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Seed.hs (23034B)

      1 -- Copyright 2023 The Plunder Authors
      2 -- Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 -- found in the LICENSE file.
      5 module Fan.Seed
      6     ( loadSeed, saveSeed -- seed = everything in one go
      7     , saveGermPin, loadGerm
      8     , loadPod, savePod   -- save each pin, then save table of seeds
      9     , savePin, savePin'  -- save one pin with header
     10     , LoadErr(..)
     11     , splitBlob
     12     , loadHead
     13     , loadBody
     14     , Seed.withContext
     15     , Seed.Ctx
     16     )
     17 where
     20 import Data.Bits
     21 import Data.Sorted
     22 import Fan.Convert
     23 import Fan.Types
     24 import Foreign.ForeignPtr
     25 import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
     26 import Foreign.Marshal.Utils
     27 import Foreign.Ptr
     28 import Foreign.Storable
     29 import PlunderPrelude
     31 import Control.Monad.Primitive          (touch)
     32 import Control.Monad.Trans.Except       (runExcept, throwE)
     33 import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (State(..), StateT(..), evalState,
     34                                          evalStateT, execState, execStateT, get,
     35                                          modify', put, runState)
     37 import Fan.Eval        (boom, evalArity, mkLawPreNormalized, mkPin', mkRow,
     38                         tabValsRow, (%%))
     39 import Fan.Trace       (doTrk)
     40 import Foreign.C.Types (CBool(..))
     41 import GHC.Word        (Word(..))
     42 import Hash256         (Hash256, hashToByteString, toHash256)
     43 import Loot.Backend    (loadClosure, loadShallow)
     44 import Loot.ReplExe    (closureRex, dieFan, showFan, trkFan)
     45 import Rex             (GRex(..), RuneShape(..), TextShape(..), rexLine)
     46 import Rex.Print       (RexColor, RexColorScheme(NoColors))
     48 import qualified Data.ByteString          as BS
     49 import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BS
     50 import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe   as BS
     51 import qualified Data.Map                 as M
     52 import qualified Data.Set                 as S
     53 import qualified Data.Vector              as V
     54 import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable      as VM
     55 import qualified Fan.Prof                 as Prof
     56 import qualified Fan.Seed.FFI             as Seed
     57 import qualified Fan.Seed.FragLoader      as JFL
     58 import qualified GHC.Exts                 as GHC
     61 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     63 savePin' :: Seed.Ctx -> Pin -> IO (Vector Pin, ByteString, ByteString)
     64 savePin' ctx p = do
     65     body <- saveGermPin' ctx p
     66     head <- saveHead p
     67     pure (p.refs, head, body)
     69 savePin :: Pin -> IO (Vector Pin, ByteString, ByteString)
     70 savePin pin = Seed.withContext \ctx -> savePin' ctx pin
     72 saveHead :: Pin -> IO ByteString
     73 saveHead pin = do
     74     ptr <- mallocForeignPtrBytes size
     75     withForeignPtr ptr \buf -> do
     76         poke buf (fromIntegral numPins :: Word64)
     77         for_ (zip [0..] (toList pin.refs)) \(i, dep) -> do
     78             let dst = buf `plusPtr` (8 + (i*32))
     79             poke (castPtr dst :: Ptr Hash256) dep.hash
     80     pure (BS.BS (castForeignPtr ptr) size)
     81   where
     82     numPins = length pin.refs
     84     size :: Int
     85     size = 8 + (32*numPins)
     87 loadBody :: Vector Pin -> ByteString -> Either LoadErr Fan
     88 loadBody refs bs = unsafePerformIO (loadGerm refs bs)
     90 loadHead :: ByteString -> Either LoadErr (Vector Hash256)
     91 loadHead bs@(BS.BS fp siz) = do
     92     let siz = length bs
     94     when (siz < 8) do
     95         Left $ HEAD_TOO_SMALL_NO_LENGTH
     97     -- TODO: Handle words that don't fit in ints
     98     let !numPins = unsafePerformIO do
     99             res <- withForeignPtr (castForeignPtr fp) peek
    100             pure (fromIntegral (res :: Word64))
    102     let required = (8 + numPins * 32) :: Int
    104     when (fromIntegral siz < required) do
    105         Left $ HEAD_TOO_SMALL (fromIntegral siz) (fromIntegral required)
    107     let f remain = (toHash256 (take 32 remain), drop 32 remain)
    109     pure $ V.unfoldrExactN numPins f $ drop 8 bs
    111 splitBlob :: ByteString -> Either LoadErr (ByteString, ByteString)
    112 splitBlob bs@(BS.BS fp siz) = do
    113     when (siz < 8) do
    114         Left HEAD_TOO_SMALL_NO_LENGTH
    116     -- TODO: Handle words that don't fit in ints
    117     let !numPins = unsafePerformIO do
    118             res <- withForeignPtr (castForeignPtr fp) peek
    119             pure (fromIntegral (res :: Word64))
    121     let required = (8 + fromIntegral numPins * 32) :: Int
    123     when (siz < required) do
    124         Left $ HEAD_TOO_SMALL (fromIntegral siz) (fromIntegral required)
    126     pure (take required bs, drop required bs)
    129 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    131 data LoadErr
    132     = EOF Text
    133     | EMPTY_INPUT
    134     | INPUT_NOT_WORD64_PADDED
    137     | GERM_BAD_HOLE_COUNT { passed :: Nat, required :: Nat }
    138     | POD_INTEGRITY_CHECK_FAILED Hash256 Pin
    139     | POD_MALFORMED Fan
    140     | POD_NO_MAGIC
    141     | POD_MISSING_HASH
    142     | POD_NO_ROUND
    143     | POD_NO_PINS
    145     | HEAD_TOO_SMALL { bufferSize :: Nat, requiredSize :: Nat }
    146   deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Exception)
    148 instance ToNoun LoadErr where
    149     toNoun = \case
    150         EOF loc                        -> toNoun ("EOF"::Text, loc)
    151         EMPTY_INPUT                    -> toNoun ("EMPTY_INPUT"::Text)
    152         INPUT_NOT_WORD64_PADDED        -> toNoun ("INPUT_NOT_WORD64_PADDED"::Text)
    153         LEAF_HAS_IMPOSSIBLE_SIZE       -> toNoun ("LEAF_HAS_IMPOSSIBLE_SIZE"::Text)
    154         NAT_HAS_TRAILING_ZEROS         -> toNoun ("NAT_HAS_TRAILING_ZEROS"::Text)
    155         GERM_BAD_HOLE_COUNT p r        -> toNoun ("GERM_BAD_HOLE_COUNT"::Text, p, r)
    156         POD_INTEGRITY_CHECK_FAILED h p -> toNoun ("POD_INTEGRITY_CHECK_FAILED"::Text, h, p)
    157         POD_MALFORMED f                -> toNoun ("POD_MALFORMED"::Text, f)
    158         POD_NO_MAGIC                   -> toNoun ("POD_NO_MAGIC"::Text)
    159         POD_MISSING_HASH               -> toNoun ("POD_MISSING_HASH"::Text)
    160         POD_NO_ROUND                   -> toNoun ("POD_NO_ROUND"::Text)
    161         HEAD_TOO_SMALL_NO_LENGTH       -> toNoun ("HEAD_TOO_SMALL_NO_LENGTH"::Text)
    162         HEAD_TOO_SMALL s r             -> toNoun ("HEAD_TOO_SMALL"::Text, s, r)
    164 instance (ToNoun a, ToNoun b) => ToNoun (Either a b) where
    165     toNoun (Left x)  = ROW $ arrayFromListN 2 [0, toNoun x]
    166     toNoun (Right x) = ROW $ arrayFromListN 2 [1, toNoun x]
    168 trkM :: Monad m => Fan -> m ()
    169 trkM msg = do
    170     let !() = doTrk msg ()
    171     pure ()
    173 loadSeed :: ByteString -> IO (Either LoadErr Fan)
    174 loadSeed = loadGerm mempty
    176 loadGerm :: Vector Pin -> ByteString -> IO (Either LoadErr Fan)
    177 loadGerm holes germBar@(BS.BS fp bufByteSz) =
    178     Prof.withSimpleTracingEvent "loadGerm" "load" $ try do
    179         -- trkM $ REX $ planRexFull $ toNoun ("LOAD"::Text, (.hash) <$> holes)
    180         withForeignPtr fp \byteBuf -> do
    181             evalStateT (go byteBuf) 0
    182   where
    183     holesFan = PIN <$> holes
    185     (bufWordSz, overflow) = bufByteSz `quotRem` 8
    187     needWords :: Text -> Int -> StateT Int IO ()
    188     needWords location need = do
    189         used <- get
    190         when ((used + need) > bufWordSz) do
    191             throwIO (EOF location)
    193     go :: Ptr Word8 -> StateT Int IO Fan
    194     go byteBuf = do
    195         when (overflow /= 0) do throwIO INPUT_NOT_WORD64_PADDED
    197         let wordBuf :: Ptr Word = castPtr byteBuf
    199         needWords "header" 5
    201         numHolesW :: Word <- liftIO $ peekElemOff wordBuf 0
    202         numBigsW  :: Word <- liftIO $ peekElemOff wordBuf 1
    203         numWordsW :: Word <- liftIO $ peekElemOff wordBuf 2
    204         numBytesW :: Word <- liftIO $ peekElemOff wordBuf 3
    205         numFragsW :: Word <- liftIO $ peekElemOff wordBuf 4
    207         put 5
    209         let numHoles = fromIntegral numHolesW :: Int
    210         let numBigs  = fromIntegral numBigsW  :: Int
    211         let numWords = fromIntegral numWordsW :: Int
    212         let numBytes = fromIntegral numBytesW :: Int
    213         let numFrags = fromIntegral numFragsW :: Int
    215         let numAtoms  = numBytes + numWords + numBigs
    216         let numLeaves = numHoles + numAtoms
    217         let tableSize = numLeaves + numFrags
    219         when (numHoles /= length holes) do
    220             throwIO GERM_BAD_HOLE_COUNT { passed = fromIntegral (length holes)
    221                                         , required = fromIntegral (numHoles)
    222                                         }
    224         when (tableSize == 0) do throwIO EMPTY_INPUT
    226         table :: VM.IOVector Fan <- VM.unsafeNew (fromIntegral tableSize)
    228         for (take numHoles [0..]) \i -> do
    229             VM.unsafeWrite table i (holesFan V.! i)
    231         -- BigNat widths
    232         needWords "bignat widths" numBigs
    233         bigWidths <- liftIO $ V.generateM (fromIntegral numBigs) \i ->
    234                                   peekElemOff wordBuf (5+i)
    235         modify' (+ numBigs)
    237         -- BigNats
    238         needWords "bignat data" (fromIntegral $ sum bigWidths)
    239         for_ (take numBigs [0..]) \i -> do
    240             let wid = bigWidths V.! i
    241             off <- get
    242             put $! (off + fromIntegral wid)
    243             let pntr = castForeignPtr (fp `plusForeignPtr` (off * 8))
    244             let valu = NAT $ NatJ# (EXO wid pntr)
    245             VM.unsafeWrite table (numHoles + i) valu
    247         -- Words
    248         needWords "words" numWords
    249         wordSection <- get
    250         for_ (take numWords [0..]) \i -> do
    251             !(W# w) <- liftIO (peekElemOff wordBuf (wordSection + i))
    252             VM.unsafeWrite table (numHoles + numBigs + i) (NAT $ NatS# w)
    253         modify' (+ numWords)
    255         -- Bytes
    256         let (byteWords, byteExtra) = numBytes `quotRem` 8
    258         needWords "bytes" (byteWords + if byteExtra == 0 then 0 else 1)
    260         bytesSection <- get <&> \off -> (byteBuf `plusPtr` (off * 8))
    261         for_ (take numBytes [0..]) \i -> do
    262             byt :: Word8 <- liftIO (peekByteOff bytesSection i)
    263             let !(W# w) = fromIntegral byt
    264             VM.unsafeWrite table (numHoles + numBigs + numWords + i) (NAT (NatS# w))
    266         modify' (+ byteWords)
    268         -- Fragments
    269         do
    270             off <- get
    271             let usedBits = byteExtra * 8
    272             let fragPtr  = wordBuf `plusPtr` (8 * off)
    273             let endPtr   = wordBuf `plusPtr` bufByteSz
    274             finalPtr <- liftIO $ JFL.loadFrags2 True
    275                                                 table
    276                                                 (numLeaves, numFrags)
    277                                                 usedBits
    278                                                 (fragPtr, endPtr)
    280             -- TODO: This fires even though things are working?  What gives?
    281             when ((finalPtr > endPtr) && False) do
    282                 throwIO (EOF "fragments")
    284         -- Return final value
    285 table (tableSize - 1)
    288 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    290 {-# INLINE saveSeed #-}
    291 saveSeed :: Fan -> IO ByteString
    292 saveSeed top = Seed.withContext \ctx -> saveSeed' ctx top
    294 {-# INLINE saveSeed' #-}
    295 saveSeed' :: Seed.Ctx -> Fan -> IO ByteString
    296 saveSeed' ctx top = do
    297     vPins <- newIORef mempty
    298     vZoo  <- newIORef Nothing
    299     saveWorker ctx vZoo vPins top
    301 {-
    302     This is just broken off into a separate function for syntactic reasons
    303     (to make avoid needing to move the whole `where`  block into let
    304     clauses within the top-level `do` block)
    305 -}
    306 {-# INLINE saveWorker #-}
    307 saveWorker
    308     :: Seed.Ctx
    309     -> IORef (Maybe Seed.CNode)
    310     -> IORef (Map Hash256 Seed.CNode)
    311     -> Fan
    312     -> IO ByteString
    313 saveWorker !ctx !vZoo !vPins !top = do
    315     _   <- Prof.withSimpleTracingEvent "walk" "save" do
    316                loop top
    318     ()  <- Prof.withSimpleTracingEvent "done" "save" do
    319                Seed.c_done ctx
    321     wid <- Prof.withSimpleTracingEvent "size" "save" do
    322                Seed.c_size ctx
    324     ptr <- mallocForeignPtrBytes (fromIntegral wid)
    326     Prof.withSimpleTracingEvent "write" "save" do
    327         withForeignPtr ptr \buf -> do
    328             void (fillBytes buf 0 $ fromIntegral wid)
    329             written <- Seed.c_save ctx wid buf
    330             unless (wid == written) do
    331                 error $ unlines $ concat
    332                     [ [ "INTERNAL ERROR IN save_seed()"
    333                       , ""
    334                       , "When serializing a fan value (using seed), the number"
    335                       , "of bytes written did not match the pre-computed buffer"
    336                       , "size.  This is is an internal invariant violation and"
    337                       , "is fatal, please submit a bug report!"
    338                       , ""
    339                       , "Here is the plan value that we were trying to"
    340                       , "serialize:"
    341                       , ""
    342                       ]
    343                     , fmap ("\t" <>) $ lines $ unpack $ showFan top
    344                     , [ "pre-calculated size: " <> show wid
    345                       , ""
    346                       , "written size: " <> show written
    347                       ]
    348                     ]
    350     Prof.withSimpleTracingEvent "wipe" "save" do
    351         Seed.c_wipe ctx
    353     -- Need to make sure no bars or atoms are collected while the C code
    354     -- still has reference to them.
    355     touch top
    357     pure (BS.BS ptr $ fromIntegral wid)
    358   where
    359     -- COW 3 = (0 0 4 0)
    360     doCow :: Nat -> IO Seed.CNode
    361     doCow n = do
    362         z    <- Seed.c_word ctx 0
    363         zz   <- Seed.c_cons ctx z z
    364         r    <- doNat (n+1)
    365         zzr  <- Seed.c_cons ctx zz r
    366         zzrz <- Seed.c_cons ctx zzr z
    367         pure zzrz
    369     -- Keys must be given in descending order.
    370     --
    371     -- Example Shape:
    372     --
    373     --     %[y x] = (0 1 2 (0 0 3 0 y x))
    374     --
    375     -- Example Insertion Order:
    376     --
    377     --     0
    378     --     (0 0)
    379     --     3
    380     --     (0 0 3)
    381     --     (0 0 3 0)
    382     --     y
    383     --     (0 0 3 0 y)
    384     --     x
    385     --     (0 0 3 0 y x)
    386     --     ((0 0 3) (0 0 3 0 y x))
    387     doSet :: Int -> [Fan] -> IO Seed.CNode
    388     doSet len keyz = do
    389         let go acc []     = pure acc
    390             go acc (x:xs) = do key  <- loop x
    391                                acc' <- Seed.c_cons ctx acc key
    392                                go acc' xs
    393         z    <- Seed.c_word ctx 0
    394         o    <- Seed.c_word ctx 1
    395         zo   <- Seed.c_cons ctx z o
    396         t    <- Seed.c_word ctx 2
    397         zot  <- Seed.c_cons ctx zo t
    398         zzrz <- doCow (fromIntegral len)
    399         row  <- go zzrz keyz
    400         Seed.c_cons ctx zot row
    402     doNat (NatS# w) = do
    403         -- print ("WORD"::Text, W# w)
    404         Seed.c_word ctx (fromIntegral (W# w))
    406     doNat n@(NatJ# x) = do
    407         withForeignPtr x.ptr \buf -> do
    408             Seed.c_nat ctx (fromIntegral (castPtr buf)
    410     loop :: Fan -> IO Seed.CNode
    411     loop = \case
    412         NAT n -> do
    413             doNat n
    415         PIN pin -> do
    416             let hax = pin.hash
    417             (lookup hax <$> readIORef vPins) >>= \case
    418                 Just p -> do
    419                     Prof.withSimpleTracingEvent "touch" "save" do
    420                         Seed.c_touch ctx p
    421                     pure p
    423                 Nothing -> do
    424                     four <- Seed.c_word ctx 4
    425                     item <- loop pin.item
    426                     node <- Seed.c_cons ctx four item
    427                     modifyIORef vPins (insertMap hax node)
    428                     pure node
    430         -- bar b = (0 1 1 (BARNAT b))
    431         BAR (BS.BS fpt wid) -> do
    432             withForeignPtr fpt \buf -> do
    433                 zoo <- readIORef vZoo >>= \case
    434                            Just zoo -> do
    435                                Seed.c_touch ctx zoo
    436                                pure zoo
    437                            Nothing -> do
    438                                zer <- Seed.c_word ctx 0
    439                                one <- Seed.c_word ctx 1
    440                                zo  <- Seed.c_cons ctx zer one
    441                                zoo <- Seed.c_cons ctx zo one
    442                                pure zoo
    443                 bod <- Seed.c_barnat ctx (fromIntegral wid) buf
    444                 res <- Seed.c_cons   ctx zoo bod
    445                 pure res
    447         COw n ->
    448             doCow n
    450         SET ks -> do
    451             let wid  = length ks
    452             let keyz = ssetToDescList ks
    453             doSet wid keyz
    455         -- This needs to have the same behaviors as a head-first traversal
    456         -- using `boom`.  Rows are represented as
    457         --
    458         --     [a b c]=((COW 3) c b a)
    459         --
    460         -- So, that examples should be loaded by running:
    461         --
    462         --     x = loop (COW 3)
    463         --     y = loop c
    464         --     x = (cons x y)
    465         --     y = loop b
    466         --     x = (cons x y)
    467         --     y = loop a
    468         --     return (cons x y)
    469         --
    470         -- So, we basically want to fold over:
    471         --
    472         --     (COW n : reverse (toList row))
    473         --
    474         -- Except that we want to do that as a traversal so that we
    475         -- don't need to allocate anything.
    476         --
    477         ROW !row -> do
    478             let go !acc !i =
    479                     if i<0 then do
    480                         pure acc
    481                     else do
    482                         x <- loop (row!i)
    483                         y <- Seed.c_cons ctx acc x
    484                         go y (i-1)
    486             start <- doCow (fromIntegral $ length row)
    487             let lastIx = length row - 1
    488             go start lastIx
    490         --  #[3=4 5=6] = (%[3 5] [4 6])
    491         TAb tab -> do
    492             ks <- doSet (length tab) (fst <$> tabToDescPairsList tab)
    493             vs <- loop (tabValsRow tab)
    494             kv <- Seed.c_cons ctx ks vs
    495             pure kv
    497         KLO _ env -> do
    498             let !end = sizeofSmallArray env
    500             let go !acc !i | i>=end = pure acc
    501                 go !acc !i = do
    502                     !x <- loop (env .! i)
    503                     !y <- Seed.c_cons ctx acc x
    504                     go y (i+1)
    506             !start <- loop (env .! 0)
    507             go start 1
    509         FUN (L (LN nv) av bv _) -> do
    510             z    <- Seed.c_word ctx 0
    511             n    <- doNat nv
    512             zn   <- Seed.c_cons ctx z n
    513             a    <- doNat av
    514             zna  <- Seed.c_cons ctx zn a
    515             b    <- loop bv
    516             znab <- Seed.c_cons ctx zna b
    517             pure znab
    519 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    521 saveGerm :: Fan -> IO ByteString
    522 saveGerm val = do
    523     pin <- mkPin' val -- cheap, just to have a uniform interface.
    524                       -- This is only used for Pin.refs, which allows
    525                       -- saveGermPin to take advantage of the cache
    526                       -- instead of recalculating.
    527     Seed.withContext \ctx -> do
    528         saveGermPin' ctx pin
    530 saveGermPin :: Pin -> IO ByteString
    531 saveGermPin pin =
    532     Seed.withContext \ctx -> do
    533         saveGermPin' ctx pin
    535 saveGermPin' :: Seed.Ctx -> Pin -> IO ByteString
    536 saveGermPin' ctx pin = do
    538     tab <-
    539         Prof.withSimpleTracingEvent "setup" "save" do
    540             -- Create entries for each seed.
    541             for_ pin.refs \_ -> Seed.c_hole ctx
    543             -- We can serialize "with holes for each pin" by just using
    544             -- pre-filling the pin cache with the corresponding hole.
    545             let tab :: Map Hash256 Seed.CNode
    546                 tab = mapFromList (zip hashes [0..])
    547                         where hashes = toList ((.hash) <$> pin.refs)
    549             evaluate tab
    551     vPins <- newIORef tab
    552     vZoo  <- newIORef Nothing
    553     res   <- saveWorker ctx vZoo vPins pin.item
    555     pure res
    557 {-
    558     TODO: A better representation might be:
    560     -   (Vector (ByteString, [Nat])), using the index as a key instead
    561     -   of the hashes.
    562 -}
    564 type PinStorage = Vector (ByteString, Vector Nat)
    566 data Pod = POD
    567     { top        :: !Hash256
    568     , pinStorage :: !PinStorage
    569     }
    571 instance ToNoun Pod where
    572     toNoun p = ROW $ arrayFromListN 2 [toNoun, toNoun p.pinStorage]
    574 instance FromNoun Pod where
    575     fromNoun n = do
    576         r <- getRawRow n
    577         guard (length r == 2)
    578         POD <$> fromNoun (r!0)
    579             <*> fromNoun (r!1)
    581 magicHeader :: ByteString
    582 magicHeader = "SEEDPOD:"
    584 planRexFull :: Any -> GRex a
    585 planRexFull = fmap absurd . itemizeRexes . closureRex Nothing . loadClosure
    587 savePod :: Pin -> IO ByteString
    588 savePod pin =
    589     Prof.withSimpleTracingEvent "savePod" "save" do
    590     liftIO $ Seed.withContext \ctx -> do
    591         pod     <- collect ctx pin
    592         payload <- saveSeed' ctx (toNoun pod)
    593         pure (magicHeader <> payload)
    595 {-
    596         We should have a version of this that is given a callback which
    597         loads the blob, either from disk or from local cache.
    598 -}
    599 collect :: Seed.Ctx -> Pin -> IO Pod
    600 collect ctx topPin = do
    601     Prof.withSimpleTracingEvent "collect" "save" do
    602         (haz, tab) <- runStateT (collectWorker ctx topPin) mempty
    603         pure (POD haz $ finish tab)
    604   where
    605     finish :: PinStorageAcc -> PinStorage
    606     finish (hashes, list) =
    607         V.fromListN (length hashes) (reverse list)
    609 type PinStorageAcc = (Map Hash256 Nat, [(ByteString, Vector Nat)])
    611 collectWorker :: Seed.Ctx -> Pin -> StateT PinStorageAcc IO Hash256
    612 collectWorker ctx pin = do
    613     haz <- evaluate pin.hash
    614     t1  <- fst <$> get
    615     unless (member haz t1) do
    616         traverse_ (collectWorker ctx) pin.refs
    617         body <- liftIO (saveGermPin' ctx pin)
    618         refs <- do
    619             t2   <- fst <$> get
    620             for (pin.refs <&> (.hash)) \h -> do
    621                 case lookup h t2 of
    622                     Nothing -> error "impossible: already inserted"
    623                     Just ix -> pure ix
    624         haz <- evaluate pin.hash
    625         modify' \(tab, acc) -> ( insertMap haz (fromIntegral $ length tab) tab
    626                                , (body, refs) : acc
    627                                )
    628     pure haz
    630 reconstruct :: Pod -> IO (Either LoadErr Pin)
    631 reconstruct pod = try
    632     if null pod.pinStorage then
    633         throwIO POD_NO_PINS
    634     else
    635         flip evalStateT mempty do
    636             loop $ fromIntegral $ pred $ length pod.pinStorage
    637   where
    638     build :: Nat -> StateT (Map Nat Pin) IO Pin
    639     build ix = do
    640         -- TODO: Overflow and out of bounds checking
    641         let (body, refs) = pod.pinStorage V.! fromIntegral ix
    643         deps <- traverse loop refs
    644         fan  <- liftIO $ loadGerm deps body >>= either throwIO pure
    645         pin  <- liftIO $ mkPin' fan
    646         modify' (insertMap ix pin)
    647         pure pin
    649     loop :: Nat -> StateT (Map Nat Pin) IO Pin
    650     loop hash = do
    651         tab <- get
    652         case lookup hash tab of
    653             Just f  -> pure f
    654             Nothing -> build hash
    656 -- | Loads a previously packed bytestring pack to a full Fan value.
    657 loadPod :: ByteString -> IO (Either LoadErr Pin)
    658 loadPod bs = try do
    659     (pin, pod) <- Prof.withSimpleTracingEvent "loadPod" "load" do
    660         let (header, payload) = splitAt 8 bs
    662         when (header /= magicHeader) do
    663             throwIO POD_NO_MAGIC
    665         val <- loadSeed payload >>= either throwIO pure
    667         pod <- case fromNoun val of
    668                    Nothing  -> throwIO (POD_MALFORMED val)
    669                    Just pod -> pure pod
    671         pin <- reconstruct pod >>= either throwIO pure
    673         pure (pin, pod)
    675     Prof.withSimpleTracingEvent "validate" "load" do
    676         when ( /= pin.hash) do
    677             throwIO (POD_INTEGRITY_CHECK_FAILED pin)
    679     pure pin
    681 itemizeRexes :: [GRex a] -> GRex a
    682 itemizeRexes [x] = x
    683 itemizeRexes rs  = go rs
    684   where
    685     go []     = N OPEN "*" [] Nothing
    686     go [x]    = N OPEN "*" [x] Nothing
    687     go (x:xs) = N OPEN "*" [x] (Just $ go xs)