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ConsoleExe.hs (24674B)

      1 -- Copyright 2023 The Plunder Authors
      2 -- Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 -- found in the LICENSE file.
      5 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall   #-}
      6 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Werror #-}
      7 {-# LANGUAGE NoFieldSelectors #-}
      8 {-# LANGUAGE Strict           #-}
     10 module Server.ConsoleExe (main) where
     12 import Data.Acquire
     13 import Fan.Convert
     14 import GHC.IO.Encoding
     15 import Options.Applicative
     16 import PlunderPrelude       hiding (Handler, handle)
     17 import Server.Debug
     18 import Server.Evaluator
     19 import Server.Machine
     20 import Server.Types.Logging
     21 import System.Environment
     22 import System.Posix.Signals hiding (Handler)
     23 import System.Process
     25 import Server.Hardware.Http  (createHardwareHttp)
     26 import Server.Hardware.Port  (createHardwarePort)
     27 import Server.Hardware.Rand  (createHardwareRand)
     28 import Server.Hardware.Types (DeviceTable(..))
     29 import System.Random         (randomIO)
     30 -- ort Server.Hardware.Sock (createHardwareSock)
     31 import Server.Hardware.Time (createHardwareTime)
     32 -- ort Server.Hardware.Wock (createHardwareWock)
     33 import Server.Hardware.Poke (createHardwarePoke)
     35 import Control.Concurrent       (threadDelay)
     36 import Control.Monad.State      (State, execState, modify')
     37 import Data.Time.Format.ISO8601 (iso8601Show)
     38 import Fan.Hash                 (fanHash)
     39 import Hash256                  (hashToBTC)
     40 import Loot.ReplExe             (showFan, trkFan, trkRex)
     41 import Sire.Types               (trkRexM)
     42 import System.Directory         (createDirectoryIfMissing, doesFileExist,
     43                                  getHomeDirectory, removeFile)
     44 import System.Exit              (ExitCode(..), exitWith)
     45 import System.IO.Error          (catchIOError)
     46 import System.Posix.Types       (CPid(CPid))
     48 import qualified Loot.ReplExe
     49 import qualified Rex
     50 import qualified Sire
     52 import qualified Data.ByteString  as BS
     53 import qualified Data.Char        as C
     54 import qualified Data.Map         as M
     55 import qualified Fan              as F
     56 import qualified Fan.Prof         as Prof
     57 import qualified Fan.Seed         as F
     58 import qualified Fan.Types        as F
     59 import qualified Server.LmdbStore as DB
     60 import qualified Server.AgentMachine as AMach
     62 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     64 safeDeleteFile :: FilePath -> IO ()
     65 safeDeleteFile pax = catchIOError (removeFile pax) (const $ pure ())
     67 getPidFile :: Debug => FilePath -> Acquire FilePath
     68 getPidFile storeDir =
     69     mkAcquire start safeDeleteFile
     70   where
     71     start = do
     72         createDirectoryIfMissing True storeDir
     73         pid <- getCurrentPid
     74         let pax = (storeDir </> "pid")
     75         debugVal "pidfile" (pack pax :: Text)
     76         exists <- doesFileExist pax
     77         when exists $ do
     78            debugFan "pidfile_exists"
     79            pidTxt <- readFileUtf8 pax
     80            case readMay pidTxt of
     81                Nothing -> do
     82                    debug (["malformed_pidfile","overwriting"] :: [Text])
     83                    pure ()
     84                Just alien -> do
     85                    debug [ "found_existing_daemon"
     86                          , "killing_id" :: Text
     87                          ]
     89                    let killIt = do
     90                            signalProcess sigTERM alien
     91                            debugText "waiting_for_alien_shut_down"
     92                            loop 0
     93                        loop (1000::Int) = do
     94                            debugText "failed_to_kill_daemon"
     95                            exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
     96                        loop i = doesFileExist pax >>= \case
     97                            True  -> threadDelay 10_000 >> loop (i+1)
     98                            False -> pure ()
    100                    catchIOError killIt \exn ->
    101                        if isDoesNotExistError exn then
    102                            debugText "daemon_not_actually_running"
    103                        else
    104                            throwIO exn
    105                    debugFan "old_daemon_killed"
    107         debugFan "write_pidfile"
    108         writeFileUtf8 pax (tshow (coerce pid :: Int32))
    109         pure pax
    111 withDirectoryWriteLock :: Debug => FilePath -> IO a -> IO a
    112 withDirectoryWriteLock storeDir a =
    113     with (getPidFile storeDir) $ \_ -> a
    115 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    117 type Prof = Maybe FilePath
    119 data ProfilingOpts = ProfilingOpts Prof Bool
    121 data InterpreterOpts
    122   = InterpreterOpts Bool -- Warn on jet deopt
    123                     Bool -- Crash on jet deopt
    124                     Bool -- Crash on jet mistmatch
    126 data MachineOpts
    127   = MachineOpts Bool -- snapshots enabled?
    128                 Int  -- Number of EVAL workers
    130 data RunType
    131     = RTSire FilePath
    132              ProfilingOpts
    133              InterpreterOpts
    134              [FilePath] -- SireFile
    135     | RTSave ProfilingOpts
    136              InterpreterOpts
    137              FilePath -- Seed file
    138              FilePath -- SireFile
    139     | RTShow FilePath
    140     | RTRepl FilePath FilePath InterpreterOpts
    141     | RTLoot FilePath ProfilingOpts [FilePath]
    142     | RTBoot ProfilingOpts InterpreterOpts MachineOpts Bool FilePath Text
    143     | RTUses FilePath Int
    144     | RTOpen FilePath CogId
    145     | RTTerm FilePath CogId
    146     -- TODO: Rename 'run' or 'spin' or 'crank' or something.
    147     | RTStart FilePath
    148               ProfilingOpts
    149               InterpreterOpts
    150               MachineOpts
    151               ReplayFrom
    152  -- | RTPoke FilePath Text FilePath
    154 cogIdArg :: Parser CogId
    155 cogIdArg = COG_ID <$> argument auto (metavar "COG" <> help helpTxt)
    156   where
    157     helpTxt = "The cog id number"
    159 replayFromOption :: Parser ReplayFrom
    160 replayFromOption =
    161     flag LatestSnapshot EarliestSnapshot
    162         ( long "replay-all"
    163        <> help "Replay log from beginning."
    164         )
    166 bootHashArg :: Parser Text
    167 bootHashArg = strArgument
    168     ( metavar "HASH"
    169    <> help "Boot using this sire file (or pin hash)"
    170     )
    172 sireFile :: Parser FilePath
    173 sireFile =
    174     strArgument (metavar "SIRE" <> help helpTxt)
    175   where
    176     helpTxt = "A sire file to load before launching the REPL"
    178 seedFile :: Parser FilePath
    179 seedFile =
    180     strArgument (metavar "SEED" <> help helpTxt)
    181   where
    182     helpTxt = "The seed file to write the result to"
    184 lootFile :: Parser FilePath
    185 lootFile =
    186     strArgument (metavar "LOOT" <> help helpTxt)
    187   where
    188     helpTxt = "A loot file to load before starting the REPL"
    190 plunderCmd :: String -> String -> Parser a -> Mod CommandFields a
    191 plunderCmd cmd desc parser =
    192     command cmd (info (parser <**> helper) (progDesc desc))
    194 runType :: FilePath -> Parser RunType
    195 runType defaultDir = subparser
    196     ( plunderCmd "term" "Connect to the terminal of a cog."
    197       (RTTerm <$> storeOpt
    198               <*> cogIdArg)
    200    <> plunderCmd "open" "Open a terminal's GUI interface."
    201       (RTOpen <$> storeOpt
    202               <*> cogIdArg)
    204    <> plunderCmd "sire" "Run a standalone Sire repl."
    205       (RTSire <$> storeOpt
    206               <*> profilingOpts
    207               <*> interpreterOpts
    208               <*> many sireFile)
    210    <> plunderCmd "save" "Load a sire file and save a seed."
    211       (RTSave <$> profilingOpts
    212               <*> interpreterOpts
    213               <*> seedFile
    214               <*> sireFile)
    216    <> plunderCmd "show" "Print a seed file."
    217       (RTShow <$> seedFile)
    219    <> plunderCmd "repl" "Interact with a seed file."
    220       (RTRepl <$> seedFile
    221               <*> replWriteOpt
    222               <*> interpreterOpts)
    224    <> plunderCmd "start" "Resume an idle machine."
    225       (RTStart <$> storeArg
    226                <*> profilingOpts
    227                <*> interpreterOpts
    228                <*> machineOpts
    229                <*> replayFromOption)
    231    <> plunderCmd "loot" "Run a standalone sire repl."
    232       (RTLoot <$> storeOpt <*> profilingOpts <*> many lootFile)
    234    <> plunderCmd "boot" "Boot a machine."
    235       (RTBoot <$> profilingOpts
    236               <*> interpreterOpts
    237               <*> machineOpts
    238               <*> startAtBoot
    239               <*> storeArg
    240               <*> bootHashArg)
    242    <> plunderCmd "du" "du -ab compatible output for pin state."
    243         (RTUses <$> storeArg <*> numWorkers)
    245    -- <> plunderCmd "poke" "Pokes a started cog with a value."
    246    --      -- TODO: should pokePath parse the '/' instead?
    247    --      (RTPoke <$> storeOpt <*> pokePath
    248    --              <*> pokeSire)
    249    )
    250   where
    251     -- pokePathHelp = help "Path to send data on"
    252     -- pokeSireHelp = help "Sire file to parse and send"
    253     storeHlp = help "Location of plunder data"
    254     profHelp = help "Where to output profile traces (JSON)"
    255     storeArg = strArgument (metavar "STORE" <> storeHlp)
    257     profilingOpts = ProfilingOpts <$> profOutput <*> profLaw
    258     interpreterOpts = InterpreterOpts <$> doptWarn <*> doptCrash <*> matchCrash
    259     machineOpts = MachineOpts <$> doSnap <*> numWorkers
    261     storeOpt =
    262         strOption ( long "store"
    263                  <> value defaultDir
    264                  <> short 'd'
    265                  <> metavar "STORE"
    266                  <> storeHlp
    267                   )
    269     -- pokePath = strArgument (metavar "PATH" <> pokePathHelp)
    270     -- pokeSire = strArgument (metavar "SIRE" <> pokeSireHelp)
    272     profLaw :: Parser Bool
    273     profLaw = switch ( short 'P'
    274                     <> long "profile-laws"
    275                     <> help "Include law-execution in profile traces."
    276                      )
    278     startAtBoot :: Parser Bool
    279     startAtBoot = switch ( long "start"
    280                         <> help "Immediate start the machine after boot" )
    282     doptWarn :: Parser Bool
    283     doptWarn = switch ( short 'f'
    284                      <> long "law-fallback-warn"
    285                      <> help ( "Print a warning when a jet falls back to raw"
    286                             <> "fan execution."
    287                              )
    288                       )
    290     doptCrash :: Parser Bool
    291     doptCrash = switch ( short 'F'
    292                       <> long "law-fallback-crash"
    293                       <> help "Crash when a jet falls back to raw fan execution."
    294                        )
    296     matchCrash :: Parser Bool
    297     matchCrash = switch ( short 'M'
    298                        <> long "jet-mismatch-crash"
    299                        <> help "Crash if a jet-match fails"
    300                         )
    302     doSnap :: Parser Bool
    303     doSnap = fmap not
    304            $ switch ( short 'S'
    305                     <> long "disable-snapshots"
    306                     <> help "Disable snapshots"
    307                      )
    310     profOutput =
    311         fmap (\x -> if null x then Nothing else Just x) $
    312         strOption ( long "profile-output"
    313                  <> value ""
    314                  <> short 'p'
    315                  <> metavar "PROF_FILE"
    316                  <> profHelp
    317                   )
    319     replWriteOpt =
    320         strOption ( long "save"
    321                  <> value "/dev/null"
    322                  <> metavar "OUTPUT_FILE"
    323                  <> help "Where to write the formal output"
    324                   )
    326     numWorkers =
    327         option auto ( long "eval-workers"
    328                    <> value 8
    329                    <> short 'w'
    330                    <> metavar "NUM_WORKERS"
    331                    <> help "Number of EVAL workers to use"
    332                     )
    334 runInfo :: FilePath -> ParserInfo RunType
    335 runInfo defaultDir =
    336     info (runType defaultDir <**> helper)
    337         ( fullDesc
    338        <> progDesc "Let's run plunder."
    339        <> header "new-network - a test for running plunder machines"
    340         )
    342 data BadPortsFile = BAD_PORTS_FILE Text FilePath Text
    343   deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
    344   deriving anyclass Exception
    346 -- | Initial test here. We create a store, create one machine in it, and then
    347 -- write one artificial logbatch, and then read it back.
    348 main :: IO ()
    349 main = do
    350   -- some systems require the following, even if their locale is already UTF-8
    351   setLocaleEncoding utf8
    353   Rex.colorsOnlyInTerminal do
    354     hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering
    355     hSetBuffering stderr LineBuffering
    357     home <- getHomeDirectory
    358     ddir <- lookupEnv "PLUNDER_DIR" <&> maybe (home </> ".plunder") id
    359     args <- customExecParser
    360             (prefs (showHelpOnError <> showHelpOnEmpty <> noBacktrack))
    361             (runInfo ddir)
    363     withProfileOutput args $
    364       withInterpreterOpts args $
    365       withDebugOutput $
    366       case args of
    367         RTBoot _ _ mo start d y    -> do
    368             bootMachine d y
    369             when start $ do
    370               runMachine d EarliestSnapshot mo
    372         RTUses d w    -> duMachine d w
    373         RTShow fp     -> showSeed fp
    374         RTRepl fp o _ -> replSeed fp o
    375         RTOpen d cog  -> void (openBrowser d cog)
    376         RTTerm d cog  -> void (openTerminal d cog)
    378         RTLoot _ _ fz -> do
    379             liftIO $ Loot.ReplExe.replMain fz
    381         RTSire _ _ _ fz -> do
    382             code <- liftIO (Sire.main fz)
    383             exitWith code
    385         RTSave _ _ sd sr -> do
    386             saveSeed sd sr
    388         RTStart d _ _ mo r -> do
    389             runMachine d r mo
    391 withProfileOutput :: RunType -> IO () -> IO ()
    392 withProfileOutput args act = do
    393     case argsProf args of
    394         Just (ProfilingOpts (Just fil) laws) -> do
    395             putStrLn ("Profiling Output: " <> pack fil)
    396             Prof.withProfileOutput fil laws act
    397         _                                    -> act
    398   where
    399     argsProf = \case
    400         RTSire _ po _ _     -> Just po
    401         RTSave po _ _ _     -> Just po
    402         RTLoot _ po _       -> Just po
    403         RTShow _            -> Nothing
    404         RTRepl{}            -> Nothing
    405         RTOpen{}            -> Nothing
    406         RTTerm{}            -> Nothing
    407         RTStart _ po _ _ _  -> Just po
    408         RTUses{}            -> Nothing
    409         RTBoot po _ _ _ _ _ -> Just po
    410      -- RTPoke _ _ _ _      -> Nothing
    412 withInterpreterOpts :: RunType -> IO () -> IO ()
    413 withInterpreterOpts args act = do
    414     case argsInterpreter args of
    415         Just (InterpreterOpts j c m) -> do
    416             let onJetMismatch = if m then F.CRASH else F.WARN
    417             let onJetFallback = case (j, c) of (_, True) -> F.CRASH
    418                                                (True, _) -> F.WARN
    419                                                _         -> F.IGNORE
    420             writeIORef F.vRtsConfig $ F.RTS_CONFIG {..}
    421             act
    422         _ -> act
    423   where
    424     argsInterpreter = \case
    425         RTSire _ _ io _     -> Just io
    426         RTSave _ io _ _     -> Just io
    427         RTShow _            -> Nothing
    428         RTRepl _ _ io       -> Just io
    429         RTLoot _ _ _        -> Nothing
    430         RTBoot _ io _ _ _ _ -> Just io
    431         RTUses _ _          -> Nothing
    432         RTOpen _ _          -> Nothing
    433         RTTerm _ _          -> Nothing
    434         RTStart _ _ io _ _  -> Just io
    436 bootMachine :: (Debug, Rex.RexColor) => FilePath -> Text -> IO ()
    437 bootMachine storeDir pash = do
    438     withDirectoryWriteLock storeDir $ do
    439         let fil = unpack pash
    440         e <- liftIO (doesFileExist fil)
    441         unless e (error $ unpack ("File does not exist: " <> pash))
    442         val <- liftIO (Sire.loadFile fil)
    444         with (DB.openDatastore storeDir) $ \lmdb -> do
    445             DB.hasSnapshot lmdb >>= \case
    446                 False -> do
    447                     firstCogId <- COG_ID <$> randomIO
    448                     DB.writeMachineSnapshot lmdb (BatchNum 0)
    449                                             (singletonMap firstCogId
    450                                              (CG_SPINNING val))
    451                 True -> do
    452                     error "Trying to overwrite existing machine"
    454 -- TODO: Output the result of an expression?  Not just "main"?
    455 saveSeed :: (Debug, Rex.RexColor) => FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
    456 saveSeed outFile inputFile = do
    457     val <- liftIO (Sire.loadFile inputFile)
    458     byt <- F.saveSeed val
    459     writeFile outFile byt
    461 showSeed :: (Debug, Rex.RexColor) => FilePath -> IO ()
    462 showSeed seedFileToShow = do
    463     writeIORef F.vShowFan showFan
    464     writeIORef F.vTrkFan  trkFan
    465     writeIORef F.vTrkRex  trkRex
    466     byt <- readFile seedFileToShow
    467     pin <- F.loadSeed byt >>= either throwIO pure
    468     print pin
    469     fullPrint pin
    470   where
    471     fullPrint x = trkRexM $ Sire.planRexFull $ toNoun x
    473 -- TODO: If given something like $path.sire:main, load that instead of
    474 -- just using a seed.
    475 replSeed :: (Debug, Rex.RexColor) => FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
    476 replSeed seedFileToShow outputFile = do
    477     let onJetFallback = F.WARN
    478     let onJetMismatch = F.WARN
    479     writeIORef F.vJetMatch           $! F.jetMatch
    480     writeIORef F.vShowFan            $! showFan
    481     writeIORef F.vTrkFan             $! trkFan
    482     writeIORef F.vTrkRex             $! trkRex
    483     writeIORef F.vRtsConfig          $! F.RTS_CONFIG{..}
    484     byt <- readFile seedFileToShow
    485     pin <- F.loadSeed byt >>= either throwIO pure
    486     withFile outputFile WriteMode \h ->
    487         interactive h pin
    488   where
    489     fullPrint x = trkRexM $ Sire.planRexFull $ toNoun x
    491     interactive h st0 = do
    492         input <- (try $ BS.hGetSome stdin 80) >>= \case
    493                      Left (e :: IOError) | isEOFError e -> pure mempty
    494                      Left (e :: IOError)                -> throwIO e
    495                      Right ln                           -> pure ln
    496         let result = (st0 F.%% F.BAR input)
    497         case fromNoun result of
    498             Nothing -> do
    499                 fullPrint result
    500                 error ("bad noun")
    501             Just (output, st1) -> do
    502                 BS.hPutStr h output
    503                 unless (null input) do
    504                     interactive h st1
    506 -- pokeCog :: (Debug, Rex.RexColor) => FilePath -> Text -> FilePath
    507 --         -> IO ()
    508 -- pokeCog d c p pash = do
    509 --   withDaemon d $ do
    510 --       let fil = unpack pash
    511 --       e <- liftIO (doesFileExist fil)
    512 --       unless e (error $ unpack ("File does not exist: " <> pash))
    513 --       mVl <- liftIO (Sire.ReplExe.loadFile fil)
    514 --       val <- case mVl of
    515 --                 Nothing -> (error . unpack) $
    516 --                                ("No value at end of file : " <> pash)
    517 --                 Just vl -> pure vl
    518 --       reqPoke c (splitOn "/" p) (JELLY_PACK val)
    520 shellFg :: String -> [String] -> IO ExitCode
    521 shellFg c a = do
    522     let p = (proc c a) { std_in        = Inherit
    523                        , std_out       = Inherit
    524                        , std_err       = Inherit
    525                        , close_fds     = True
    526                        , delegate_ctlc = True
    527                        }
    528     (_, _, _, ph) <- createProcess p
    529     waitForProcess ph
    531 openBrowser :: FilePath -> CogId -> IO ExitCode
    532 openBrowser dir cogId = do
    533     let cogNm = tshow
    534     let pax = (dir </> unpack (cogNm <> ".http.port"))
    535     exists <- doesFileExist pax
    536     unless exists (error "Cog does not serve HTTP")
    537     port <- do cont <- readFileUtf8 pax
    538                case readMay @Text @Word cont of
    539                    Nothing -> throwIO (BAD_PORTS_FILE "http" pax cont)
    540                    Just pt -> pure pt
    541     let url = "http://localhost:" <> show port
    542     shellFg "xdg-open" [url]
    544 openTerminal :: FilePath -> CogId -> IO ExitCode
    545 openTerminal dir cogId = do
    546     let cogNm = tshow
    547     let pax = (dir </> unpack (cogNm <> ".telnet.port"))
    548     exists <- doesFileExist pax
    549     unless exists (error "Cog does not serve Telnet")
    550     port <- do cont <- readFileUtf8 pax
    551                case readMay @Text @Word cont of
    552                    Nothing -> throwIO (BAD_PORTS_FILE "telnet" pax cont)
    553                    Just pt -> pure pt
    554     shellFg "nc" ["localhost", show port]
    556 -- {-
    557 --     Deliver a noun from the outside to a given cog.
    558 -- -}
    559 -- doPoke :: Debug => ServerState -> [Text] -> JellyPack -> IO ()
    560 -- doPoke st path pak = do
    561 --     debug ["poke_cog"]
    562 --     st.poke (fromList path)
    564 withMachineIn :: Debug
    565               => FilePath
    566               -> Int
    567               -> Bool
    568               -> (MachineContext -> IO a)
    569               -> IO a
    570 withMachineIn storeDir numWorkers enableSnaps machineAction = do
    571   withDirectoryWriteLock storeDir do
    572     -- Setup plunder interpreter state.
    573     writeIORef F.vTrkFan $! \x -> do
    574         now <- getCurrentTime
    575         debug (["trk"::Text, pack (iso8601Show now)], x)
    577     writeIORef F.vShowFan  $! Loot.ReplExe.showFan
    578     writeIORef F.vJetMatch $! F.jetMatch
    580     -- TODO: Thing about all the shutdown signal behaviour. Right now, we're
    581     -- ignoring it, but there's a bunch of things the old system did to catch
    582     -- Ctrl-C.
    584     agentQueue <- newTBQueueIO 100
    586     let devTable db hw_poke = do
    587             hw1_rand          <- createHardwareRand
    588           --(hw4_wock, wsApp) <- createHardwareWock
    589             let wsApp _cogId _ws = pure ()
    590             hw2_http          <- createHardwareHttp storeDir db wsApp
    591           --hw3_sock          <- createHardwareSock storeDir
    592             hw5_time          <- createHardwareTime
    593             hw6_port          <- createHardwarePort agentQueue
    594             (pure . DEVICE_TABLE . mapFromList) $
    595                 [ ( "rand", hw1_rand )
    596                 , ( "http", hw2_http )
    597                 --( "sock", hw3_sock )
    598                 --( "wock", hw4_wock )
    599                 , ( "time", hw5_time )
    600                 , ( "port", hw6_port )
    601                 , ( "poke", hw_poke  )
    602                 ]
    605     let machineState = do
    606             lmdb <- DB.openDatastore storeDir
    607             (pokeHW, _submitPoke) <- createHardwarePoke
    608             hw <- devTable lmdb pokeHW
    609             eval <- evaluator numWorkers
    610             --
    611             let filterFun k _ = k `elem` ["rand", "time", "port"]
    612             let am_hw = DEVICE_TABLE (M.filterWithKey filterFun hw.table)
    613             let agentMachCtx =
    614                   AMach.MACHINE_CONTEXT{eval,hw=am_hw,aQ=agentQueue}
    615             agentMach <- liftIO (AMach.bootMachine agentMachCtx)
    616             --
    617             pure MACHINE_CONTEXT{lmdb,hw,eval,enableSnaps,agentMach}
    618     with machineState machineAction
    620 runMachine :: Debug => FilePath -> ReplayFrom -> MachineOpts -> IO ()
    621 runMachine storeDir replayFrom (MachineOpts enableSnaps numWorkers) = do
    622     cache <- DB.CUSHION <$> newIORef mempty
    623     withMachineIn storeDir numWorkers enableSnaps $ \ctx -> do
    624         machine <- withCogDebugging $ replayAndCrankMachine cache ctx replayFrom
    626         -- Listen for Ctrl-C and external shutdown signals.
    627         termSignal <- newEmptyTMVarIO
    628         for_ [sigTERM, sigINT] $ \sig -> do
    629             installHandler sig
    630                            (Catch (atomically $ putTMVar termSignal ()))
    631                            Nothing
    633         c <- atomically $ (Left  <$> readTMVar termSignal <|>
    634                            Right <$> readTMVar machine.shutdownComplete)
    635         case c of
    636             Left () -> do
    637                 -- We got an external shutdown signal, so shut down the machine
    638                 -- and wait for things to sync to disk.
    639                 shutdownMachine machine
    640             Right () -> do
    641                 -- The machine exited on its own and we don't have to wait for
    642                 -- its
    643                 --
    644                 -- TODO: Print a report here about the state of why the machine
    645                 -- shutdown on its own.
    646                 pure ()
    649 duMachine :: Debug => FilePath -> Int -> IO ()
    650 duMachine storeDir numWorkers = do
    651     withMachineIn storeDir numWorkers False $ \ctx -> do
    652         retLines <- walkNoun ctx
    653         forM_ retLines $ putStrLn
    654   where
    655     walkNoun :: MachineContext -> IO [Text]
    656     walkNoun ctx = do
    657       cache <- DB.CUSHION <$> newIORef mempty
    659       -- Replay the machine to get the current noun.
    660       (_, MOMENT noun _) <- performReplay cache ctx LatestSnapshot
    662       pin <- F.mkPin' (toNoun noun)
    663       (pins, _hed, blob) <- F.savePin pin
    665       pure $ execState (fanDu pins blob) []
    667     fanDu :: Vector F.Pin -> ByteString -> State [Text] ()
    668     fanDu refs blob = do
    669       refSize <- sum <$> mapM (pinDu []) refs
    670       _ <- calcEntry [] refSize blob
    671       pure ()
    673     pinDu :: [Text] -> F.Pin -> State [Text] Int
    674     pinDu path p = do
    675       error "TODO: This is more complex now" path
    676       error "We should probably store sizes and edge-lists in the database" p
    677       error "And this should be a read transaction" binName ok ugul
    678       -- let pinName = binName p.item
    679       -- refSize <- sum <$> mapM (pinDu (pinName : path)) p.refs
    680       -- calcEntry (pinName : path) refSize p.blob
    682     calcEntry :: [Text] -> Int -> ByteString -> State [Text] Int
    683     calcEntry path refSize blob = do
    684       let blobSize = BS.length blob
    685           totalSize = refSize + blobSize
    686       let displayPath :: Text = concat $ intersperse "/" $ reverse path
    687       modify' ((tshow totalSize <> " " <> displayPath):)
    688       pure totalSize
    690     -- TODO: Better way to identify grains that don't have law names?
    691     binName :: F.Fan -> Text
    692     binName = \case
    693         F.FUN law -> ugul
    694         F.PIN pin -> binName pin.item
    695         f         -> hashToBTC (fanHash f)
    697     ok '_' = True
    698     ok c   = C.isAlphaNum c
    700     ugul :: Nat -> Text
    701     ugul 0   = "anon"
    702     ugul nat = case natUtf8 nat of
    703         Right t | all ok t -> t
    704         _                  -> tshow nat