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JetImpl.hs (52284B)

      1 -- Copyright 2023 The Plunder Authors
      2 -- Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 -- found in the LICENSE file.
      5 -- TODO: =VCHUNKS
      7 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall    #-}
      8 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Werror  #-}
      9 {-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
     11 module Fan.JetImpl (installJetImpls, jetImpls, doTrk, doTrkRex) where
     13 import Control.Monad.ST
     14 import Control.Parallel
     15 import Data.Bits
     16 import Data.Maybe
     17 import Data.Sorted
     18 import Data.Sorted.Search
     19 import Fan.Convert
     20 import Fan.Seed
     21 import Fan.Eval
     22 import Fan.Jets
     23 import Fan.Hash (fanHash)
     24 import Foreign.ForeignPtr
     25 import Foreign.Storable
     26 import PlunderPrelude
     28 import Data.ByteString.Builder (byteString, toLazyByteString)
     29 import Fan.FFI                 hiding (c_revmemcmp)
     30 import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc   (allocaBytes)
     31 import Foreign.Ptr             (castPtr)
     32 import GHC.Exts                (Word(..), int2Word#, uncheckedIShiftL#, (+#))
     33 import Hash256                 (hashToByteString)
     34 import Loot.Backend            (loadClosure)
     35 import Loot.ReplExe            (closureRex)
     36 import Rex                     (GRex(..), RuneShape(..))
     37 import Unsafe.Coerce           (unsafeCoerce)
     39 import qualified Data.ByteString        as BS
     40 import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as BS
     41 import qualified Data.Vector            as V
     42 import qualified Fan.Prof               as Prof
     44 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     46 {-
     47     Call this immediatly on executable startup.
     48 -}
     49 installJetImpls :: IO ()
     50 installJetImpls = writeIORef vJetImpl jetImpls
     52 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     54 jetImpls :: Map Text (Maybe Jet)
     55 jetImpls = mapFromList
     56   [ ( "_Force"                          , Nothing                             )
     57   , ( "_Seq"                            , Just seqJet                         )
     58   , ( "_Trace"                          , Just traceJet                       )
     59   , ( "_DeepTrace"                      , Just deepTraceJet                   )
     60   , ( "_IsPin"                          , Nothing                             )
     61   , ( "_IsLaw"                          , Nothing                             )
     62   , ( "_IsApp"                          , Nothing                             )
     63   , ( "_IsNat"                          , Just isNatJet                       )
     64   , ( "_PlanTag"                        , Nothing                             )
     65   , ( "_PinItem"                        , Just pinItemJet                     )
     66   , ( "_LawArgs"                        , Nothing                             )
     67   , ( "_LawName"                        , Nothing                             )
     68   , ( "_LawBody"                        , Nothing                             )
     69   , ( "_Car"                            , Nothing                             )
     70   , ( "_Cdr"                            , Nothing                             )
     71   , ( "_Eqz"                            , Just eqzJet                         )
     72   , ( "_If"                             , Just ifJet                          )
     73   , ( "_Ifz"                            , Nothing                             )
     74   , ( "_Not"                            , Just notJet                         )
     75   , ( "_Bit"                            , Just bitJet                         )
     76   , ( "_And"                            , Just andJet                         )
     77   , ( "_Or"                             , Just orJet                          )
     78   , ( "_Xor"                            , Nothing                             )
     79   , ( "_Nand"                           , Nothing                             )
     80   , ( "_Nor"                            , Nothing                             )
     81   , ( "_Xnor"                           , Nothing                             )
     82   , ( "_ToNat"                          , Nothing                             )
     83   , ( "_Dec"                            , Just decJet                         )
     84   , ( "_Times"                          , Nothing                             )
     85   , ( "_Add"                            , Just addJet                         )
     86   , ( "_Mul"                            , Just mulJet                         )
     87   , ( "_Sub"                            , Just subJet                         )
     88   , ( "_Pow"                            , Nothing                             )
     89   , ( "_Bex"                            , Just bexJet                         )
     90   , ( "_OrdWeld"                        , Nothing                             )
     91   , ( "_Div"                            , Just divJet                         )
     92   , ( "_Mod"                            , Just modJet                         )
     93   , ( "_Lsh"                            , Just lshJet                         )
     94   , ( "_Rsh"                            , Just rshJet                         )
     95   , ( "_Bix"                            , Nothing                             )
     96   , ( "_Bitwise"                        , Nothing                             )
     97   , ( "_NatFold"                        , Nothing                             )
     98   , ( "_Dis"                            , Just disJet                         )
     99   , ( "_Con"                            , Just conJet                         )
    100   , ( "_Mix"                            , Just mixJet                         )
    101   , ( "_PopCount"                       , Nothing                             )
    102   , ( "_Met"                            , Just metJet                         )
    103   , ( "_Trunc"                          , Nothing                             )
    104   , ( "_BitSlice"                       , Nothing                             )
    105   , ( "_SetBit"                         , Nothing                             )
    106   , ( "_TestBit"                        , Nothing                             )
    107   , ( "_ClearBit"                       , Nothing                             )
    108   , ( "_Cmp"                            , Just cmpJet                         )
    109   , ( "_Eql"                            , Just eqlJet                         )
    110   , ( "_Neq"                            , Just neqJet                         )
    111   , ( "_Lth"                            , Just lthJet                         )
    112   , ( "_Lte"                            , Just lteJet                         )
    113   , ( "_Gth"                            , Just gthJet                         )
    114   , ( "_Gte"                            , Just gteJet                         )
    115   , ( "_Min"                            , Nothing                             )
    116   , ( "_Max"                            , Nothing                             )
    117   , ( "_Null"                           , Nothing                             )
    118   , ( "_Head"                           , Nothing                             )
    119   , ( "_Arity"                          , Nothing                             )
    120   , ( "_Len"                            , Just lenJet                         )
    121   , ( "_Put"                            , Just vputJet                        )
    122   , ( "_Get"                            , Just getJet                         )
    123   , ( "_Idx"                            , Just idxJet                         )
    124   , ( "_Mut"                            , Just vmutJet                        )
    125   , ( "_Last"                           , Nothing                             )
    126   , ( "_Switch"                         , Just vswitchJet                     )
    127   , ( "_Cow"                            , Nothing                             )
    128   , ( "_CowSize"                        , Nothing                             )
    129   , ( "_IsCow"                          , Nothing                             )
    130   , ( "_IsRow"                          , Nothing                             )
    131   , ( "_Gen"                            , Nothing                             )
    132   , ( "_Weld"                           , Just vweldJet                       )
    133   , ( "_Map"                            , Just vmapJet                        )
    134   , ( "_Rev"                            , Just vrevJet                        )
    135   , ( "rowCons"                         , Just vconsJet                       )
    136   , ( "rowSnoc"                         , Just vsnocJet                       )
    137   , ( "sum"                             , Just vsumJet                        )
    138   , ( "sumOf"                           , Just vsumOfJet                      )
    139   , ( "cat"                             , Just vcatJet                        )
    140   , ( "zip"                             , Just vzipJet                        )
    141   , ( "take"                            , Just vtakeJet                       )
    142   , ( "drop"                            , Just vdropJet                       )
    143   , ( "unfoldr"                         , Just unfoldrJet                     )
    144   , ( "_SizedListToRow"                 , Just sizedListToRowJet              )
    145   , ( "_SizedListToRowRev"              , Just sizedListToRowRevJet           )
    146   , ( "bsearch"                         , Just bsearchJet                     )
    147   , ( "isDigit"                         , Just isDigitJet                     )
    148   , ( "implode"                         , Just implodeJet                     )
    149   , ( "_MkSet"                          , Nothing                             )
    150   , ( "_SetToRow"                       , Nothing                             )
    151   , ( "setSing"                         , Just setSingletonJet                )
    152   , ( "setIsEmpty"                      , Just setIsEmptyJet                  )
    153   , ( "setLen"                          , Just setLenJet                      )
    154   , ( "setHas"                          , Just setHasJet                      )
    155   , ( "setMin"                          , Just setMinJet                      )
    156   , ( "setIns"                          , Just setInsJet                      )
    157   , ( "setDel"                          , Just setDelJet                      )
    158   , ( "setWeld"                         , Just setWeldJet                     )
    159   , ( "setCatRowAsc"                    , Just setCatRowAscJet                )
    160   , ( "isSet"                           , Just isSetJet                       )
    161   , ( "setDrop"                         , Just setDropJet                     )
    162   , ( "setTake"                         , Just setTakeJet                     )
    163   , ( "setSplitAt"                      , Just setSplitAtJet                  )
    164   , ( "setIntersect"                    , Just setIntersectionJet             )
    165   , ( "setSub"                          , Just setSubJet                      )
    166   , ( "setSplitLT"                      , Just setSplitLTJet                  )
    167   , ( "_MkTab"                          , Nothing                             )
    168   , ( "tabSing"                         , Just tabSingletonJet                )
    169   , ( "isTab"                           , Just isTabJet                       )
    170   , ( "_TabKeys"                        , Just tabKeysSetJet                  )
    171   , ( "_TabVals"                        , Just tabValsJet                     )
    172   , ( "_TabKeysRow"                     , Just tabKeysRowJet                  )
    173   , ( "_TabKeysList"                    , Nothing                             )
    174   , ( "tabIdx"                          , Just tabIdxJet                      )
    175   , ( "tabElemIdx"                      , Just tabElemIdxJet                  )
    176   , ( "_TabLen"                         , Just tabLenJet                      )
    177   , ( "_TabIsEmpty"                     , Nothing                             )
    178   , ( "_TabHas"                         , Just tabHasKeyJet                   )
    179   , ( "_TabLookup"                      , Just tabLookupJet                   )
    180   , ( "tabIns"                          , Just tabInsJet                      )
    181   , ( "tabSwitch"                       , Just tabSwitchJet                   )
    182   , ( "tabToPairs"                      , Just tabToPairsJet                  )
    183   , ( "tabFromPairs"                    , Just tabFromPairsJet                )
    184   , ( "tabToPairList"                   , Just tabToPairListJet               )
    185   , ( "tabSplitAt"                      , Just tabSplitAtJet                  )
    186   , ( "tabSplitLT"                      , Just tabSplitLTJet                  )
    187   , ( "tabAlter"                        , Just tabAlterJet                    )
    188   , ( "tabMapWithKey"                   , Just tabMapWithKeyJet               )
    189   , ( "tabMap"                          , Just tabMapJet                      )
    190   , ( "tabUnionWith"                    , Just tabUnionWithJet                )
    191   , ( "tabWeld"                         , Just tabWeldJet                     )
    192   , ( "tabMinKey"                       , Just tabMinKeyJet                   )
    193   , ( "tabFoldlWithKey"                 , Just tabFoldlWithKeyJet             )
    194   , ( "_TabFilterWithKey"               , Nothing                             )
    195   , ( "padWeld"                         , Just padWeldJet                     )
    196   , ( "padCat"                          , Just padCatJet                      )
    197   , ( "padFlat"                         , Just padFlatJet                     )
    198   , ( "isBar"                           , Just isBarJet                       )
    199   , ( "_Bar"                            , Nothing                             )
    200   , ( "natBar"                          , Just natBarJet                      )
    201   , ( "barNat"                          , Just barNatJet                      )
    202   , ( "barLen"                          , Just barLenJet                      )
    203   , ( "barIsEmpty"                      , Just barIsEmptyJet                  )
    204   , ( "_NatToSizedBar"                  , Nothing                             )
    205   , ( "barIdx"                          , Just bIdxJet                        )
    206   , ( "barWeld"                         , Just barWeldJet                     )
    207   , ( "barCat"                          , Just barCatJet                      )
    208   , ( "barTake"                         , Just barTakeJet                     )
    209   , ( "barDrop"                         , Just barDropJet                     )
    210   , ( "_BarSliceToNat"                  , Nothing                             )
    211   , ( "barElemIndexEnd"                 , Just barElemIndexEndJet             )
    212   , ( "barFlat"                         , Just barFlatJet                     )
    213   , ( "barElemIndexOff"                 , Just barElemIndex                   )
    214   , ( "par"                             , Just parJet                         )
    215   , ( "pseq"                            , Just pseqJet                        )
    216   , ( "w32"                             , Just w32Jet                         )
    217   , ( "add32"                           , Just add32Jet                       )
    218   , ( "mul32"                           , Just mul32Jet                       )
    219   , ( "div32"                           , Just div32Jet                       )
    220   , ( "and32"                           , Just and32Jet                       )
    221   , ( "or32"                            , Just or32Jet                        )
    222   , ( "xor32"                           , Just xor32Jet                       )
    223   , ( "lsh32"                           , Just lsh32Jet                       )
    224   , ( "rsh32"                           , Just rsh32Jet                       )
    225   , ( "sub32"                           , Just sub32Jet                       )
    226   , ( "ror32"                           , Just ror32Jet                       )
    227   , ( "rol32"                           , Just rol32Jet                       )
    228   , ( "w64"                             , Just w64Jet                         )
    229   , ( "add64"                           , Just add64Jet                       )
    230   , ( "mul64"                           , Just mul64Jet                       )
    231   , ( "div64"                           , Just div64Jet                       )
    232   , ( "and64"                           , Just and64Jet                       )
    233   , ( "or64"                            , Just or64Jet                        )
    234   , ( "xor64"                           , Just xor64Jet                       )
    235   , ( "lsh64"                           , Just lsh64Jet                       )
    236   , ( "rsh64"                           , Just rsh64Jet                       )
    237   , ( "sub64"                           , Just sub64Jet                       )
    238   , ( "ror64"                           , Just ror64Jet                       )
    239   , ( "rol64"                           , Just rol64Jet                       )
    240   , ( "iDiv64"                          , Just iDiv64Jet                      )
    241   , ( "_DataTag"                        , Just dataTagJet                     )
    242   , ( "_TypeTag"                        , Just typeTagJet                     )
    243   , ( "_TryExp"                         , Nothing                             )
    244   , ( "_Try"                            , Just tryJet                         )
    245   , ( "_Blake3"                         , Just blake3Jet                      )
    246   , ( "_PlanHash"                       , Just planHashJet                    )
    247   , ( "_PinHash"                        , Just pinHashJet                     )
    248   , ( "_LoadGerm"                       , Just loadGermJet                    )
    249   , ( "_SaveGerm"                       , Just saveGermJet                    )
    250   , ( "_LoadSeed"                       , Just loadSeedJet                    )
    251   , ( "_SaveSeed"                       , Just saveSeedJet                    )
    252   ]
    254 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    256 ifJet :: Jet
    257 ifJet _ env = if toBit(env.!1) then env.!2 else env.!3
    259 isNatJet :: Jet
    260 isNatJet _ env =
    261     case env.!1 of
    262         NAT{} -> NAT 1
    263         _     -> NAT 0
    265 eqlJet :: Jet
    266 eqlJet _ env =
    267     fromBit $ (fastValEq (env.!1) (env.!2))
    269 neqJet :: Jet
    270 neqJet _ env =
    271     fromBit $ not $ (fastValEq (env.!1) (env.!2))
    273 eqzJet :: Jet
    274 eqzJet _ env = case env.!1 of
    275   NAT 0 -> NAT 1
    276   _     -> NAT 0
    278 doTrkRex :: GRex Fan -> a -> a
    279 doTrkRex rex val = unsafePerformIO do
    280     trk <- readIORef vTrkRex
    281     trk rex
    282     evaluate val
    284 doTrk :: Fan -> a -> a
    285 doTrk msg val = unsafePerformIO do
    286     trk <- readIORef vTrkFan
    287     tag <- evaluate (force msg)
    288     trk msg
    290     case trkName tag of
    291         Nothing -> evaluate val
    292         Just (encodeUtf8 -> nm) ->
    293             Prof.withAlwaysTrace nm "trk" do
    294                 evaluate val
    296 -- TODO: (!greenOut (!(readIORef vShowFan) (env.!1))) probably needs to
    297 -- be replaced with something like (!(readIORef vLogFan) LOG_TRK (env.!1)).
    298 --
    299 -- This way the cog-machine can propery re-route this output to the
    300 -- log-files.
    301 traceJet :: Jet
    302 traceJet _ env = doTrk (env.!1) (env.!2)
    304 deepTraceJet :: Jet
    305 deepTraceJet _ e = doTrkRex (planRexFull (e.!1)) (e.!2)
    307 planRexFull :: Fan -> GRex a
    308 planRexFull = fmap absurd . itemizeRexes . closureRex Nothing . loadClosure
    309   where
    310     itemizeRexes :: [GRex a] -> GRex a
    311     itemizeRexes [x] = x
    312     itemizeRexes rs  = go rs
    313       where
    314         go []     = N OPEN "*" [] Nothing
    315         go [x]    = N OPEN "*" [x] Nothing
    316         go (x:xs) = N OPEN "*" [x] (Just $ go xs)
    318 {-# INLINE ordFan #-}
    319 ordFan :: Ordering -> Nat
    320 ordFan LT = 0
    321 ordFan EQ = 1
    322 ordFan GT = 2
    324 cmpJet :: Jet
    325 cmpJet _ env = NAT $ ordFan $ compare (env.!1) (env.!2)
    327 lthJet :: Jet
    328 lthJet _ env = if ((env.!1) <  (env.!2)) then NAT 1 else NAT 0
    330 gthJet :: Jet
    331 gthJet _ env = if ((env.!1) >  (env.!2)) then NAT 1 else NAT 0
    333 lteJet :: Jet
    334 lteJet _ env = if ((env.!1) <= (env.!2)) then NAT 1 else NAT 0
    336 gteJet :: Jet
    337 gteJet _ env = if ((env.!1) >= (env.!2)) then NAT 1 else NAT 0
    339 bexJet :: Jet
    340 bexJet _ env = NAT (bex $ toNat (env.!1))
    342 modJet :: Jet
    343 modJet _ env = NAT (toNat(env.!1) `mod` toNat(env.!2))
    345 addJet :: Jet
    346 addJet _ env = NAT (toNat(env.!1) + toNat(env.!2))
    348 lshJet :: Jet
    349 lshJet _ env =
    350     let xv = toNat(env.!1)
    351         yv = toNat(env.!2)
    352     in
    353         if yv > maxInt
    354         then error "TODO:lsh with huge offset"
    355         else NAT (xv `shiftL` (fromIntegral yv :: Int))
    357 rshJet :: Jet
    358 rshJet _ env =
    359     let xv = toNat(env.!1)
    360         yv = toNat(env.!2)
    361     in
    362         if yv > maxInt
    363         then error "TODO: rsh with huge offset"
    364         else NAT (xv `shiftR` (fromIntegral yv :: Int))
    366 metJet :: Jet
    367 metJet _ env =
    368     let x = toNat(env.!1)
    369     in NAT $ natBitWidth x
    371 pinItemJet :: Jet
    372 pinItemJet _ env =
    373     case env.!1 of
    374         PIN p -> p.item
    375         _     -> NAT 0
    377 decJet :: Jet
    378 decJet _ env =
    379     case env.!1 of
    380         NAT 0 -> NAT 0
    381         NAT n -> NAT (n-1)
    382         _     -> NAT 0
    384 seqJet :: Jet
    385 seqJet _ env = env.!1 `seq` env.!2
    387 bitJet :: Jet
    388 bitJet _ env =
    389     case env.!1 of
    390         NAT 0 -> NAT 0
    391         NAT _ -> NAT 1
    392         _     -> NAT 0
    394 notJet :: Jet
    395 notJet _ env =
    396     case env.!1 of
    397         NAT (NatS# 0##) -> NAT (NatS# 1##)
    398 --      NAT (NatJ# (EXO 0 _)) -> error "invalid nat"
    399 --      NAT (NatJ# (EXO 1 _)) -> error "invalid nat"
    400         NAT _           -> NAT (NatS# 0##)
    401         _               -> NAT 1
    403 andJet :: Jet
    404 andJet _ env = fromBit (toBit(env.!1) && toBit(env.!2))
    406 orJet :: Jet
    407 orJet _ env = fromBit (toBit(env.!1) || toBit(env.!2))
    409 mulJet :: Jet
    410 mulJet _ env = NAT (toNat(env.!1) * toNat(env.!2))
    412 mixJet :: Jet
    413 mixJet _ env = NAT (toNat(env.!1) `xor` toNat(env.!2))
    415 conJet :: Jet
    416 conJet _ env = NAT (toNat(env.!1)  .&.  toNat(env.!2))
    418 disJet :: Jet
    419 disJet _ env = NAT (toNat(env.!1)  .|. toNat(env.!2))
    421 divJet :: Jet
    422 divJet _ env =
    423     let yv = toNat (env.!2)
    424     in if (yv == 0)
    425        then NAT 0
    426        else NAT (toNat(env.!1) `div` yv)
    428 subJet :: Jet
    429 subJet _ env =
    430     let (x,y) = (toNat(env.!1), toNat(env.!2))
    431     in NAT (if y>x then 0 else (x-y))
    433 vcatJet :: Jet
    434 vcatJet f env = orExec (f env) do
    435       vs <- getRow (env.!1)
    436       xs <- for vs getRow
    437       pure $ ROW $ concat xs
    439 vzipJet :: Jet
    440 vzipJet f env = orExec (f env) do
    441     as <- getRow (env.!1)
    442     bs <- getRow (env.!2)
    443     pure $ ROW $ rowZipWith v2 as bs
    445 vrevJet :: Jet
    446 vrevJet f env = orExec (f env) do
    447       (ROW . rowReverse) <$> getRow (env.!1)
    449 --
    450 -- TODO: What to do if given an unreasonable size here?  PLAN code will
    451 -- do something insane, but wont crash, this will crash.
    452 --
    453 -- Maybe we should just fallback to unsized + check for very large sizes?
    454 --
    455 sizedListToRow :: Int -> Fan -> Maybe (Array Fan)
    456 sizedListToRow sz input = runST do
    457     buf <- newArray sz (NAT 0)
    458     let go _ (NAT 0)                 = Just <$> unsafeFreezeArray buf
    459         go 0 _                       = Just <$> unsafeFreezeArray buf
    460         go n (ROW r) | length r == 2 = do writeArray buf (sz-n) (r!0)
    461                                           go (n-1) (r!1)
    462         go _ _                       = pure Nothing
    463     go sz input
    465 sizedListToRowRev :: Int -> Fan -> Maybe (Array Fan)
    466 sizedListToRowRev sz input = runST do
    467     buf <- newArray sz (NAT 0)
    468     let go _ (NAT 0)                 = Just <$> unsafeFreezeArray buf
    469         go 0 _                       = Just <$> unsafeFreezeArray buf
    470         go i (ROW r) | length r == 2 = do writeArray buf (i-1) (r!0)
    471                                           go (i-1) (r!1)
    472         go _ _                       = pure Nothing
    473     go sz input
    475 sizedListToRowJet :: Jet
    476 sizedListToRowJet f env =
    477     orExec (f env) do
    478         sz <- case (env .! 1) of
    479                   NAT sz | sz <= maxInt -> pure (fromIntegral sz)
    480                   _                     -> Nothing
    481         rw <- sizedListToRow sz (env .! 2)
    482         pure (ROW rw)
    484 sizedListToRowRevJet :: Jet
    485 sizedListToRowRevJet f env =
    486     orExec (f env) do
    487         sz <- case (env .! 1) of
    488             NAT sz | sz <= maxInt -> pure (fromIntegral sz)
    489             _                     -> Nothing
    490         rw <- sizedListToRowRev sz (env .! 2)
    491         pure (ROW rw)
    493 unfoldrJet :: Jet
    494 unfoldrJet f env = orExecTrace "unfoldr" (f env)
    495                    (ROW . V.toArray <$> V.unfoldrM build (env.!2))
    496   where
    497     fun = env.!1
    498     build val = fromNoun @(Maybe (Fan, Fan)) (fun %% val)
    500 bsearchJet :: Jet
    501 bsearchJet f env = orExecTrace "bsearch" (f env) do
    502   row <- getRow (env.!2)
    503   let !(# idx, found #) = bsearch_ (env.!1) row 0 (sizeofArray row)
    504   pure $ NAT $ NatS# (int2Word# ((idx `uncheckedIShiftL#` 1#) +# found))
    506 -- TODO Just don't do this, use bars instead of rows of bytes.
    507 --
    508 -- We don't accept 0 bytes, since their behavior in the plunder
    509 -- implementation is weird (silently dropped)
    510 --
    511 -- TODO Converting from a vector to a list to a bytestring to an atom
    512 -- is stupid we should directly implement `Vector U8 -> Nat`.
    513 implodeJet :: Jet
    514 implodeJet f env = orExec (f env) $ do
    515       vs <- getRow (env.!1)
    516       bs <- for vs \case
    517           (NAT n) | n>0 && n<256 -> Just (fromIntegral n)
    518           _                      -> Nothing
    519       pure $ NAT $ bytesNat $ pack $ toList bs
    521 barDropJet :: Jet
    522 barDropJet f env = orExec (f env) $ do
    523     let n = toNat (env.!1)
    524     b <- getBar (env.!2)
    525     pure $ BAR $
    526         if (n >= fromIntegral (length b)) -- Prevent Int overflow
    527         then mempty
    528         else drop (fromIntegral n) b
    530 barTakeJet :: Jet
    531 barTakeJet f env = orExec (f env) $ do
    532     let n = toNat (env.!1)
    533     b <- getBar (env.!2)
    535     pure $ BAR $
    536         if (n >= fromIntegral (length b)) -- Prevent Int overflow
    537         then b
    538         else take (fromIntegral n) b
    540 barLenJet :: Jet
    541 barLenJet f env = orExec (f env) $ do
    542     b <- getBar (env.!1)
    543     pure $ NAT $ fromIntegral $ length b
    545 natBarJet :: Jet
    546 natBarJet _ env = BAR $ natBytes $ toNat(env.!1)
    548 barNatJet :: Jet
    549 barNatJet f e = orExec (f e) $ do
    550   b <- getBar (e.!1)
    551   pure $ NAT $ bytesNat b
    553 barIsEmptyJet :: Jet
    554 barIsEmptyJet f e = orExec (f e) $ do
    555   b <- getBar (e.!1)
    556   pure $ fromBit $ null b
    558 idxJet, getJet :: Jet
    559 idxJet _ env = fanIdx (toNat (env.!1)) (env.!2)
    560 getJet _ env = fanIdx (toNat (env.!2)) (env.!1)
    562 -- Number of arguments applied to head.
    563 fanLength :: Fan -> Int
    564 fanLength = \case
    565     ROW x   -> length x
    566     KLO _ t -> fanLength (t.!0) + (sizeofSmallArray t - 1)
    567     TAb{}   -> 1 -- always (keys args)
    568     NAT{}   -> 0
    569     BAR{}   -> 0
    570     SET{}   -> 0
    571     FUN{}   -> 0
    572     PIN{}   -> 0
    573     COw{}   -> 0
    575 lenJet :: Jet
    576 lenJet _ env = NAT $ fromIntegral $ fanLength (env.!1)
    578 -- TODO: vsplice
    580 vweldJet :: Jet
    581 vweldJet f env =
    582     orExec (f env) (vweld <$> getRow (env.!1) <*> getRow (env.!2))
    583   where
    584     vweld :: Array Fan -> Array Fan -> Fan
    585     vweld x y = ROW (x ++ y)
    587 vmapJet :: Jet
    588 vmapJet f env =
    589     orExec (f env) (vmap (env.!1) <$> getRow (env.!2))
    590   where
    591     vmap :: Fan -> Array Fan -> Fan
    592     vmap fun vec = ROW $ fmap (fun %%) vec
    594 vconsJet :: Jet
    595 vconsJet f env =
    596     orExec (f env) (vcons (env.!1) <$> getRow (env.!2))
    597   where
    598     vcons :: Fan -> Array Fan -> Fan
    599     vcons hed vec = ROW (rowCons hed vec)
    601 vsnocJet :: Jet
    602 vsnocJet f env =
    603     orExec (f env) do
    604         row <- getRow (env.!1)
    605         pure (vmap row (env.!2))
    606   where
    607     vmap :: Array Fan -> Fan -> Fan
    608     vmap vec tel = ROW (rowSnoc vec tel)
    610 vsumJet :: Jet
    611 vsumJet f env = orExec (f env) (vsum <$> getRow (env.!1))
    612   where
    613     vsum :: Array Fan -> Fan
    614     vsum s = NAT $ foldr (\fan n -> n + toNat fan) 0 s
    616 vsumOfJet :: Jet
    617 vsumOfJet f env =
    618     orExec (f env) (vsumOf (env.!1) <$> getRow (env.!2))
    619   where
    620     vsumOf :: Fan -> Array Fan -> Fan
    621     vsumOf fn s = NAT $ foldr (\fan n -> n + toNat (fn %% fan)) 0 s
    623 -- TODO: vfind
    625 -- [hed 3 2 1 0] 0 -> arr[5-(0+1)] -> arr[4] -> 0
    626 -- [hed 3 2 1 0] 1 -> arr[5-(1+1)] -> arr[3] -> 1
    627 -- [hed 3 2 1 0] 2 -> arr[5-(2+1)] -> arr[2] -> 2
    628 -- [hed 3 2 1 0] 3 -> arr[5-(3+1)] -> arr[1] -> 3
    630 -- {mutKlo} *ASSUMES* that the input is in bounds.
    632 -- TODO: This is complicated because this runtime does not require
    633 -- closures to be flat!  In a native runtime, closures should just always
    634 -- be kept flat.
    636 mutKlo :: Int -> Fan -> Int -> SmallArray Fan -> Fan
    637 mutKlo topKey v = \a xs -> unsafePerformIO (go topKey a xs)
    638   where
    639     go k a xs = do
    640         let len = sizeofSmallArray xs
    641         buf <- thawSmallArray xs 0 len
    642         let args = len-1
    643         if (k+1) < len then do
    644             let ix = args - k
    645             writeSmallArray buf ix v
    646             KLO a <$> freezeSmallArray buf 0 len
    647         else case xs.!0 of
    648             -- If it's not here, it's in the head.  So update the head,
    649             -- and then re-create this node with that head.
    650              KLO hedA hedXs -> do
    651                  newHead <- go (k - args) hedA hedXs
    652                  writeSmallArray buf 0 newHead
    653                  KLO a <$> freezeSmallArray buf 0 len
    654              _ -> do
    655                  error "mutKlo: index out of bounds!"
    657 doMut :: Fan -> Fan -> Fan -> Fan
    658 doMut (toNat -> k) v x = case x of
    659     _ | k > maxInt -> x
    660     NAT{}          -> x
    661     PIN{}          -> x
    662     FUN{}          -> x
    663     BAR{}          -> x
    664     SET{}          -> x
    665     COw{}          -> x
    666     KLO a r        -> if ki >= fanLength x then x else mutKlo ki v a r
    667     TAb t          -> if ki > 0            then x else SET (tabKeysSet t) %% v
    668     ROW r          -> if ki >= length r    then x else ROW (rowPut ki v r)
    669   where
    670     ki = fromIntegral k :: Int
    672 vputJet, vmutJet :: Jet
    673 vputJet _ env = doMut (env.!2) (env.!3) (env.!1)
    674 vmutJet _ env = doMut (env.!1) (env.!2) (env.!3)
    676 -- Just jetting this so that it will show up "NOT MATCHED" if the hash
    677 -- is wrong.
    678 vswitchJet :: Jet
    679 vswitchJet f env =
    680     orExec (f env) (vtake (toNat (env.!1)) (env.!2) <$> getRow (env.!3))
    681   where
    682     vtake :: Nat -> Fan -> Array Fan -> Fan
    683     vtake i fb vec =
    684         if (i >= fromIntegral (length vec))
    685         then fb
    686         else vec ! fromIntegral i
    688 vtakeJet :: Jet
    689 vtakeJet f env =
    690     orExec (f env) (vtake (toNat (env.!1)) <$> getRow (env.!2))
    691   where
    692     vtake :: Nat -> Array Fan -> Fan
    693     vtake n vec =
    694         let siz = fromIntegral (length vec)
    695         in ROW $ if (n >= siz)
    696                  then vec
    697                  else rowTake (fromIntegral n) vec
    699 vdropJet :: Jet
    700 vdropJet f env =
    701     orExec (f env) (vdrop (toNat (env.!1)) <$> getRow (env.!2))
    702   where
    703     vdrop :: Nat -> Array Fan -> Fan
    704     vdrop n vec =
    705       let siz = fromIntegral (length vec)
    706       in ROW $ if (n >= siz)
    707                then mempty
    708                else rowDrop (fromIntegral n) vec
    710 bIdxJet :: Jet
    711 bIdxJet f env =
    712     orExec (f env) (bidx (toNat (env.!1)) <$> getBar (env.!2))
    713   where
    714     bidx :: Nat -> ByteString -> Fan
    715     bidx n bs =
    716         let siz = fromIntegral (length bs)
    717         in NAT $ if (n >= siz)
    718                  then 0
    719                  else fromIntegral $ BS.index bs $ fromIntegral n
    721 barCatJet :: Jet
    722 barCatJet f env =
    723     orExecTrace "barCat" (f env) $ do
    724         vs <- getRow (env.!1)
    725         bs <- traverse getBar vs
    726         pure $ BAR $ concat bs
    728 isBarJet :: Jet
    729 isBarJet _ env =
    730     case env.!1 of
    731         BAR _ -> NAT 1
    732         _     -> NAT 0
    734 {-
    735     TODO: Evaluate using `barTreeToList` for this.  The algoritm isn't
    736     exactly the same, but unclear if it's worse or better.  Likely
    737     consuming barTreeToList and using that explicitly fill a buffer would
    738     be better than using Bytestring Builders, since we get none of the
    739     usual advantages of that here.
    741     If the approach indicated above is better, then this could probably
    742     be simplified to something like (barCat . barTreeToList) with an
    743     imperative implementation of barCat.
    744 -}
    745 barFlatJet :: Jet
    746 barFlatJet _ env =
    747     BAR $ toStrict $ toLazyByteString $ go $ (env.!1)
    748   where
    749     go (BAR b) = byteString b
    750     go PIN{}   = mempty                    -- pin
    751     go COw{}   = mempty                    -- law
    752     go SET{}   = mempty                    -- law
    753     go FUN{}   = mempty                    -- law
    754     go (ROW r) = concat (go <$> r)         -- app
    755     go (TAb r) = concat (go <$> toList r)  -- app
    756     go k@KLO{} = concat (go <$> kloArgs k) -- app
    757     go NAT{}   = mempty                    -- nat
    759 barTreeToList :: Fan -> [ByteString]
    760 barTreeToList = \case
    761     BAR b   -> [b]                                  -- law (but is a bar)
    762     PIN{}   -> []                                   -- pin (not an app)
    763     COw{}   -> []                                   -- law (not an app)
    764     SET{}   -> []                                   -- law (not an app)
    765     FUN{}   -> []                                   -- law (not an app)
    766     ROW r   -> concat (barTreeToList <$> toList r)  -- app
    767     TAb r   -> concat (barTreeToList <$> toList r)  -- app
    768     k@KLO{} -> concat (barTreeToList <$> kloArgs k) -- app
    769     NAT{}   -> mempty                               -- nat
    771 getInt :: Fan -> Maybe Int
    772 getInt (NAT n) | n < maxInt = Just (fromIntegral n)
    773 getInt _                    = Nothing
    775 -- TODO Is `BS.drop` O(n) now?
    776 barElemIndex :: Jet
    777 barElemIndex f env =
    778     orExec (f env) (exe <$> getByte (env.!1)
    779                         <*> getInt (env.!2)
    780                         <*> getBar (env.!3))
    781   where
    782     exe :: Word8 -> Int -> ByteString -> Fan
    783     exe byte off bar =
    784         NAT $ fromIntegral $
    785             case BS.elemIndex byte (drop off bar) of
    786                 Nothing -> length bar
    787                 Just ix -> ix+off
    789 barElemIndexEndJet :: Jet
    790 barElemIndexEndJet f env =
    791     orExec (f env) (exe <$> getByte (env.!1) <*> getBar (env.!2))
    792   where
    793     exe :: Word8 -> ByteString -> Fan
    794     exe byte bar = case BS.elemIndexEnd byte bar of
    795                      Nothing -> NAT 0
    796                      Just ix -> (NAT 0) %% (NAT $ fromIntegral ix)
    798 {-
    799 padFlatFill :: Int -> UMVector Word -> [Nat] -> IO Fan
    800 padFlatFill wordLength bufr = do
    801     let go !used !idx !word []     = pure ()
    802         go !used !idx !word (x:xs) = do
    803             let (used, word) = mix (used, word) x
    805     if wordLength == 1 then
    806         fromIntegral <$> peek bufr
    807     else
    808         _
    809   where
    810     finalize :: (Int, Word) -> Word
    811     finalize (used, acc) =
    812         fromIntegral ((1 `shiftL` used) .|. acc)
    814     mix :: (Int, Word) -> Nat -> (Int, Word)
    815     mix (used, acc) (fromIntegral -> new) =
    816         let
    817             end = fromIntegral (wordBitWidth new) - 1
    818         in
    819             ( used + end
    820             , acc .|. (clearBit new end `shiftL` used)
    821             )
    823 padFlatJet :: Jet
    824 padFlatJet _ e =
    825     unsafePerformIO do
    826         buf <- mallocBytes (8*wordWidth)
    827         padFlatFill wordWidth buf (padFlatSeq arg)
    828   where
    829     arg = (e.!1)
    831     bitWidth  = 1 + padFlatBits arg
    832     wordWidth = bitWidth `divUp` 64
    833     divUp x y = (x `div` y) + (if x `mod` y == 0 then 0 else 1)
    835     padFlatBits :: Fan -> Int
    836     padFlatBits fan = sum ((\x -> natBitWidth x - 1) <$> padFlatSeq fan)
    837 -}
    839 -- TODO: Stub (finish implementing the much faster approach above)
    840 padFlatJet :: Jet
    841 padFlatJet _ e = pcat $ padFlatSeq (e.!1)
    842   where
    843     pcat vs = NAT $ foldl' padWeld 1 vs
    845 padFlatSeq :: Fan -> [Nat]
    846 padFlatSeq =
    847     \top -> go top []
    848   where
    849     go item acc = case item of
    850         NAT 0   -> 1 : acc
    851         NAT n   -> n : acc
    852         TAb xs  -> foldr go acc (toList xs)
    853         ROW xs  -> foldr go acc (toList xs)
    854         KLO _ x -> foldr go acc (drop 1 $ toList x)
    855         _       -> 1 : acc
    858 {-
    859     p#111 p#110 -> p#111110
    861     0b1111 0b1011 -> 0b1011111
    863     (clearBit 3 0b1111) .|. (0b1011 << 3)
    865     - where 3 is (bitWidth(0b1111) - 1)
    867     -- TODO: This crashes if gen a zero input.  0 is not a valid pad, but
    868     -- what should we do in this case?  Abort and fallback to raw PLAN exe?
    869 -}
    870 padWeld :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat
    871 padWeld x y = (x `clearBit` end) .|. (y `shiftL` end)
    872   where
    873     end :: Int
    874     end = (natBitWidth x - 1)
    876 isDigitJet :: Jet
    877 isDigitJet _ e =
    878     case (e.!1) of
    879       NAT (NatS# xu) ->
    880           let x = W# xu
    881           in if x>=48 && x<=57
    882              then NAT (NatS# 1##)
    883              else NAT (NatS# 0##)
    884       _ ->
    885           NAT 0
    887 toPad :: Fan -> Nat
    888 toPad (NAT 0) = 1
    889 toPad (NAT n) = n
    890 toPad _       = 1
    892 padWeldJet :: Jet
    893 padWeldJet _ e = (NAT $ padWeld (toPad(e.!1)) (toPad(e.!2)))
    895 -- TODO Do this using a mutable buffer (like in Jam)
    896 padCatJet :: Jet
    897 padCatJet f e =
    898     orExecTrace "padCat" (f e)
    899         (pcat <$> getRow (e.!1))
    900   where
    901     pcat vs = NAT $ foldl' (\a i -> padWeld a (toPad i)) 1 vs
    903 barWeldJet :: Jet
    904 barWeldJet f e =
    905     orExecTrace "barWeld" (f e)
    906         (bweld <$> getBar (e.!1) <*> getBar (e.!2))
    907   where
    908     bweld :: ByteString -> ByteString -> Fan
    909     bweld a b = BAR (a <> b)
    911 blake3Jet :: Jet
    912 blake3Jet _ e = unsafePerformIO do
    913     h <- c_jet_blake3_hasher_new
    915     for_ (barTreeToList (e.!1)) \bar ->
    916         BS.unsafeUseAsCStringLen bar \(byt, wid) ->
    917         c_jet_blake3_hasher_update h (castPtr byt) (fromIntegral wid)
    919     allocaBytes 32 $ \outbuf -> do
    920         c_jet_blake3_hasher_finalize h (castPtr outbuf)
    921         BAR <$> BS.packCStringLen (outbuf, 32)
    923 planHashJet :: Jet
    924 planHashJet _ e = BAR . hashToByteString . fanHash $ (e.!1)
    926 pinHashJet :: Jet
    927 pinHashJet _ e = case e.!1 of
    928     PIN pin -> BAR $ hashToByteString pin.hash
    929     _       -> NAT 0
    931 tryJet :: Jet
    932 tryJet f e =
    933     case getRow (e.!1) of
    934         Nothing  -> f e
    935         Just row -> case deepseq row (toList row) of
    936             []   -> f e
    937             x:xs -> unsafePerformIO do
    938                 try (evaluate $ force (foldl' (%%) x xs)) <&> \case
    939                     Left (PRIMOP_CRASH err val) -> toNoun (0::Nat, (err, val))
    940                     Right vl                    -> toNoun (1::Nat, vl)
    942 saveSeedJet :: Jet
    943 saveSeedJet _ e = BAR $ unsafePerformIO $ saveSeed (e.!1)
    945 loadSeedJet :: Jet
    946 loadSeedJet f e = case e.!1 of
    947     BAR b -> either (const $ f e) id $ unsafePerformIO $ loadSeed b
    948     _     -> f e
    950 -- Note that {_SaveGerm} returns 0 if given something besides a pin!
    951 -- There's no need to fallback to the legal behavior in that case.
    953 saveGermJet :: Jet
    954 saveGermJet _ e =
    955     case e.!1 of { PIN p -> save p; _ -> 0 }
    956   where
    957     save p =
    958         let !bs = unsafePerformIO (saveGermPin p)
    959         in toNoun (p.refs, bs)
    961 -- TODO: This is a bad jet, because malformed input will cause fallback
    962 -- to raw PLAN evaluation, which will be extremely slow.  Need to have
    963 -- error-behavior match between impl/jet so that the jet can also apply
    964 -- to bad input.
    966 loadGermJet :: Jet
    967 loadGermJet f e =
    968     fromMaybe (f e) do
    969         refs <- getRowOf getPin (e.!1)
    970         bytz <- getBar (e.!2)
    971         unsafePerformIO do
    972             loadGerm (V.fromArray refs) bytz >>= \case
    973                 Left{}  -> pure Nothing
    974                 Right x -> Just . PIN <$> mkPin' x
    976 setSingletonJet :: Jet
    977 setSingletonJet _ e = SET $ ssetSingleton (e.!1)
    979 isSetJet :: Jet
    980 isSetJet _ e =
    981     case (e.!1) of
    982         SET{} -> NAT 1
    983         _     -> NAT 0
    985 setInsJet :: Jet
    986 setInsJet f e =
    987     orExecTrace "setIns" (f e) (i (e.!1) <$> getSet (e.!2))
    988   where
    989     i :: Fan -> ArraySet Fan -> Fan
    990     i n s = SET (insertSet n s)
    992 setDelJet :: Jet
    993 setDelJet f e =
    994     orExecTrace "setDel" (f e) (d (e.!1) <$> getSet (e.!2))
    995   where
    996     d :: Fan -> ArraySet Fan -> Fan
    997     d n s = SET (deleteSet n s)
    999 setMinJet :: Jet
   1000 setMinJet f e =
   1001     orExecTrace "setMin" (f e) (smin <$> getSet (e.!1))
   1002   where
   1003     smin :: ArraySet Fan -> Fan
   1004     smin s = case ssetLookupMin s of
   1005       Nothing -> NAT 0
   1006       Just m  -> m
   1008 setLenJet :: Jet
   1009 setLenJet f e =
   1010     orExecTrace "setLen" (f e) (clen <$> getSet (e.!1))
   1011   where
   1012     clen :: ArraySet Fan -> Fan
   1013     clen = NAT . fromIntegral . length
   1015 setWeldJet :: Jet
   1016 setWeldJet f e =
   1017     orExecTrace "setWeld" (f e) (u <$> getSet (e.!1) <*> getSet (e.!2))
   1018   where
   1019     u :: ArraySet Fan -> ArraySet Fan -> Fan
   1020     u a b = SET (union a b)
   1022 setCatRowAscJet :: Jet
   1023 setCatRowAscJet f e = orExecTrace "setCatRowAsc" (f e) do
   1024   r <- getRow (e.!1)
   1025   sets <- rowFilter (not . ssetIsEmpty) <$> traverse getSet r
   1026   guard (isAsc $ toList sets)
   1027   pure $ SET $ ssetFromDistinctAscList $ concat $ map toList sets
   1028   where
   1029     isAsc []       = True
   1030     isAsc [_]      = True
   1031     isAsc (x:y:zs) = (ssetFindMax x < ssetFindMin y) && isAsc (y:zs)
   1034 setHasJet :: Jet
   1035 setHasJet f e =
   1036     orExecTrace "setHas" (f e) (has (e.!1) <$> getSet (e.!2))
   1037   where
   1038     has :: Fan -> ArraySet Fan -> Fan
   1039     has n s = fromBit $ ssetMember n s
   1041 setTakeJet :: Jet
   1042 setTakeJet f e =
   1043     orExecTrace "setTake" (f e) (doTake (toNat(e.!1)) <$> getSet (e.!2))
   1044   where
   1045     doTake :: Nat -> ArraySet Fan -> Fan
   1046     doTake n s = SET (ssetTake (fromIntegral n) s)
   1048 setDropJet :: Jet
   1049 setDropJet f e =
   1050     orExecTrace "setDrop" (f e) (doDrop (toNat(e.!1)) <$> getSet (e.!2))
   1051   where
   1052     doDrop :: Nat -> ArraySet Fan -> Fan
   1053     doDrop n s = SET (ssetDrop (fromIntegral n) s)
   1055 setIsEmptyJet :: Jet
   1056 setIsEmptyJet f e =
   1057     orExecTrace "setIsEmpty" (f e) (doIs <$> getSet (e.!1))
   1058   where
   1059     doIs :: ArraySet Fan -> Fan
   1060     doIs s = fromBit $ ssetIsEmpty s
   1062 setSplitAtJet :: Jet
   1063 setSplitAtJet f e =
   1064     orExecTrace "setSplitAt" (f e)
   1065                 (doSplitAt (toNat(e.!1)) <$> getSet (e.!2))
   1066   where
   1067     doSplitAt :: Nat -> ArraySet Fan -> Fan
   1068     doSplitAt n s = let (a, b) = ssetSplitAt (fromIntegral n) s
   1069                     in ROW $ arrayFromList [SET a, SET b]
   1071 setSplitLTJet :: Jet
   1072 setSplitLTJet f e =
   1073     orExecTrace "setSplitLT" (f e)
   1074                 (doSplitLT (e.!1) <$> getSet (e.!2))
   1075   where
   1076     doSplitLT :: Fan -> ArraySet Fan -> Fan
   1077     doSplitLT n s = let (a, b) = ssetSpanAntitone (< n) s
   1078                     in ROW $ arrayFromListN 2 [SET a, SET b]
   1080 setIntersectionJet :: Jet
   1081 setIntersectionJet f e =
   1082     orExecTrace "setIntersection" (f e)
   1083                 (doIntersection <$> getSet (e.!1) <*> getSet (e.!2))
   1084   where
   1085     doIntersection :: ArraySet Fan -> ArraySet Fan -> Fan
   1086     doIntersection a b = SET (ssetIntersection a b)
   1088 setSubJet :: Jet
   1089 setSubJet f e =
   1090     orExecTrace "setSub" (f e)
   1091                 (doDifference <$> getSet (e.!1) <*> getSet (e.!2))
   1092   where
   1093     doDifference :: ArraySet Fan -> ArraySet Fan -> Fan
   1094     doDifference a b = SET (ssetDifference a b)
   1096 tabSingletonJet :: Jet
   1097 tabSingletonJet _ e = TAb $ tabSingleton (e.!1) (e.!2)
   1099 isTabJet :: Jet
   1100 isTabJet _ e =
   1101     case (e.!1) of
   1102         TAb{} -> NAT 1
   1103         _     -> NAT 0
   1105 -- Just jetting this so that it will show up "NOT MATCHED" if the hash
   1106 -- is wrong.
   1107 tabSwitchJet :: Jet
   1108 tabSwitchJet f e =
   1109     orExecTrace "tabSwitch" (f e) (tswitch (e.!1) (e.!2) <$> getTab (e.!3))
   1110   where
   1111     tswitch key fal tab =
   1112         case lookup key tab of
   1113             Just x  -> x
   1114             Nothing -> fal
   1116 tabIdxJet :: Jet
   1117 tabIdxJet f e =
   1118     orExecTrace "tabIdx" (f e) (tidx (e.!1) <$> getTab (e.!2))
   1119   where
   1120     tidx k m = case tabLookup k m of
   1121       Nothing -> NAT 0
   1122       Just x  -> x
   1124 tabInsJet :: Jet
   1125 tabInsJet f e =
   1126     orExecTrace "tabIns" (f e) (tmut (e.!1) (e.!2) <$> getTab (e.!3))
   1127   where
   1128     tmut :: Fan -> Fan -> Tab Fan Fan -> Fan
   1129     tmut k v t = TAb $ tabInsert k v t
   1131 tabElemIdxJet :: Jet
   1132 tabElemIdxJet f e =
   1133     orExecTrace "tabElemIdx" (f e) (telem (toNat(e.!1)) <$> getTab (e.!2))
   1134   where
   1135     telem :: Nat -> Tab Fan Fan -> Fan
   1136     telem i m = let n = fromIntegral i
   1137                 in if n >= tabSize m then NAT 0
   1138                    else let (k, v) = tabElemAt n m
   1139                         in ROW $ arrayFromListN 2 [k, v]
   1141 tabLenJet :: Jet
   1142 tabLenJet f e =
   1143     orExecTrace "tabLen" (f e) (tlen <$> getTab (e.!1))
   1144   where
   1145     tlen :: Tab Fan Fan -> Fan
   1146     tlen = NAT . fromIntegral . tabSize
   1148 tabToPairsJet :: Jet
   1149 tabToPairsJet f e =
   1150     orExecTrace "tabToPairs" (f e) (toP <$> getTab (e.!1))
   1151   where
   1152     toP :: Tab Fan Fan -> Fan
   1153     toP tab = ROW $ arrayFromListN (length tab) $ map v2' $ mapToList tab
   1155 tabToPairListJet :: Jet
   1156 tabToPairListJet f e =
   1157     orExecTrace "tabToPairList" (f e) (go . mapToList <$> getTab (e.!1))
   1158   where
   1159     go []          = NAT 0
   1160     go ((k,v):kvs) = v2 (v2 k v) (go kvs)
   1162 {-# INLINE v2 #-}
   1163 v2 :: Fan -> Fan -> Fan
   1164 v2 x y = ROW $ arrayFromListN 2 [x,y]
   1166 {-# INLINE v2' #-}
   1167 v2' :: (Fan, Fan) -> Fan
   1168 v2' (x,y) = ROW $ arrayFromListN 2 [x,y]
   1170 tabFromPairsJet :: Jet
   1171 tabFromPairsJet f e =
   1172     orExecTrace "tabFromPairs" (f e) (toP <$> getPairs (e.!1))
   1173   where
   1174     toP :: [(Fan, Fan)] -> Fan
   1175     toP = TAb . mapFromList
   1177     getPairs :: Fan -> Maybe [(Fan, Fan)]
   1178     getPairs x = do
   1179         row <- getRow x
   1180         res <- traverse getPair row
   1181         pure (toList res)
   1183     getPair :: Fan -> Maybe (Fan, Fan)
   1184     getPair x = do
   1185         vs <- getRow x
   1186         guard (length vs == 2)
   1187         Just (vs!0, vs!1)
   1189 tabLookupJet :: Jet
   1190 tabLookupJet f e =
   1191     orExecTrace "tabLookup" (f e)
   1192                 (doLookup (e.!1) <$> getTab (e.!2))
   1193   where
   1194     doLookup :: Fan -> Tab Fan Fan -> Fan
   1195     doLookup n t = case tabLookup n t of
   1196       Nothing  -> NAT 0
   1197       Just fun -> NAT 0 %% fun
   1199 tabSplitAtJet :: Jet
   1200 tabSplitAtJet f e =
   1201     orExecTrace "tabSplitAt" (f e)
   1202                 (doSplitAt (toNat(e.!1)) <$> getTab(e.!2))
   1203   where
   1204     doSplitAt :: Nat -> Tab Fan Fan -> Fan
   1205     doSplitAt n s = let (a, b) = tabSplitAt (fromIntegral n) s
   1206                     in ROW $ arrayFromListN 2 [TAb a, TAb b]
   1208 tabSplitLTJet :: Jet
   1209 tabSplitLTJet f e =
   1210     orExecTrace "tabSplitLT" (f e)
   1211                 (doSplitLT (e.!1) <$> getTab (e.!2))
   1212   where
   1213     doSplitLT :: Fan -> Tab Fan Fan -> Fan
   1214     doSplitLT n s = let (a, b) = tabSpanAntitone (< n) s
   1215                     in ROW $ arrayFromListN 2 [TAb a, TAb b]
   1217 tabMapWithKeyJet :: Jet
   1218 tabMapWithKeyJet f e =
   1219     orExecTrace "tabMapWithKey" (f e)
   1220                 (doMap <$> (Just $ e.!1) <*> getTab (e.!2))
   1221   where
   1222     doMap :: Fan -> Tab Fan Fan -> Fan
   1223     doMap fun a = TAb $ tabMapWithKey (apply fun) a
   1225     apply :: Fan -> Fan -> Fan -> Fan
   1226     apply fun k v = fun %% k %% v
   1228 tabMapJet :: Jet
   1229 tabMapJet f e =
   1230     orExecTrace "tabMap" (f e) (doMap (e.!1) <$> getTab (e.!2))
   1231   where
   1232     doMap :: Fan -> Tab Fan Fan -> Fan
   1233     doMap fun a = TAb $ tabMap (fun %%) a
   1235 tabUnionWithJet :: Jet
   1236 tabUnionWithJet f e =
   1237     orExecTrace "tabUnionWith" (f e)
   1238                 (doUnionWith <$> (Just $ e.!1) <*> getTab (e.!2) <*> getTab (e.!3))
   1239   where
   1240     doUnionWith :: Fan -> Tab Fan Fan -> Tab Fan Fan -> Fan
   1241     doUnionWith fun a b = TAb $ tabUnionWith (apply fun) a b
   1243     apply :: Fan -> Fan -> Fan -> Fan
   1244     apply fun a b = fun %% a %% b
   1246 tabWeldJet :: Jet
   1247 tabWeldJet f e =
   1248     orExecTrace "tabWeldWith" (f e)
   1249                 (doUnionWith <$> getTab (e.!1) <*> getTab (e.!2))
   1250   where
   1251     doUnionWith :: Tab Fan Fan -> Tab Fan Fan -> Fan
   1252     doUnionWith a b = TAb (tabUnion a b)
   1254 tabMinKeyJet :: Jet
   1255 tabMinKeyJet f e =
   1256     orExecTrace "tabMin" (f e) (tmin <$> getTab (e.!1))
   1257   where
   1258     tmin :: Tab Fan Fan -> Fan
   1259     tmin s = case tabLookupMin s of
   1260       Nothing     -> NAT 0
   1261       Just (k, _) -> k
   1263 tabFoldlWithKeyJet :: Jet
   1264 tabFoldlWithKeyJet f e =
   1265     orExecTrace "tabFoldlWithKey" (f e) $ do
   1266       tab <- getTab $ e.!3
   1267       let fun = e.!1
   1268           initial = e.!2
   1269       let wrapFun a k v = fun %% a %% k %% v
   1270       pure $ tabFoldlWithKey' wrapFun initial tab
   1272 tabAlterJet :: Jet
   1273 tabAlterJet f e =
   1274     orExecTrace "tabAlter" (f e) (alt (e.!1) (e.!2) <$> getTab (e.!3))
   1275   where
   1276     alt :: Fan -> Fan -> Tab Fan Fan -> Fan
   1277     alt fun key m = TAb $ tabAlter (someAsMaybe . wrap fun) key m
   1279     -- Figuring this out is the next big thing
   1280     wrap :: Fan -> Maybe Fan -> Fan
   1281     wrap fun (Nothing) = fun %% NAT 0
   1282     wrap fun (Just x)  = fun %% (NAT 0 %% x)
   1284     someAsMaybe :: Fan -> Maybe Fan
   1285     someAsMaybe = \case
   1286       NAT _ -> Nothing
   1287       x     -> Just $ snd $ boom x
   1289 tabHasKeyJet :: Jet
   1290 tabHasKeyJet f e =
   1291     orExecTrace "tabHas" (f e) (hk (e.!1) <$> getTab(e.!2))
   1292   where
   1293     hk :: Fan -> Tab Fan Fan -> Fan
   1294     hk k m = case tabMember k m of
   1295         False -> NAT 0
   1296         True  -> NAT 1
   1298 tabKeysRowJet :: Jet
   1299 tabKeysRowJet f e = orExecTrace "_TabKeysRow" (f e) (tk <$> getTab(e.!1))
   1300   where
   1301     tk :: Tab Fan Fan -> Fan
   1302     tk = ROW . tabKeysArray
   1304 tabKeysSetJet :: Jet
   1305 tabKeysSetJet f e = orExecTrace "_TabKeys" (f e) (tk <$> getTab(e.!1))
   1306   where
   1307     tk :: Tab Fan Fan -> Fan
   1308     tk = SET . tabKeysSet
   1310 tabValsJet :: Jet
   1311 tabValsJet f e = orExecTrace "tabVals" (f e) (tv <$> getTab(e.!1))
   1312   where
   1313     tv :: Tab Fan Fan -> Fan
   1314     tv = ROW . tabElemsArray
   1316 typeTagJet :: Jet
   1317 typeTagJet _ e =
   1318     case (e.!1) of
   1319         PIN{} -> 0
   1320         FUN{} -> 1
   1321         KLO{} -> 2
   1322         NAT{} -> 3
   1323         BAR{} -> 4
   1324         ROW{} -> 5
   1325         TAb{} -> 6
   1326         COw{} -> 7
   1327         SET{} -> 8
   1329 {-
   1330     Returns either a nat, the first element of a closure (the last
   1331     element applied), or 0 (for law/pin).
   1333     The (idx 0) of a tab is the values array.
   1334 -}
   1335 dataTagJet :: Jet
   1336 dataTagJet _ e =
   1337     let v = e.!1 in
   1338     case v of
   1339         ROW r -> if null r then 0 else (r!0) -- app
   1340         KLO{} -> snd $ boom v                -- app
   1341         TAb{} -> snd $ boom v                -- app
   1342         PIN{} -> 0 -- pin
   1343         FUN{} -> 0 -- law
   1344         BAR{} -> 0 -- law
   1345         COw{} -> 0 -- law
   1346         SET{} -> 0 -- law
   1347         NAT{} -> v
   1349 ---------
   1350 -- w32 --
   1351 ---------
   1353 w32Jet :: Jet
   1354 w32Jet _ env =
   1355     NAT (fromIntegral . w32 $ toNat(env.!1))
   1357 w32op :: (Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32) -> Jet
   1358 w32op fun _ env = NAT $ fromIntegral $ fun (w32 $ toNat(env.!1)) (w32 $ toNat(env.!2))
   1360 add32Jet,mul32Jet,div32Jet,sub32Jet,and32Jet,xor32Jet,or32Jet :: Jet
   1361 add32Jet = w32op (+)
   1362 mul32Jet = w32op (*)
   1363 div32Jet = w32op (div)
   1364 sub32Jet = w32op (-)
   1365 and32Jet = w32op (.&.)
   1366 xor32Jet = w32op xor
   1367 or32Jet  = w32op (.|.)
   1369 {-# INLINE w32opInt #-}
   1370 w32opInt :: (Word32 -> Int -> Word32) -> Jet
   1371 w32opInt fun _ env =
   1372     NAT $ fromIntegral $ fun (w32 $ toNat (env.!1))
   1373                              (fromIntegral $ w32 $ toNat (env.!2))
   1375 lsh32Jet, rsh32Jet, ror32Jet, rol32Jet :: Jet
   1376 rol32Jet = w32opInt rotateL
   1377 lsh32Jet = w32opInt shiftL
   1378 rsh32Jet = w32opInt shiftR
   1379 ror32Jet = w32opInt rotateR
   1381 ---------
   1382 -- w64 --
   1383 ---------
   1385 w64Jet :: Jet
   1386 w64Jet _ env =
   1387     NAT (fromIntegral . w64 $ toNat(env.!1))
   1389 {-# INLINE w64op #-}
   1390 w64op :: (Word64 -> Word64 -> Word64) -> Jet
   1391 w64op fun _ env = NAT $ fromIntegral $ fun (w64 $ toNat(env.!1)) (w64 $ toNat(env.!2))
   1393 add64Jet,mul64Jet,div64Jet,sub64Jet,and64Jet,xor64Jet,or64Jet :: Jet
   1394 add64Jet = w64op (+)
   1395 mul64Jet = w64op (*)
   1396 div64Jet = w64op (div)
   1397 sub64Jet = w64op (-)
   1398 and64Jet = w64op (.&.)
   1399 xor64Jet = w64op xor
   1400 or64Jet  = w64op (.|.)
   1402 {-# INLINE w64opInt #-}
   1403 w64opInt :: (Word64 -> Int -> Word64) -> Jet
   1404 w64opInt fun _ env =
   1405     NAT $ fromIntegral $ fun (w64 $ toNat (env.!1))
   1406                              (fromIntegral $ w64 $ toNat (env.!2))
   1408 lsh64Jet, rsh64Jet, ror64Jet, rol64Jet :: Jet
   1409 rol64Jet = w64opInt rotateL
   1410 lsh64Jet = w64opInt shiftL
   1411 rsh64Jet = w64opInt shiftR
   1412 ror64Jet = w64opInt rotateR
   1414 ---------
   1415 -- i64 --
   1416 ---------
   1418 i64op :: (Int64 -> Int64 -> Int64) -> Jet
   1419 i64op fun _ env = NAT $ i64toNat $ fun (i64 $ toNat(env.!1)) (i64 $ toNat(env.!2))
   1421 iDiv64Jet :: Jet
   1422 iDiv64Jet = i64op (div)
   1424 parJet :: Jet
   1425 parJet = unsafePerformIO do
   1426   -- When law profiling is enabled, we disable `par` because actually trying to
   1427   -- create sparks in the haskell interpreter screws up tracing. (par a b)=b is
   1428   -- an entirely semantically valid definition of `par` and is what everything
   1429   -- other than GHC does.
   1430   Prof.lawProfilingEnabled >>= \case
   1431     True  -> pure \_ env -> env.!2
   1432     False -> pure \_ env -> env.!1 `par` env.!2
   1434 pseqJet :: Jet
   1435 pseqJet _ env = env.!1 `pseq` env.!2
   1437 -- Utils -----------------------------------------------------------------------
   1439 toBit :: Fan -> Bool
   1440 toBit (NAT 0) = False
   1441 toBit (NAT _) = True
   1442 toBit _       = False
   1444 fromBit :: Bool -> Fan
   1445 fromBit True  = NAT 1
   1446 fromBit False = NAT 0
   1449 -- w32 helpers
   1450 bex32 :: Nat
   1451 bex32 = 2 ^ (32::Nat)
   1453 _w32max :: Nat
   1454 _w32max = bex32 - 1
   1456 maxInt :: Nat
   1457 maxInt = fromIntegral (maxBound::Int)
   1459 w32 :: Nat -> Word32
   1460 w32 x = fromIntegral (x `mod` bex32)
   1462 -- TODO: mod of 2^64 DOES NOT WORK!!  Fix it.
   1464 w64 :: Nat -> Word64
   1465 w64 (NatS# w) = wordToWord64 (W# w)
   1466 w64 (NatJ# x) = wordToWord64 (unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr x.ptr peek)
   1468 -- TODO: Use unboxed.
   1469 -- TODO: Explicit cast (they are identical on this arch)
   1470 {-# INLINE wordToWord64 #-}
   1471 wordToWord64 :: Word -> Word64
   1472 wordToWord64 = unsafeCoerce
   1474 -- i64 helpers
   1475 -- Int<->Word conversions preserve representation, not sign
   1476 i64 :: Nat -> Int64
   1477 i64 = fromIntegral . w64
   1479 i64toNat :: Int64 -> Nat
   1480 i64toNat i = fromIntegral (fromIntegral i :: Word64)
   1482 bex :: Nat -> Nat
   1483 bex n = 2 ^ n
   1485 getBar :: Fan -> Maybe ByteString
   1486 getBar (BAR b) = Just b
   1487 getBar _       = Nothing
   1489 getSet :: Fan -> Maybe (ArraySet Fan)
   1490 getSet (SET c) = Just c
   1491 getSet _       = Nothing
   1493 getTab :: Fan -> Maybe (Tab Fan Fan)
   1494 getTab (TAb b) = Just b
   1495 getTab _       = Nothing
   1497 orExec :: Fan -> Maybe Fan -> Fan
   1498 orExec _  (Just r) = r
   1499 orExec fb Nothing  = fb
   1501 orExecTrace :: String -> Fan -> Maybe Fan -> Fan
   1502 orExecTrace _ fb res = orExec fb res
   1504 -- orExecTrace msg xs res = case res of
   1505 --     Nothing -> trace (msg <> ".nomatch") (orExec xs res)
   1506 --     Just{}  -> trace (msg <> ".match")   (orExec xs res)