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Sire.hs (44502B)

      1 -- Copyright 2023 The Plunder Authors
      2 -- Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 -- found in the LICENSE file.
      5 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall   #-}
      6 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Werror #-}
      8 module Sire (main, loadFile, planRexFull) where
     10 import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict hiding (get, put, modify')
     11 import Control.Monad.State.Class
     13 import Data.Sorted
     14 import PlunderPrelude        hiding (hGetContents)
     15 import Sire.Types
     16 import System.FilePath.Posix
     18 import Data.Text.IO          (hPutStrLn)
     19 import Fan                   (Fan(COw, NAT, NAT, ROW, TAb), (%%))
     20 import Fan.Convert           (FromNoun(fromNoun), ToNoun(toNoun))
     21 import Fan.FFI               (c_jet_blake3)
     22 import Fan.Seed              (LoadErr(..), loadPod, savePod)
     23 import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (allocaBytes)
     24 import Foreign.Ptr           (castPtr)
     25 import Loot.Backend          (loadClosure, loadShallow)
     26 import Loot.ReplExe          (closureRex, dieFan, showFan, trkFan, trkRex, rexToPex)
     27 import Loot.Syntax           (boxRex, keyBox)
     28 import Rex                   (GRex, rexLine)
     29 import Rex.Print             (RexColor, RexColorScheme(NoColors))
     30 import Sire.Backend          (eval, hasRefTo)
     31 import System.Directory      (doesFileExist)
     32 import System.IO             (hGetContents)
     33 import System.Exit           (exitWith, ExitCode(ExitFailure,ExitSuccess))
     35 import Fan.PlanRex (PlanRex(..), Pex, nounPex, pexNoun)
     36 import Fan.PlanRex (pattern EMBD, pattern EVIL, pattern LEAF, pattern NODE)
     37 import Fan.PlanRex (pattern WORD, pattern TEXT)
     38 import Fan.PlanRex (pattern OPEN, pattern PREF, pattern SHUT, pattern INFX)
     40 import qualified Data.ByteString        as BS
     41 import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as BS
     42 import qualified Data.Char              as C
     43 import qualified Data.List              as L
     44 import qualified Data.Set               as S
     45 import qualified Data.Text              as T
     46 import qualified Fan                    as F
     47 import qualified Fan.Prof               as Prof
     48 import qualified Rex                    as Rx
     49 import qualified Rex.Policy             as Rex
     50 import qualified Rex.Mechanism          as Rex
     53 -- Local Types -----------------------------------------------------------------
     55 type Any = Fan
     56 type Str = Nat
     57 type Rex = GRex Any
     59 newtype Repl a = REPL (StateT Any IO a)
     60   deriving newtype (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO, MonadState Fan)
     62 data Context = CONTEXT
     63     { file :: !Text
     64     , line :: !Int
     65     , rex  :: !Pex
     66     }
     67   deriving (Eq, Ord)
     70 type InCtx = (?ctx :: Context)
     73 ---------------
     74 -- Functions --
     75 ---------------
     77 mkState :: Any -> Any -> Any -> Any -> Any
     78 mkState nex ctxVal scope modules =
     79     ROW (arrayFromListN 4 [nex, ctxVal, scope, modules])
     81 initialSireStateAny :: Any
     82 initialSireStateAny = mkState 1 0 (TAb mempty) (TAb mempty)
     84 runRepl :: Repl a -> Any -> Any
     85 runRepl (REPL act) ini = unsafePerformIO (execStateT act ini)
     88 -- Loading States --------------------------------------------------------------
     90 -- This lazily loads a state object and crashes if something isn't
     91 -- as expected.  This is intended only for doing queries on specific
     92 -- components of the state, doing a full load in this way is very
     93 -- expensive.
     95 getRow :: Any -> Maybe (Array Any)
     96 getRow (ROW x) = Just x
     97 getRow _       = Nothing
     99 getLam :: Any -> Lam
    100 getLam record =
    101     fromMaybe (error badRec) $ do
    102         params <- getRow record
    103         case toList params of
    104             [p,m,r,t,a,b] -> Just
    105                 let
    106                     !pin  = getBit p "pinned"
    107                     !mark = getBit m "inline"
    108                     !body = getSyr b
    109                     !recr = getBit r "is recurisve"
    110                     !tag  = getNat t "lambda tag"
    111                     !args = getNat a "lambda args"
    112                 in
    113                     LAM{pin,mark,body,args,tag,recr}
    114             _ -> Nothing
    115   where
    116     badRec = "bad Lambda Record:\n\n" <> unpack (planText record)
    118     badBit cx txt =
    119         "bad flag when reading lambda from state: " <> cx <> " " <> txt
    121     getBit (NAT 0) _  = False
    122     getBit (NAT 1) _  = True
    123     getBit val     cx = error (badBit cx $ show val)
    125 getSyr :: Any -> Sire
    126 getSyr topVal = fromMaybe (error $ "bad Sire AST:\n\n" <> unpack (planText topVal)) do
    127     params <- getRow topVal
    128     case toList params of
    129         [NAT "V", NAT n] -> Just $ V n
    130         [NAT "G", x]     -> Just $ G (getBinding "glo" x)
    131         [NAT "K", x]     -> Just $ K x
    132         [NAT "A", f, x]  -> Just $ A (getSyr f) (getSyr x)
    133         [NAT "L", v, b]  -> Just $ L (getSyr v) (getSyr b)
    134         [NAT "R", v, b]  -> Just $ R (getBinds v) (getSyr b)
    135         [NAT "F", l]     -> Just $ F (getLam l)
    136         [NAT "M", x]     -> Just $ M (getSyr x)
    137         _                -> Nothing
    138   where
    139     getBinds :: Fan -> [Sire]
    140     getBinds (ROW bs) = toList (getSyr <$> bs)
    141     getBinds _        = error "let binder seq is not a row"
    143 getPin :: Any -> Maybe Any
    144 getPin (F.PIN p) = Just p.item
    145 getPin _         = Nothing
    147 getBinding :: String -> Any -> Bind
    148 getBinding _ctx bindPin = fromMaybe badBinding $ do
    149     -- case bindPin of
    150         -- F.PIN _ -> traceM ("getBinding " ++ ctx ++ " (PIN)")
    151         -- _       -> traceM ("getBinding " ++ ctx ++ " (not a pin!)")
    152     pin <- getPin bindPin
    153     -- case pin of
    154         -- ROW r -> traceM $ "getBinding " <> ctx <> " (ROW): length=" <> show (length r)
    155         -- _     -> traceM $ "getBinding " <> ctx <> " (not a row!)"
    156     row <- getRow pin
    158     guard (length row == 6)
    160     let datum = BIND_DATA
    161              { key      = getNat (row!0) "binding key"
    162              , value    = row!1
    163              , code     = getSyr (row!2)
    164              , location = row!3
    165              , name     = row!4
    166              , props    = row!5
    167              }
    169     pure (BIND datum bindPin)
    170   where
    171     bindContents = case bindPin of F.PIN x -> x.item; _ -> "MALFORMED"
    172     badBinding = error ( "Malformed binding:\n"
    173                       <> unpack (planText bindPin) <> "\n"
    174                       <> unpack (planText bindContents)
    175                        )
    177 getNat :: Any -> String -> Nat
    178 getNat (NAT n) _   = n
    179 getNat _       msg = error msg
    181 getTable :: String -> String -> (Fan -> v) -> Fan -> Tab Any v
    182 getTable field ctx getVal = \case
    183     TAb vals -> map getVal vals
    184     _        -> error ("invalid `" <> field <> "` field in " <> ctx)
    187 getScope :: Any -> Tab Any Bind
    188 getScope = getTable "scope" "state" (getBinding "scope")
    190 getState :: Any -> SireState
    191 getState stAny = fromMaybe badState $ do
    192     let (nexVal, ctxVal, scopeVal, modVal) = getStateFields stAny
    194     pure $ SIRE_STATE
    195         { nextKey  = getNat nexVal "invalid `nextKey` field in state"
    196         , context  = getNat ctxVal "invalid `context` field in state"
    197         , scope    = getScope scopeVal
    198         , modules  = getModules modVal
    199         }
    200   where
    201     badState = error "Malformed sire state"
    203     getModules :: Any -> Tab Any (Tab Any Bind)
    204     getModules = getTable "modules" "state" (getPinned "module" getScope)
    206 getPinned :: Text -> (Any -> a) -> (Any -> a)
    207 getPinned location getItem = \case
    208     F.PIN p -> getItem p.item
    209     _       -> error ("Expected a pin when loading: " <> unpack location)
    212 lookupVal :: Text -> Any -> Maybe Any
    213 lookupVal str stAny = do
    214     bind <- lookup  (NAT $ utf8Nat str)(getState stAny).scope
    215     pure
    218 -- Modifying States ------------------------------------------------------------
    220 -- The cache saves states that have been finalized (and switched into
    221 -- the REPL module).  This saves space because it moves the "current
    222 -- context" into a pin, which will be shared by all ofther modules
    223 -- (instead of having it pinned in later modules, but unpinned in
    224 -- the state)
    225 --
    226 -- However, this is a hack, so we have to undo that hack in order to
    227 -- reconstruct the desired state.
    228 revertSwitchToRepl :: Text -> Any -> Any
    229 revertSwitchToRepl modu oldSt =
    230     mkState nex ctxVal scope newModules
    231   where
    232     ctxVal = NAT (utf8Nat modu)
    234     (nex, _, _, oldModVal) = getStateFields oldSt
    236     oldModTab = getTable "recover" "modules" id oldModVal
    238     newModules = TAb (tabDelete ctxVal oldModTab)
    240     oldScopeVal =
    241         fromMaybe (error "missing old scope in recovery") $
    242             lookup ctxVal oldModTab
    244     scope = fromMaybe (error "module is not a pin (in revert)")
    245           $ getPin oldScopeVal
    247 {-
    248     Because we are constantly threading the sire state through macro,
    249     we can't keep it around in a type-safe representation.
    251     Fortunately, the number of state-update operations that are needed
    252     in Sire itself is quite small.
    254     This implements all of the state transitions, see ``
    255     for details.
    256 -}
    258 switchToContext :: Str -> Any -> Any
    259 switchToContext newCtx oldSt =
    260     force (mkState nextKey (NAT newCtx) (TAb mempty) newModules)
    261   where
    262     (nextKey, oldCtxVal, oldScope, oldModVal) = getStateFields oldSt
    264     oldContext = getNat oldCtxVal "invalid `contenxt` field in state"
    266     oldModules = case oldModVal of
    267         TAb t -> t
    268         _     -> error "`modules` table is not a tab"
    270     newModules =
    271         if (oldContext == 0) then
    272             TAb oldModules
    273         else
    274             TAb (insertMap (NAT oldContext) (F.mkPin oldScope) oldModules)
    277 getStateFields :: Any -> (Any, Any, Any, Any)
    278 getStateFields = \case
    279     ROW v | length v == 4 ->
    280         (v!0, v!1, v!2, v!3)
    281     ROW _ ->
    282         error "Invalid state object: row does not have four fields"
    283     _ ->
    284         error "Invalid state object: not a row"
    287 filterScope :: InCtx => Set Str -> Any -> Any
    288 filterScope whitelist st =
    289     if not (null bogus)
    290     then parseFail_ (WORD "logic error" Nothing) st
    291            ("filter for non-existing keys: " <> intercalate ", " bogus)
    292     else mkState nextKey context (TAb newScope) modules
    293   where
    294     (nextKey, context, scopeVal, modules) = getStateFields st
    296     oldScope = case scopeVal of
    297                    TAb t -> t
    298                    _     -> error "state.scope is not a TAb"
    300     filt (NAT k) _ = (k `member` whitelist)
    301     filt _       _ = error "non-nat key in scope"
    303     newScope :: Tab Any Any
    304     !newScope = tabFilterWithKey filt oldScope
    306     bogus :: [Text]
    307     bogus = fmap showKey
    308           $ filter (not . (`member` oldScope) . NAT) $ toList whitelist
    310 importModule :: InCtx => Pex -> Str -> Maybe (Set Str) -> Any -> Any
    311 importModule blockRex modu mWhitelist stVal =
    312     mkState nextKey context (TAb newScope) modulesVal
    313   where
    314     moduleBinds :: Tab Any Any
    315     moduleBinds = either (parseFail_ blockRex stVal) id do
    316         modules <-
    317             case modulesVal of
    318                 TAb tab -> Right tab
    319                 _       -> Left "state.modules is not a tab"
    321         case lookup (NAT modu) modules of
    322             Just (F.PIN F.P{item = TAb t}) -> pure t
    323             Just{}                         -> Left nonPin
    324             Nothing                        -> Left (notLoaded modu)
    326     nonPin :: Text
    327     nonPin = "module is not a pin"
    329     notLoaded :: Nat -> Text
    330     notLoaded m = "Module not loaded: " <> showKey m
    332     newBinds :: Tab Any Any
    333     newBinds =
    334         case mWhitelist of
    335             Nothing -> moduleBinds
    336             Just ws ->
    337                 case filter (not . isInModule) (toList ws) of
    338                     [] -> tabFilterWithKey isInWhitelist moduleBinds
    339                     ss -> parseFail_ blockRex stVal
    340                               $ (<>) "imported symbols do not exist: "
    341                                      (tshow $ fmap showKey ss)
    342               where
    343                 isInModule n = NAT n `member` moduleBinds
    345                 isInWhitelist (NAT n) _ = (n `member` ws)
    346                 isInWhitelist _       _ = False
    348     newScope :: Tab Any Any
    349     !newScope = case scopeVal of
    350                    TAb sco -> tabUnion newBinds sco -- left biased
    351                    _       -> error "state.scope is not a tab"
    353     (nextKey, context, scopeVal, modulesVal) = getStateFields stVal
    355 {-
    356     If both maps contain properties for the same binding key, the two
    357     property-sets are merged.  If two property sets for the same key
    358     contain the same property, the ones from `x` are chosen.
    359 mergeProps
    360     :: Tab Any (Tab Any Any)
    361     -> Tab Any (Tab Any Any)
    362     -> Tab Any (Tab Any Any)
    363 mergeProps x y = tabUnionWith tabUnion x y
    364 -}
    366 insertBinding
    367     :: InCtx
    368     => Pex
    369     -> (Nat, Fan, Str, Any, Sire)
    370     -> Any
    371     -> Any
    372 insertBinding rx (key, bindProps, name, val, code) stVal =
    373     let
    374         (nextKeyAny, context, oldScope, modules) =
    375             getStateFields stVal
    376         !nextKey =
    377             case nextKeyAny of
    378                 NAT n -> n
    379                 _     -> parseFail_ rx stVal
    380                              "next-key slot in state is not a nat"
    381     in if key == 0 then
    382            -- If the binding key is not explicitly set, generate a new key
    383            -- and use that.
    384            insertBinding rx (nextKey, bindProps, name, val, code) $
    385                mkState (NAT (nextKey+1)) context oldScope modules
    386     else let
    387         binding = mkNewBind $ BIND_DATA
    388             { key      = key
    389             , value    = val
    390             , code     = code
    391             , location = context
    392             , name     = NAT name
    393             , props    = bindProps
    394             }
    395         scope = case oldScope of
    396                     TAb t -> TAb (insertMap (NAT name) binding.noun t)
    397                     _     -> error "state.scope slot is not a tab"
    398     in
    399         mkState (NAT nextKey) context scope modules
    401 expand :: InCtx => Any -> Pex -> Repl Pex
    402 expand macro input = do
    403     st <- get
    404     case (macro %% st %% input.n %% onErr %% okOk) of
    405         x@(ROW ro) ->
    406             case toList ro of
    407                 [NAT msg, rex, NAT 0]   -> macroError (nounPex rex) msg
    408                 [expo, newState, NAT 1] -> put newState $> nounPex expo
    409                 [_, _, NAT _]           -> badExpo x "bad rex"
    410                 [_, _, _]               -> badExpo x "bad tag"
    411                 _                       -> badExpo x "not arity = 3"
    412         x                               -> badExpo x "not row"
    413   where
    414     onErr = COw 3 %% NAT 0
    415     okOk  = COw 3 %% NAT 1
    417     badExpo x why = parseFail input
    418                   $ (<>) ("Invalid macro expansion result(" <> why <> ")\n")
    419                          (planText x)
    421 execute :: InCtx => Pex -> Repl ()
    422 execute rex = do
    423     stVal <- get
    424     case rex of
    425         NODE _ rune _ _ -> case (lookupVal rune stVal, rune) of
    426             ( Just mac, _      ) -> expand mac rex >>= execute
    427             ( _,        "#="   ) -> doDefine rune rex
    428             ( _,        "="    ) -> doDefine rune rex
    429             ( _,        "#*"   ) -> multiCmd rex
    430             ( _,        "*"    ) -> multiCmd rex
    431             ( _,        "####" ) -> doEnter rex
    432             ( _,        "^-^"  ) -> doFilter rune mempty (Just rex)
    433             ( _,        "#^-^" ) -> doFilter rune mempty (Just rex)
    434             ( _,        "=?="  ) -> doAssert rune rex
    435             ( _,        "#=?=" ) -> doAssert rune rex
    436             ( _,        "#:|"  ) -> doImport rex rune (Just rex)
    437             ( _,        ":|"   ) -> doImport rex rune (Just rex)
    438             _ | expRune rune     -> execExpr rex
    439             _                    -> parseFail rex ("Unbound rune: " <> rune)
    441         _ -> execExpr rex
    443 getIndicatedModule :: String -> IO Text
    444 getIndicatedModule pax = do
    445     let (dir, fil) = splitFileName pax
    446     unless (dir `elem` okDirs) invalid
    447     case splitExtensions fil of
    448         (modu, ".sire") -> pure (pack modu)
    449         (modu, "")      -> pure (pack modu)
    450         _               -> invalid
    451   where
    453     okDirs :: [String]
    454     okDirs = [ "", "./", "sire/", "./sire/" ]
    456     invalid :: a
    457     invalid = error ("Not a sire module: " <> pax)
    459 {-
    460     TODO: Caching
    461 -}
    462 main :: RexColor => [String] -> IO ExitCode
    463 main moduleIndicators = do
    465   modules <- traverse getIndicatedModule moduleIndicators
    467   writeIORef F.vShowFan  showFan
    468   writeIORef F.vTrkFan   trkFan
    469   writeIORef F.vTrkRex   trkRex
    470   writeIORef F.vJetMatch (F.jetMatch)
    472   let onCrash (F.PRIMOP_CRASH op arg) = do
    473           dieFan op arg
    474           pure (ExitFailure 2)
    476   handle onCrash $
    477     Prof.withProcessName "Sire" $
    478     Prof.withThreadName "Sire" do
    479     let go preloads modu = do
    480             (ss, _hax) <- withCache \cache -> do
    481                               for_ preloads \pre -> do
    482                                   doFile cache pre initialSireStateAny
    483                               doFile cache modu initialSireStateAny
    484             repl ss (Just modu)
    486     case reverse modules of
    487         []   -> repl initialSireStateAny Nothing
    488         m:ms -> go (reverse ms) m
    490     pure ExitSuccess
    492 -- TODO Take file lock.
    493 withCache :: (IORef (Tab Any Any) -> IO a) -> IO a
    494 withCache act =
    495     bracket acquire release \(_, vCache) ->
    496         act vCache
    497   where
    498     fil = "./sire.cache"
    500     acquire :: IO (Tab Any Any, IORef (Tab Any Any))
    501     acquire = do
    502         ex <- doesFileExist fil
    503         c1 <- if not ex then
    504                   pure mempty
    505               else do
    506                   byt <- Prof.withSimpleTracingEvent "read" "cache" $ readFile fil
    507                   pak <- Prof.withSimpleTracingEvent "load" "cache" $ loadPod byt
    508                   pure case pak of
    509                       Left (err :: LoadErr) ->
    510                           seq (error ("bad cache: " <> show err)) mempty
    511                       Right pin            ->
    512                           case pin.item of
    513                               TAb t -> trace "loaded and hash matches" t
    514                               _     -> error "bad cache pin"
    516         vCache <- newIORef c1
    517         pure (c1, vCache)
    519     release (c1, vCache) = do
    520         c2 <- readIORef vCache
    522         unless (c1 == c2) do
    523             p <- F.mkPin' (TAb c2)
    524             hPutStrLn stderr $ tshow ("cache hash":: Text, p.hash)
    525             eByt <- Prof.withSimpleTracingEvent "save"  "cache" $ try $ savePod p
    526             case eByt of
    527                Left (POD_INTEGRITY_CHECK_FAILED hax p2) -> do
    528                    trkRexM (planRexFull $ toNoun p)
    529                    trkRexM (planRexFull $ toNoun hax)
    530                    trkRexM (planRexFull $ toNoun p2)
    531                Left (e :: LoadErr) -> do
    532                    trkRexM (planRexFull $ toNoun e)
    533                    pure ()
    534                Right byt -> do
    535                    ()  <- Prof.withSimpleTracingEvent "write" "cache" $
    536                               writeFile fil byt
    537                    pure ()
    539 loadFile :: RexColor => FilePath -> IO Any
    540 loadFile moduleIndicator = do
    541     writeIORef F.vShowFan  showFan
    542     writeIORef F.vTrkFan   trkFan
    543     writeIORef F.vTrkRex   trkRex
    544     writeIORef F.vJetMatch (F.jetMatch)
    546     modu <- getIndicatedModule moduleIndicator
    548     (ss, _hax) <- withCache \cache ->
    549                       doFile cache modu initialSireStateAny
    550     let scope = (getState ss).scope
    551     case lookup "main" scope of
    552         Nothing -> error "No `main` defined in this file"
    553         Just vl -> pure
    555 readRexStream :: FilePath -> Handle -> IO [Either Text (Int, Rex)]
    556 readRexStream pax = fmap (blox pax . fmap (encodeUtf8 . pack) . lines) . hGetContents
    558 -- This just converts the `blockStep` state machine into a streaming
    559 -- function and crashes on error.
    560 blox :: FilePath -> [ByteString] -> [Either Text (Int, Rex)]
    561 blox pax = go (Rex.blockState pax)
    562   where
    563     foo :: [Rex.Block] -> [Either Text (Int, Rex)]
    564     foo = (bar <$>)
    566     bar :: Rex.Block -> Either Text (Int, Rex)
    567     bar blk =
    568         case blk.errors of
    569             e:_ -> Left e
    570             []  -> Right (blk.lineNum, absurd <$> blk.rex)
    572     go :: Rex.BlockState -> [ByteString] -> [Either Text (Int, Rex)]
    573     go st []     = foo $ snd $ Rex.rexStep st Nothing
    574     go st (b:bs) = let (st2, out) = Rex.rexStep st (Just b)
    575                    in foo out <> go st2 bs
    577 inContext :: Text -> Int -> Pex -> (InCtx => IO a) -> IO a
    578 inContext file line rex act =
    579     let ?ctx = CONTEXT{rex, line, file}
    580     in try act >>= \case
    581            Right x -> pure x
    582            Left (F.PRIMOP_CRASH op arg) ->
    583                parseFail_ rex ss (planText $ toNoun (op, arg))
    584                  where ss = initialSireStateAny
    586 runSire :: Text -> Bool -> Any -> [Either Text (Int, Pex)] -> IO Any
    587 runSire file inRepl s1 = \case
    588     []                -> pure s1
    589     Left msg : rs -> do
    590         hPutStrLn stderr "\n"
    591         hPutStrLn stderr msg
    592         hPutStrLn stderr "\n"
    593         if inRepl
    594         then runSire file inRepl s1 rs
    595         else exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
    597     Right (ln,r) : rs -> do
    598         !es2 <- try $ inContext file ln r
    599                     $ evaluate
    600                     $ runRepl (execute r) (toNoun s1)
    601         case es2 of
    602             Right s2 -> runSire file inRepl s2 rs
    603             Left pc  -> do
    604                 unless inRepl do throwIO (pc :: F.PrimopCrash)
    605                 trkM $ F.ROW $ arrayFromListN 3
    606                              $ ["crash", F.NAT pc.errCode, pc.errVal]
    607                 runSire file inRepl s1 rs
    609 doFile :: IORef (Tab Any Any) -> Text -> Any -> IO (Any, ByteString)
    610 doFile vCache modu s1 = do
    611     let file = modu <> ".sire"
    612     let pax  = "./sire" </> unpack file
    614     fileBytes <- readFile pax
    616     topRexes <- openFile pax ReadMode >>= readRexStream pax
    618     c1 <- readIORef vCache
    620     let moduNoun = NAT (utf8Nat modu)
    622     case fmap (over _2 rexToPex) <$> topRexes of
    624         [] -> do
    625             let msg  = "Module declarations are required, but this file is empty"
    626             let rex  = TEXT "" Nothing
    627             inContext file 0 rex $ parseFail_ rex s1 msg
    629         -- No <- part means this is the starting point.
    630         rexes@(Right (_ln, NODE _ "####" [_] Nothing) : _) -> do
    631           Prof.withSimpleTracingEvent (encodeUtf8 modu) "Sire" do
    632             -- Massive slow hack, stream two inputs separately.
    633             -- (C interface does not currently support this)
    634             let predHash    = BS.replicate (32::Int) (0::Word8) :: ByteString
    635             let bytesToHash = predHash <> fileBytes
    637             hax <- allocaBytes 32 \outbuf ->
    638                    BS.unsafeUseAsCStringLen bytesToHash \(byt, wid) -> do
    639                        c_jet_blake3 (castPtr outbuf) (fromIntegral wid) (castPtr byt)
    640                        res <- BS.packCStringLen (outbuf, 32)
    641                        pure res
    643             let mCached = do
    644                     entry          <- lookup moduNoun c1
    645                     (cacheKey, st) <- fromNoun entry
    646                     guard (cacheKey == hax)
    647                     pure st
    649             case mCached of
    650                 Just s2 -> do
    651                     let s3 = revertSwitchToRepl modu s2
    652                     hPutStrLn stderr $ tshow (modu, "LOADED FROM CACHE!"::Text)
    653                     pure (s3, hax)
    655                 Nothing -> do
    656                     s2 <- runSire file False s1 rexes
    657                     let sEnt = switchToContext "REPL" s2
    658                     let ent  = ROW $ arrayFromListN 2 [toNoun hax, sEnt]
    659                     modifyIORef vCache (insertMap (toNoun modu) ent)
    660                     pure (s2, hax)
    662         -- There is something before this in the load sequence.
    663         -- Load that first.
    664         rexes@(Right (_ln, NODE _ "####" [_, NODE _ "<-" [prior] Nothing] Nothing) : _) -> do
    665             case tryReadKey prior of
    666                 Nothing -> terror ("Bad module name: " <> pexText prior)
    667                 Just nm -> do
    668                   (s2, predHash) <- doFile vCache (natUtf8Exn nm) s1
    669                   Prof.withSimpleTracingEvent (encodeUtf8 modu) "Sire" do
    671                     -- Massive slow hack, stream two inputs separately.
    672                     -- (C interface does not currently support this)
    673                     let bytesToHash = predHash <> fileBytes
    675                     hax <- allocaBytes 32 \outbuf ->
    676                            BS.unsafeUseAsCStringLen bytesToHash \(byt, wid) -> do
    677                                c_jet_blake3 (castPtr outbuf) (fromIntegral wid) (castPtr byt)
    678                                res <- BS.packCStringLen (outbuf, 32)
    679                                pure res
    681                     cacheNow <- readIORef vCache
    682                     let mCached = do
    683                             entry          <- lookup moduNoun cacheNow
    684                             (cacheKey, st) <- fromNoun entry
    685                             guard (cacheKey == hax)
    686                             pure st
    688                     case mCached of
    689                         Just s3 -> do
    690                             let s4 = revertSwitchToRepl modu s3
    691                             hPutStrLn stderr $ tshow (modu, "LOADED FROM CACHE!"::Text)
    692                             pure (s4, hax)
    694                         Nothing -> do
    695                             s3 <- runSire file False s2 rexes
    696                             let sEnt = switchToContext "REPL" s3
    697                             let ent = ROW $ arrayFromListN 2 [toNoun hax, sEnt]
    698                             modifyIORef' vCache $ insertMap (toNoun modu) ent
    699                             pure (s3, hax)
    701         Right (ln, rex@(NODE _ "####" _ _)) : _ ->
    702             inContext file ln rex
    703                 $ parseFail_ rex s1 "Bad module declaration statement"
    705         Right (ln, rex) : _ ->
    706             inContext file ln rex
    707                 $ parseFail_ rex s1 "All files must start with module declaration"
    709         Left msg : _ -> do
    710             hPutStrLn stderr "\n"
    711             hPutStrLn stderr msg
    712             hPutStrLn stderr "\n"
    713             error "TODO: Include the parsed results as well as the error"
    714             -- Each error result should also include the processed result!
    715             -- inContext file ln rex
    716                 -- $ parseFail_ rex s1 "All files must start with module declaration"
    719 repl :: Any -> Maybe Text -> IO ()
    720 repl s1 mImport = do
    722     trkM $ toNoun @Text $ unlines
    723         [ ""
    724         , "==== Sire REPL ===="
    725         , ""
    726         , "Since input is multi-line, there is currently no input-prompt."
    727         , "Just type away!"
    728         ]
    730     let s2 = switchToContext "REPL" s1
    732     -- Pre-load the module listed at the command line.
    733     s3 <- case mImport of
    734               Nothing -> pure s2
    735               Just ng -> do
    736                   let importRex = OPEN ":|" [WORD ng Nothing] Nothing
    737                   inContext "REPL" 0 importRex do
    738                       evaluate $ importModule importRex (utf8Nat ng) Nothing s2
    740     rexes <- readRexStream "REPL" stdin
    741     _     <- runSire "REPL" True s3 (fmap (over _2 rexToPex) <$> rexes)
    742     pure ()
    744 doAssert :: InCtx => Text -> Pex -> Repl ()
    745 doAssert ryn rx = do
    746     case rx of
    748         NODE s r ss (Just heir@(NODE _ sr _ _)) | ryn==sr -> do
    749             doAssert ryn (NODE s r ss Nothing)
    750             doAssert ryn heir
    752         rex@(NODE _ _ sons mHeir) -> do
    753             trkM (pexNoun rex)
    754             case sons <> toList mHeir of
    755                 [xRex, yRex] -> do
    756                     xExp <- readExpr [] xRex
    757                     yExp <- readExpr [] yRex
    758                     execAssert (xRex,xExp) (yRex,yExp)
    759                 _ -> do
    760                     parseFail rex (ryn <> " expects two parameters")
    761         _ ->
    762             error "impossible"
    765 doImport :: InCtx => Pex -> Text -> Maybe (Pex) -> Repl ()
    766 doImport blockRex run = \case
    768     Nothing -> do
    769         pure ()
    771     Just (NODE _ r [moduleRex] h) | run==r -> do
    772         modu <- readKey moduleRex
    773         modify' (importModule blockRex modu Nothing)
    774         doImport blockRex run h
    776     Just (NODE _ r [moduleRex, (NODE _ "," symbols Nothing)] h) | run==r -> do
    777         modu <- readKey moduleRex
    778         syms <- traverse readKey symbols
    779         modify' (importModule blockRex modu (Just $ setFromList syms))
    780         doImport blockRex run h
    782     Just rex -> do
    783         parseFail rex "Bad import syntax"
    786 doFilter :: InCtx => Text -> Set Nat -> Maybe (Pex) -> Repl ()
    787 doFilter ryn acc = \case
    789     Nothing ->
    790         modify' (filterScope acc)
    792     Just node@(NODE _ rone sons heir) | ryn==rone -> do
    793         moreKeys <- setFromList <$> traverse readKey sons
    794         let overlap = S.intersection acc moreKeys
    795         unless (null overlap || True) do
    796             parseFail node ("duplicate symols: " <> tshow overlap)
    797         doFilter ryn (S.union acc moreKeys) heir
    799     Just wut -> do
    800         parseFail wut "Bad export-filter syntax"
    803 multiCmd :: InCtx => Pex -> Repl ()
    804 multiCmd (NODE _ _ sons mHeir) = traverse_ execute (sons <> toList mHeir)
    805 multiCmd _                  = error "multiCmd: impossible"
    807 doEnter :: InCtx => Pex -> Repl ()
    808 doEnter topRex =
    809     case topRex of
    810         NODE _ _ sons mHeir -> proc (sons <> toList mHeir)
    811         _                -> error "multiCmd: impossible"
    812   where
    813     expect = "Expected something like (#### foo) or (#### foo <- bar)"
    815     proc = \case
    816         [enter, NODE _ "<-" [from] Nothing] -> do
    817             target    <- readKey enter
    818             wasJustAt <- readKey from
    819             ss <- getState <$> get
    820             when (ss.context /= wasJustAt) do
    821                 parseFail topRex "That's not where we were"
    822             s8 <- get
    823             let !s9 = switchToContext target s8
    824             put s9
    826         [enter] -> do
    827             target <- readKey enter
    828             ss <- getState <$> get
    829             unless (ss.context == 0 && null ss.scope) $
    830                 parseFail topRex $
    831                 "#### without predecessor, but not in initial state"
    832             modify' (switchToContext target)
    834         _ -> do
    835             parseFail topRex expect
    837 expRune :: Text -> Bool
    838 expRune = (`member` set)
    839   where
    840     set :: Set Text
    841     set = setFromList
    842         [ "|", "#|", "-", "#-", "**", "#**", "@", "#@", "@@", "#@@"
    843         , "^", "#^", "&", "#&", "?", "#?", "??", "#??", ".",  "#."
    844         ]
    846 readExpr :: InCtx => [Maybe Nat] -> Pex -> Repl Sire
    847 readExpr e rex = do
    848     case rex of
    849         LEAF{}          -> readPrimExpr e rex
    850         EMBD{}          -> readPrimExpr e rex
    851         EVIL{}          -> readPrimExpr e rex
    852         NODE _ ryn _ _  -> do
    853             stVal <- get
    854             case lookupVal ryn stVal of
    855                 Just macVal -> expand macVal rex >>= readExpr e
    856                 Nothing     -> readPrimExpr e rex
    858 readMultiLine :: InCtx => [Text] -> Maybe Pex -> Repl Sire
    859 readMultiLine acc = \case
    860     Nothing -> pure $ K $ NAT $ utf8Nat $ intercalate "\n" $ reverse acc
    861     Just h  -> case h of
    862         LEAF s t k | s==Rx.LINE -> readMultiLine (t:acc) k
    863         _                       -> parseFail h "Mis-matched node in text block"
    865 readPrimExpr :: InCtx => [Maybe Nat] -> Pex -> Repl Sire
    866 readPrimExpr e rex = case rex of
    867     EMBD v              -> pure (K v)
    868     EVIL{}              -> parseFail rex "malformed rex"
    869     LEAF Rx.LINE t k    -> readMultiLine [t] k
    870     LEAF _       _ _    -> readPrimLeaf rex e rex
    871     NODE _ r s h        -> readNode r s h
    873   where
    874     readNode :: Text -> [Pex] -> Maybe Pex -> Repl Sire
    875     readNode r s h =
    876         let ks = s <> toList h in
    877         case r of
    878             "|"   -> readApp       ks
    879             "#|"  -> readApp       ks
    880             "-"   -> readApp       ks
    881             "#-"  -> readApp       ks
    882             "**"  -> readLin       ks
    883             "#**" -> readLin       ks
    884             "@"   -> readLet       ks
    885             "#@"  -> readLet       ks
    886             "@@"  -> readLetRec    ks
    887             "#@@" -> readLetRec    ks
    888             "^"   -> readKet       ks
    889             "#^"  -> readKet       ks
    890             "&"   -> readAnonLam   ks
    891             "#&"  -> readAnonLam   ks
    892             "?"   -> readLam False ks
    893             "#?"  -> readLam False ks
    894             "??"  -> readLam True  ks
    895             "#??" -> readLam True  ks
    896             "."   -> readRefr      ks
    897             "#."  -> readRefr      ks
    898             _     -> parseFail rex ("Undefined rune: " <> r)
    900     readAnonSig :: Pex -> Repl [Nat]
    901     readAnonSig (NODE _ "|" s h) = traverse readKey (s <> toList h)
    902     readAnonSig n@(LEAF{})       = singleton <$> readKey n
    903     readAnonSig rx               = parseFail rx "Expected something like: (x y z)"
    905     readAnonLam :: [Pex] -> Repl Sire
    906     readAnonLam [sig,bod] = do
    907         argNames <- readAnonSig sig
    908         let e2   = reverse (Nothing : fmap Just argNames) <> e
    909         let args = fromIntegral (length argNames)
    910         body <- readExpr e2 bod
    911         pure $ F $ LAM{tag=0,args,body,pin=False,mark=False,recr=False}
    913     readAnonLam [tagRex, sig, bod] = do
    914         tag <- readKey tagRex
    915         argNames <- readAnonSig sig
    916         let e2   = reverse (Nothing : fmap Just argNames) <> e
    917         let args = fromIntegral (length argNames)
    918         body <- readExpr e2 bod
    919         pure $ F $ LAM{tag,args,body,pin=False,mark=False,recr=False}
    921     readAnonLam _ = parseFail rex "Expected two or three parameters"
    923     readWutSig :: Pex -> Repl (Bool, Nat, [Nat])
    924     readWutSig topRex@LEAF{} = do
    925         f <- readKey topRex
    926         pure (False, f, [])
    928     readWutSig topRex = do
    929         kids <- getBarNode topRex
    930         case kids of
    931             []     -> parseFail topRex "Expected at least one parameter"
    932             hed:xs -> do
    933                 (inline, f) <- getFuncHead hed
    934                 args        <- traverse readKey xs
    935                 pure (inline, f, args)
    936       where
    937         getFuncHead :: Pex -> Repl (Bool, Nat)
    938         getFuncHead hed@(NODE _ "**" s h) =
    939             case s <> toList h of
    940                 [x] -> (True,) <$> readKey x
    941                 _   -> parseFail hed "Expected something like **x"
    943         getFuncHead hed = (False,) <$> readKey hed
    945         getBarNode = \case
    946             NODE _ "|" s h -> pure (s <> toList h)
    947             _              -> parseFail topRex "Expecting something like: (f x y)"
    949     readLam :: Bool -> [Pex] -> Repl Sire
    950     readLam pin [sigRex, bodRex] = do
    951         (mark, f, argNames) <- readWutSig sigRex
    952         let e2   = reverse (Just <$> (f:argNames)) <> e
    953         let args = fromIntegral (length argNames)
    954         body <- readExpr e2 bodRex
    955         pure $ F $ LAM{tag=f,args,body,pin,mark,recr=(hasRefTo args body)}
    957     readLam pin [tagRex, sigRex, bodRex] = do
    958         tag                 <- readKey tagRex
    959         (mark, f, argNames) <- readWutSig sigRex
    960         let e2   = reverse (Just <$> (f:argNames)) <> e
    961         let args = fromIntegral (length argNames)
    962         body <- readExpr e2 bodRex
    963         pure $ F $ LAM{tag,args,body,pin,mark,recr=(hasRefTo args body)}
    965     readLam _ _ = parseFail rex "Expected two or three parameters"
    967     readRefr :: [Pex] -> Repl Sire
    968     readRefr [x] = do
    969         n <- readKey x
    970         resolveUnqualified rex e n
    972     readRefr [x,y] = do
    973         m <- readKey x
    974         n <- readKey y
    975         resolveQualified rex m n
    977     readRefr _ = parseFail rex "Needs one or two parameters"
    979     readKet :: [Pex] -> Repl Sire
    980     readKet xs = do
    981         when (length xs < 2) do
    982             parseFail rex "Needs at least two paramaters"
    983         v <- readExpr e (L.last xs)
    984         b <- traverse (readExpr (Just "_" : e)) (L.init xs)
    985         pure (L v $ apple_ b)
    987     readLet :: [Pex] -> Repl Sire
    988     readLet [nr, vr, br] = do
    989         n <- readKey nr
    990         v <- readExpr e vr
    991         b <- readExpr (Just n  : e) br
    992         pure (L v b)
    993     readLet _ = parseFail rex "Three paramaters are required"
    995     readLetRec :: [Pex] -> Repl Sire
    996     readLetRec [vsr, br] = do
    997         bs <- readBindSeq (Just vsr)
    998         ks <- pure (fst <$> bs)
    999         let e' = ((Just <$> ks) <> e)
   1000         vs <- traverse (readExpr e' . snd) bs
   1001         b  <- readExpr e' br
   1002         pure (R vs b)
   1003     readLetRec _ = parseFail rex "Two paramaters are required"
   1005     readBindSeq :: Maybe Pex -> Repl [(Nat, Pex)]
   1006     readBindSeq Nothing = pure []
   1007     readBindSeq (Just (NODE _ "=" [kr,br] h)) = do
   1008         k <- readKey kr
   1009         ((k,br):) <$> readBindSeq h
   1010     readBindSeq (Just _) = do
   1011         parseFail rex "Invalid (=) bind-seq"
   1013     readLin :: [Pex] -> Repl Sire
   1014     readLin [x] = M <$> readExpr e x
   1015     readLin _   = parseFail rex "This needs to have only one parameter"
   1017     readApp :: [Pex] -> Repl Sire
   1018     readApp []     = parseFail rex "empty application"
   1019     readApp (r:rx) = do
   1020         (s :| ss) <- traverse (readExpr e) (r :| rx)
   1021         pure (foldl' A s ss)
   1023 resolveUnqualified :: InCtx => Pex -> [Maybe Nat] -> Nat -> Repl Sire
   1024 resolveUnqualified blockRex e sym = do
   1025     st <- getState <$> get
   1026     case (L.elemIndex (Just sym) e, lookup (NAT sym) st.scope) of
   1027         (Just ng, _) -> pure $ V (fromIntegral ng)
   1028         (_, Just bn) -> pure $ G bn
   1029         (_, _)       -> parseFail blockRex ("Unresolved symbol: " <> showKey sym)
   1031 resolveQualified :: InCtx => Pex -> Nat -> Nat -> Repl Sire
   1032 resolveQualified blockRex modu nam = do
   1033     st <- getState <$> get
   1034     case (lookup (NAT modu) >=> Just >=> lookup (NAT nam)) st.modules of
   1035         Just bn -> pure (G bn)
   1036         Nothing -> parseFail blockRex $ concat [ "Unresolved symbol: "
   1037                                                , showKey modu
   1038                                                , "."
   1039                                                , showKey nam
   1040                                                ]
   1042 showKey :: Nat -> Text
   1043 showKey = let ?rexColors = NoColors in rexLine . boxRex . keyBox
   1045 readPrimLeaf :: InCtx => Pex -> [Maybe Nat] -> Pex -> Repl Sire
   1046 readPrimLeaf _ e rex@(LEAF s ss (Just heir)) =
   1047    map (lookupVal "#") get >>= \case
   1048        Nothing  -> parseFail rex "leaf-juxtaposition, but no # macro"
   1049        Just hex -> do
   1050            x <- expand hex $ INFX "#" [LEAF s ss Nothing, heir] Nothing
   1051            readExpr e x
   1053 readPrimLeaf blockRex e rex =
   1054     case tryReadLeaf rex of
   1055        Just (IDNT n) -> resolveUnqualified blockRex e (utf8Nat n)
   1056        Just (DECI n) -> pure $ K $ NAT n
   1057        Just (CORD n) -> pure $ K $ NAT (utf8Nat n)
   1058        Nothing       -> do
   1059            map (lookupVal "#") get >>= \case
   1060                Just hex -> expand hex (PREF "#" [rex] Nothing) >>= readExpr e
   1061                Nothing  -> parseFail rex "don't know how to parse this leaf"
   1063 readBindBody :: InCtx => Either Nat ((Bool, Nat), [Nat]) -> Pex -> Repl Sire
   1064 readBindBody Left{}                 = readExpr []
   1065 readBindBody (Right((_,self),args)) = readExpr $ reverse $ fmap Just $ self:args
   1067 planRexFull :: Any -> GRex a
   1068 planRexFull = fmap absurd . itemizeRexes . closureRex Nothing . loadClosure
   1070 execAssert :: InCtx => (Pex, Sire) -> (Pex, Sire) -> Repl ()
   1071 execAssert (_xRex, xExp) (_yRex, yExp) = do
   1072     let !xVal = eval xExp
   1073     let !yVal = eval yExp
   1075     unless (xVal == yVal) do
   1076         let rx = OPEN "=?=" []
   1077                $ Just $ OPEN "*" [rexToPex $ fmap absurd $ planRex xVal]
   1078                $ Just $ OPEN "*" [rexToPex $ fmap absurd $ planRex yVal]
   1079                $ Nothing
   1080         parseFail rx "ASSERTION FAILURE"
   1082 execBind :: InCtx => Pex -> ToBind -> Repl ()
   1083 execBind rx (TO_BIND key mProp str expr) = do
   1084     let val = eval expr
   1085     let prp = maybe 0 eval mProp
   1086     modify' (insertBinding rx (key, prp, str, val, expr))
   1087     trkRexM $ fmap absurd
   1088             $ itemizeRexes
   1089             $ closureRex (Just str) (loadShallow val)
   1091 itemizeRexes :: [GRex a] -> GRex a
   1092 itemizeRexes [x] = x
   1093 itemizeRexes rs  = go rs
   1094   where
   1095     go []     = Rx.N Rx.OPEN "*" [] Nothing
   1096     go [x]    = Rx.N Rx.OPEN "*" [x] Nothing
   1097     go (x:xs) = Rx.N Rx.OPEN "*" [x] (Just $ go xs)
   1099 execExpr :: InCtx => Pex -> Repl ()
   1100 execExpr rex = do
   1101     expr <- readExpr [] rex
   1102     let val = eval expr
   1103     trkM val
   1105 doDefine :: InCtx => Text -> Pex -> Repl ()
   1106 doDefine ryn rex = do
   1107   case rex of
   1108     NODE _ _ sons (Just heir@(NODE _ sub _ _)) | ryn==sub -> do
   1109         readBindCmd rex sons >>= execBind rex
   1110         doDefine ryn heir
   1112     NODE _ _ sons mHeir -> do
   1113         readBindCmd rex (sons <> toList mHeir) >>= execBind rex
   1115     _ -> error "readDefine: impossible"
   1117 readBindCmd :: InCtx => Pex -> [Pex] -> Repl ToBind
   1118 readBindCmd rex = \case
   1120     {-
   1121         TODO: Eventually we should be able to kill these hacky "bind
   1122         with props" and "bind with keys" forms.
   1124         Instead of having this as a built-in features in Sire, we should
   1125         define macros that do this, and use those instead.
   1126     -}
   1127     [keyRex, propsRex, binderRex, exprRex] -> do
   1128         key    <- readKey keyRex
   1129         props  <- readExpr [] propsRex
   1130         binder <- readBinder binderRex
   1131         expr   <- readBindBody binder exprRex
   1132         pure $ mkBind key (Just props) expr binder
   1134     [keyRex, binderRex, exprRex] -> do
   1135         key    <- readKey keyRex
   1136         binder <- readBinder binderRex
   1137         expr   <- readBindBody binder exprRex
   1138         pure $ mkBind key Nothing expr binder
   1140     [binderRex, exprRex] -> do
   1141         binder <- readBinder binderRex
   1142         expr   <- readBindBody binder exprRex
   1143         pure $ mkBind 0 Nothing expr binder
   1145     _ -> do
   1146         parseFail rex "Define cmd needs two or three parameters"
   1148   where
   1150     mkBind key mProp body = \case
   1151         Left var ->
   1152             TO_BIND key mProp var body
   1154         Right ((mark, name), argNames) ->
   1155             let recr = hasRefTo args body in
   1156             TO_BIND key mProp name
   1157                 $ F $ LAM {pin=True, mark, tag=name, args, body, recr}
   1158           where
   1159             args = fromIntegral (length argNames)
   1161 open :: Text -> [Pex] -> Pex -> Pex
   1162 open r s h = OPEN r s (Just h)
   1164 open_ :: Text -> [Pex] -> Pex
   1165 open_ r s  = OPEN r s Nothing
   1167 data ParseFail = PARSE_FAIL
   1168     { block   :: Context
   1169     , problem :: Pex
   1170     , _state  :: Any
   1171     , reason  :: Text
   1172     }
   1173   deriving (Eq, Ord)
   1175 parseFailRex :: ParseFail -> Pex
   1176 parseFailRex pf =
   1177     id $ open  "#" [wrd "block",   b.rex]
   1178        $ open  "#" [wrd "where",   col [wrd b.file, wrd (tshow b.line)]]
   1179        $ open  "#" [wrd "problem", pf.problem]
   1180        $ open_ "#" [wrd "reason",  wrd pf.reason]
   1181   where
   1182     wrd x = WORD x Nothing
   1183     b = pf.block
   1184     col ds = SHUT ":" ds Nothing
   1186 data MacroError = MACRO_ERROR
   1187     { block  :: Context
   1188     , input  :: Pex
   1189     , _state :: Any
   1190     , reason :: Text
   1191     }
   1192   deriving (Eq, Ord)
   1194 macroErrorRex :: MacroError -> Pex
   1195 macroErrorRex me =
   1196     id $ open  "#" [wrd "block",   me.block.rex]
   1197        $ open  "#" [wrd "where",   col [wrd b.file, wrd (tshow b.line)]]
   1198        $ open  "#" [wrd "trouble", me.input]
   1199        $ open_ "#" [wrd "reason",  wrd me.reason]
   1200   where
   1201     wrd x = WORD x Nothing
   1202     col ds = SHUT ":" ds Nothing
   1203     b = me.block
   1205 macroError :: InCtx => Pex -> Nat -> Repl a
   1206 macroError ctx msg = do
   1207     st <- get
   1208     let !me  = MACRO_ERROR ?ctx ctx st (showKey msg)
   1209     let !res = "Macro Failure!" %% pexNoun (macroErrorRex me)
   1210     seq res (error "this should never happen (macroError)")
   1212 parseFail :: InCtx => Pex -> Text -> Repl a
   1213 parseFail rex msg = do { st <- get; parseFail_ rex st msg }
   1215 parseFail_ :: InCtx => Pex -> Any -> Text -> a
   1216 parseFail_ rex st msg =
   1217     seq bottom (error "this should never happen (parseFail_)")
   1218   where
   1219     errRex = pexNoun $ parseFailRex $ PARSE_FAIL ?ctx rex st msg
   1220     bottom = "Failed to Parse Sire" %% errRex
   1222 readBinder :: InCtx => Pex -> Repl (Either Nat ((Bool, Nat), [Nat]))
   1223 readBinder rex = do
   1224     case (tryReadKey rex, tryReadLawBinder rex) of
   1225         (Just key, _)  -> pure (Left key)
   1226         (_, Just bind) -> pure (Right bind)
   1227         (_, _)         -> parseFail rex msg
   1228   where
   1229     msg = "Bad binder: expected foo (foo bar), (**foo bar), etc"
   1231 tryReadLawBinder :: Pex -> Maybe ((Bool, Nat), [Nat])
   1232 tryReadLawBinder rex = do
   1233     kids <- case rex of
   1234                 NODE _ "|" sons heir -> pure (sons <> toList heir)
   1235                 _                 -> Nothing
   1236     case kids of
   1237         []                  -> Nothing
   1238         headRex : tailRexes -> do
   1239             (,) <$> tryReadSigHead headRex
   1240                 <*> traverse tryReadKey tailRexes
   1242 tryReadSigHead :: Pex -> Maybe (Bool, Nat)
   1243 tryReadSigHead = \case
   1244     NODE _ "**" [son] Nothing -> (True,)  <$> tryReadKey son
   1245     rex                    -> (False,) <$> tryReadKey rex
   1248 -- Parsing Leaves --------------------------------------------------------------
   1250 readKey :: InCtx => Pex -> Repl Nat
   1251 readKey rex = maybe bad pure (tryReadKey rex)
   1252   where
   1253     bad = parseFail rex "Bad key: expected something like: 234, foo, 'foo'"
   1255 data Leaf = DECI Nat | IDNT Text | CORD Text
   1257 -- TODO: Should `tryReadLeaf` also support embeded constant values?
   1259 tryReadLeaf :: Pex -> Maybe Leaf
   1260 tryReadLeaf = \case
   1261     TEXT t Nothing -> Just (CORD t)
   1262     WORD t Nothing -> tryReadWord t
   1263     _              -> Nothing
   1264   where
   1265     tryReadWord t = do
   1266         (c, _) <- T.uncons t
   1267         if C.isDigit c
   1268         then do guard (all C.isDigit t)
   1269                 DECI <$> readMay t
   1270         else Just (IDNT t)
   1272 tryReadKey :: Pex -> Maybe Nat
   1273 tryReadKey = fmap leafNat . tryReadLeaf
   1275 leafNat :: Leaf -> Nat
   1276 leafNat = \case { DECI n -> n; IDNT i -> utf8Nat i; CORD s -> utf8Nat s }