228 - tasty
    229 - tasty-golden
    230 - tasty-quickcheck
    231 - terminal-size
    232 - text
    233 - text-builder
    234 - time
    235 - transformers
    236 - unboxed-ref
    237 - unix
    238 - unix-time
    239 - unliftio
    240 - unordered-containers
    241 - utf8-string
    242 - vector
    243 - vector-algorithms
    244 - wai
    245 - wai-app-static
    246 - wai-websockets
    247 - warp
    248 - websockets
    250 default-extensions:
    251 - ApplicativeDo
    252 - BangPatterns
    253 - BlockArguments
    254 - ConstraintKinds
    255 - DataKinds
    256 - DefaultSignatures
    257 - DeriveAnyClass
    258 - DeriveDataTypeable
    259 - DeriveFoldable
    260 - DeriveGeneric
    261 - DeriveTraversable
    262 - DerivingStrategies
    263 - DuplicateRecordFields
    264 - EmptyCase
    265 - EmptyDataDecls
    266 - FlexibleContexts
    267 - FlexibleInstances
    268 - FunctionalDependencies
    269 - GADTs
    270 - GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
    271 - ImplicitParams
    272 - LambdaCase
    273 - MagicHash
    274 - MultiParamTypeClasses
    275 - MultiWayIf
    276 - NamedFieldPuns
    277 - NoImplicitPrelude
    278 - NumericUnderscores
    279 - OverloadedLabels
    280 - OverloadedRecordDot
    281 - OverloadedStrings
    282 - PartialTypeSignatures
    283 - PatternSynonyms
    284 - QuasiQuotes
    285 - Rank2Types
    286 - RankNTypes
    287 - RecordWildCards
    288 - RecursiveDo
    289 - ScopedTypeVariables
    290 - StandaloneDeriving
    291 - TemplateHaskell
    292 - TupleSections
    293 - TypeApplications
    294 - TypeFamilies
    295 - TypeOperators
    296 - UndecidableInstances
    297 - UnicodeSyntax
    298 - ViewPatterns