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Eval.hs (42133B)

      1 -- Copyright 2023 The Plunder Authors
      2 -- Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 -- found in the LICENSE file.
      5 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall        #-}
      6 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Werror      #-}
      7 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
      9 -- TODO Lazy hack, do better (w.r.t re-export list?)
     11 module Fan.Eval
     12     ( Fan(..)
     13     , PrimopCrash(..)
     14     , Nat
     15     , Pin(..)
     16     , Law(..)
     17     , trueArity
     18     , lawNameText
     19     , fastValEq
     20     , natArity
     21     , isPin
     22     , LawName(..)
     23     , valName
     24     , valTag
     25     , boom
     26     , matchData
     27     , toNat
     28     , (%%)
     29     , executeLaw
     30     , compileLaw
     31     , mkPin
     32     , mkPin'
     33     , mkLaw
     34     , mkLawPreNormalized
     35     , appN
     36     , kloList
     37     , kloWalk
     38     , kloArgs
     39     , fanIdx
     40     , mkRow
     41     , evalArity
     42     , vTrkFan
     43     , vTrkRex
     44     , vShowFan
     45     , vJetMatch
     46     , vRtsConfig
     47     , normalize
     48     , trkName
     49     , loadPinFromBlob
     50     , tabValsRow
     51     , setToRow
     52     , lawName
     53     , lawArgs
     54     , lawBody
     55     )
     56 where
     58 import Data.Sorted
     59 import Fan.Prof
     60 import Fan.RunHashes
     61 import Fan.Types
     62 import Fan.Util
     63 import PlunderPrelude hiding (hash)
     65 import Control.Exception   (throw)
     66 import Control.Monad.ST    (ST)
     67 import Data.Char           (isAlphaNum)
     68 import Fan.Eval.Strictness (optimizeSpine)
     69 import Fan.FFI             (c_revmemcmp)
     70 import Fan.PinRefs         (pinRefs)
     71 import GHC.Prim            (reallyUnsafePtrEquality#)
     72 import Hash256             (shortHex)
     74 import {-# SOURCE #-} Fan.Hash (fanHash)
     76 import qualified Data.ByteString        as BS
     77 import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as BS
     78 import qualified Data.Char              as C
     79 import qualified Data.Foldable          as F
     80 import qualified Data.Map               as M
     81 import qualified Data.Vector            as V
     82 import qualified Data.Vector.Storable   as SV
     83 import qualified Fan.Eval.LetRec        as LetRec
     84 import qualified GHC.Exts               as GHC
     87 -- Infix Operators -------------------------------------------------------------
     90 infixl 5 %%;
     93 -- Globals ---------------------------------------------------------------------
     95 -- These should all be overwritten on startup.  These exists to break
     96 -- dependency cycles, and aren't intended to support dynamic changes.
     98 vTrkFan :: IORef (Fan -> IO ())
     99 vTrkFan = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef $ const $ pure ()
    101 vTrkRex :: IORef (Rex -> IO ())
    102 vTrkRex = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef $ const $ pure ()
    104 vShowFan :: IORef (Fan -> Text)
    105 vShowFan = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef $ const "[PLUN]"
    107 vJetMatch :: IORef (Pin -> IO Pin)
    108 vJetMatch = unsafePerformIO (newIORef pure)
    110 vRtsConfig :: IORef RtsConfig
    111 vRtsConfig = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef $ RTS_CONFIG
    112     { onJetFallback = WARN
    113     , onJetMismatch = WARN
    114     }
    116 -- Types -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    118 instance Show LawName where
    119     show = either show show . natUtf8 . (.nat)
    121 instance Show Law where
    122     show law = concat
    123                [ "(LAW "
    124                , unpack (ugly
    125                , " "
    126                , show law.args
    127                , " "
    128                , show law.body
    129                , ")"
    130                ]
    132 instance Eq Law where
    133     (==) x@(L n a b _) y@(L nn aa bb _) =
    134         case reallyUnsafePtrEquality# x y of
    135             1# -> True
    136             _  -> a==aa && n==nn && b==bb
    138 -- TODO What if the small array has extra shit, and that shit can't
    139 -- safely be forced?  Don't do `mapSmallArray`, do it by hand.
    140 normalize :: Fan -> Fan
    141 normalize top =
    142     if isNormal top then top else go top
    143   where
    144     isNormal (KLO _ xs) =
    145         case xs .! 0 of
    146             KLO{} -> False
    147             _     -> all isNormal (toList xs)
    148     isNormal (ROW v) = all isNormal v
    149     isNormal (TAb t) = all isNormal t
    150     isNormal !_      = True
    152     go tp = case tp of
    153         NAT !_ -> tp
    154         BAR !_ -> tp
    155         PIN !_ -> tp
    156         FUN !_ -> tp
    157         COw !_ -> tp
    158         SET !_ -> tp
    159         ROW r  -> ROW (go <$> r)
    160         TAb t  -> TAb (go <$> t)
    161         KLO r eRaw ->
    162             let e = mapSmallArray' go eRaw in
    163             case (e .! 0) of
    164                KLO _ ee ->
    165                    let !w  = sizeofSmallArray e
    166                        !ww = sizeofSmallArray ee
    167                        len = ww + (w-1)
    168                    in
    169                        KLO r $ createSmallArray len (NAT 999) \a -> do
    170                                    copySmallArray a 0  ee 0 ww
    171                                    copySmallArray a ww e  1 (w-1)
    172                _ -> KLO r e
    174 instance Show Pin where
    175   show pin = unpack (valName pin.item)
    177 instance Eq Pin where
    178     (==) x y =
    179         case reallyUnsafePtrEquality# x y of
    180             1# -> True
    181             _  -> x.hash == y.hash
    183 {-
    184     Comparision of two values that are likely to be pointer-equals.
    186     We always do this check on laws and pins, since they are big
    187     structures that are usually pointer-equals if they are equals.
    189     We don't want to do this on every single value equality check,
    190     though.  It's expensive.
    192     TODO: Test to see if we are actually gaining anything from this.
    194     TODO: Consider getting rid of this, it isn't a huge problem if
    195     laws comparisons are expensive, and pin comparisons just use the
    196     hash anyways.
    197 -}
    198 fastValEq :: Fan -> Fan -> Bool
    199 fastValEq x y =
    200     case reallyUnsafePtrEquality# x y of
    201         1# -> True
    202         _  -> x == y
    204 -- TODO Make sure evaluation order is correct.  Don't evaluate more or
    205 -- less than formal impl.
    206 instance Eq Fan where
    207     NAT n   == NAT m   = (n==m)
    208     PIN p   == PIN q   = (p==q)
    209     BAR b   == BAR d   = (b==d)
    210     ROW r   == ROW s   = (r==s)
    211     TAb t   == TAb u   = (t==u)
    212     SET c   == SET d   = (c==d)
    213     COw n   == COw m   = (n==m)
    214     FUN l   == FUN a   = (l==a)
    215     v@KLO{} == w@KLO{} = (kloWalk v == kloWalk w)
    216     _       == _       = False
    218 instance Ord Pin where
    219     compare x y =
    220         case GHC.reallyUnsafePtrEquality x y of
    221             1# -> EQ
    222             _  -> unsafePerformIO do
    223                       pure $ if x.hash == y.hash
    224                              then EQ
    225                              else compare x.item y.item
    227 {-
    228     TODO: This is pretty complicated. Test the shit out of this.
    230     TODO: Try to reduce code duplication between lawName/etc and `boom`.
    231         It's difficult because boom is very performance sensitive.
    233     TODO: This is going to need some explaination.
    234 -}
    235 instance Ord Fan where
    236     compare (NAT x) (NAT y) = compare x y
    237     compare (NAT _) _       = LT
    238     compare _       (NAT _) = GT
    240     compare (PIN x) (PIN y) = compare x y
    241     compare (PIN _) _       = LT
    242     compare _       (PIN _) = GT
    244     compare (BAR x) (BAR y) =
    245         let !xw = length x in
    246         let !yw = length y in
    247         case compare xw yw of
    248             LT -> LT
    249             GT -> GT
    250             EQ -> unsafePerformIO $
    251                   BS.unsafeUseAsCString x \xBuf ->
    252                   BS.unsafeUseAsCString y \yBuf -> do
    253                       i <- c_revmemcmp xBuf yBuf (fromIntegral xw)
    254                       pure (compare i 0)
    256     compare x y =
    257         case (fanLen x, fanLen y) of
    258             (0, 0) ->
    259                 compare (lawName x) (lawName y)
    260              <> compare (lawArgs x) (lawArgs y)
    261              <> compare (lawBody x) (lawBody y)
    263             (xw, yw) ->
    264                 compare xw yw
    265              <> concat (zipWith compare (fanSeq x) (fanSeq y))
    266       where
    267         fanLen (ROW r)   = length r
    268         fanLen TAb{}     = 1
    269         fanLen (KLO _ k) = (sizeofSmallArray k) - 1
    270           -- ^ TODO: This is false if the fan is not normalized.  Not a
    271           -- safe assumption.
    272         fanLen _         = 0
    274         nat = fromIntegral
    276         fanSeq f = case f of
    277             NAT{}   -> [f]
    278             FUN{}   -> [f]
    279             BAR{}   -> [f]
    280             PIN{}   -> [f]
    281             SET{}   -> [f]
    282             COw{}   -> [f]
    283             ROW r   -> if null r then [f] else COw (nat(length r)) : reverse (toList r) -- COw here is never empty
    284             KLO _ k -> toList k
    285             TAb t   -> [SET (tabKeysSet t), ROW (fromList $ toList t)]
    287 {-# INLINE lawName #-}
    288 lawName :: Fan -> Nat
    289 lawName = \case
    290     FUN l ->
    291     NAT{} -> 0
    292     PIN{} -> 0
    293     KLO{} -> 0
    294     BAR{} -> 1
    295     ROW{} -> 0
    296     TAb{} -> 0
    297     SET{} -> 1
    298     COw{} -> 0
    300 {-# INLINE lawArgs #-}
    301 lawArgs :: Fan -> Nat
    302 lawArgs = \case
    303     FUN l -> l.args
    304     PIN p -> p.args
    305     BAR{} -> 1
    306     COw c -> c+1
    307     ROW r -> if null r then 1 else 0 -- Only a law if empty
    308     SET{} -> 2
    309     TAb{} -> 0 -- Not a function
    310     KLO{} -> 0 -- Not a function
    311     NAT{} -> 0 -- Not a function
    313 setToRow :: ArraySet Fan -> Fan
    314 setToRow set = ROW (ssetToArray set)
    316 {-# INLINE lawBody #-}
    317 lawBody :: Fan -> Fan
    318 lawBody = \case
    319     FUN l -> l.body
    320     BAR b -> NAT (barBody b)
    321     SET k -> setToRow k
    322     COw{} -> NAT 0 -- Actual law body is 0
    323     ROW{} -> NAT 0 -- Actual law body is 0
    324     TAb{} -> NAT 0 -- Not a law
    325     NAT{} -> NAT 0 -- Not a law
    326     KLO{} -> NAT 0 -- Not a law
    327     PIN{} -> NAT 0 -- Not a law
    329 boom :: Fan -> (Fan, Fan)
    330 boom = \case
    331     NAT{} ->
    332         (NAT 0, NAT 0)
    334     FUN law ->
    335         rul law.args law.body
    337     BAR b ->
    338         rul (LN 1) 1 (NAT $ barBody b)
    340     PIN p ->
    341         (NAT 4, p.item)
    343     COw n ->
    344         rul (LN 0) (n+1) (NAT 0)
    346     -- When we take the head of a closure with more than two elements,
    347     -- we essentially create a lazy-list of width=2 closure nodes.
    348     KLO arity xs ->
    349         case sizeofSmallArray xs of
    350           2   -> ( xs.!0 , xs.!1 )
    351           len -> ( let
    352                      flow !_ !0 = xs.!0
    353                      flow !r !i = KLO (r+1) (a2 (flow (r+1) (i-1)) (xs.!i))
    354                    in
    355                      flow arity (len-2)
    356                  , xs.!(len-1)
    357                  )
    359     -- Builds lazy list of two-element KLO nodes.
    360     ROW row ->
    361         let !len = length row in
    362         case len of
    363             0 -> boom (COw 0)
    364             1 -> (COw 1, row ! 0)
    365             n -> ( let
    366                      flow !i !0   = COw (fromIntegral i) -- i is never 0
    367                      flow !i !ram = KLO i $ a2 (flow (i+1) (ram-1)) (row ! i)
    368                    in
    369                      flow 1 (n-1)
    370                  ,
    371                    row ! 0
    372                  )
    374     TAb tab ->
    375         ( SET $ tabKeysSet tab
    376         , ROW $ tabElemsArray tab
    377         )
    379     SET ks ->
    380         rul (LN 1) 2 (ROW $ ssetToArray ks)
    382   where
    383     rul :: LawName -> Nat -> Fan -> (Fan, Fan)
    384     rul (LN n) a b =
    385         ( KLO 1 (a3 (NAT 0) (NAT n) (NAT a))
    386         , b
    387         )
    389 valName :: Fan -> Text
    390 valName = \case
    391     FUN law -> ugul
    392     PIN pin -> valName pin.item
    393     _       -> "_"
    394  where
    395     ok '_' = True
    396     ok c   = C.isAlphaNum c
    398     ugul :: Nat -> Text
    399     ugul 0   = "anon"
    400     ugul nat = case natUtf8 nat of
    401         Right t | all ok t -> t
    402         _                  -> tshow nat
    404 valTag :: Fan -> Nat
    405 valTag (FUN law) =
    406 valTag (PIN pin) = valTag pin.item
    407 valTag _         = 0
    409 instance Show Fan where
    410     show (NAT n)   = ugly n
    411     show (KLO _ x) = show (toList x)
    412     show (FUN l)   = show l
    413     show (PIN p)   = show p
    414     show (COw n)   = "R" <> show n
    415     show (ROW v)   = "(ROW " <> show v <> ")"
    416     show (TAb t)   = "(TAB " <> show (showTab t) <> ")"
    417     show (SET k)   = "(SET " <> show (toList k) <> ")"
    418     show (BAR b)   = "(BAR " <> show b <> ")"
    420 showTab :: Tab Fan Fan -> [(Fan,Fan)]
    421 showTab t = tabToAscPairsList t
    423 -- Utilities -------------------------------------------------------------------
    425 isPin :: Fan -> Bool
    426 isPin PIN{} = True
    427 isPin _     = False
    429 lawNameText :: LawName -> Text
    430 lawNameText (LN 0) = "_"
    431 lawNameText (LN n) =
    432   case natUtf8 n of
    433     Left _  -> fallback
    434     Right t ->
    435       let cs = unpack t
    436       in if | all isNameChar cs -> t
    437             | otherwise         -> fallback
    438  where
    439   fallback = "_/" <> tshow n
    441   isNameChar '_' = True
    442   isNameChar c   = isAlphaNum c
    444 instance IsString LawName where
    445   fromString = LN . bytesNat . encodeUtf8 . pack
    448 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    450 barBody :: ByteString -> Nat
    451 barBody bytes =
    452     -- TODO Make this not slow
    453     bytesNat (bytes <> BS.singleton 1)
    455 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    457 matchData :: LawName -> Nat -> Fan -> Maybe Fan
    458 matchData (LN 0) 1 (NAT 0) = Just $ ROW mempty
    459 matchData (LN 0) n (NAT 0) = Just $ COw (n-1) -- n-1 is never zero
    460 matchData (LN 1) 2 (ROW v) = matchSet v
    461 matchData (LN 1) 1 (NAT n) = matchBar n
    462 matchData (LN _) _ _       = Nothing
    464 matchBar :: Nat -> Maybe Fan
    465 matchBar n = do
    466     guard (n /= 0)
    467     let bitWidth = (natBitWidth n :: Nat) - 1
    468     guard (0 == (bitWidth `mod` 8))
    469     let bytWidth = fromIntegral (bitWidth `div` 8)
    470     pure $ BAR $ take bytWidth $ natBytes n
    472 matchSet :: Array Fan -> Maybe Fan
    473 matchSet vs = do
    474     case toList vs of
    475         []   -> Just (SET mempty)
    476         a:es -> collect mempty a es
    477   where
    478     collect !acc i []           = pure (SET $ insertSet i acc)
    479     collect !acc i (w:ws) | w>i = collect (insertSet i acc) w ws
    480     collect _    _ _            = Nothing
    483 -- Constructing Pins and Laws --------------------------------------------------
    485 mkLawPreNormalized :: LawName -> Nat -> Fan -> Fan
    486 mkLawPreNormalized nam arg bod =
    487     if arg==0
    488     then throw (PRIMOP_CRASH 0 0)
    489     else fromMaybe (FUN $ L nam arg bod $ compileLaw nam arg bod)
    490            $ matchData nam arg bod
    492 mkLaw :: LawName -> Nat -> Fan -> Fan
    493 mkLaw nam arg bod = mkLawPreNormalized nam arg (normalize bod)
    495 mkPin :: Fan -> Fan
    496 mkPin = PIN . unsafePerformIO . mkPin'
    498 frameSize :: Fan -> Int
    499 frameSize (KLO _ e) = frameSize (e.!0)
    500 frameSize v         = 1 + evalArity v
    502 {-
    503         These are called extremely often, and we don't want to bog down
    504         the system by emiting profiling events for them.
    505 -}
    506 highFreqLaws :: Set Nat
    507 highFreqLaws = setFromList
    508     (
    509         [ "dec", "add", "mul", "sub", "bex", "lte", "lth", "div"
    510         , "mod", "aeq", "lsh", "rsh", "met", "mix", "dis", "con"
    511         , "if", "eql", "trk", "idx", "get", "len"
    512         , "weld", "map", "put", "mut", "take", "drop", "cat", "rev"
    513         , "w32", "add32", "mul32", "div32", "and32", "or32", "xor32"
    514         , "lsh32", "rsh32", "sub32", "ror32", "rol32", "isBar", "barIdx"
    515         , "barWeld", "barCat", "barFlat", "natBar", "barDrop", "barTake"
    516         , "barLen", "barNat", "setSingleton", "setIns", "setDel", "setMin"
    517         , "setLen", "setUnion", "setHas", "setSplitAt", "setSplitLT"
    518         , "setIntersection", "tabSingleton", "tabIdx", "tabElem"
    519         , "tabLookup", "tabToPairs", "gth", "gte", "bit", "not", "and"
    520         , "neq", "isNat"
    521         ] :: [Nat]
    522     )
    524 addProfilingToPin :: Pin -> IO Pin
    525 addProfilingToPin pin = do
    526     enab <- lawProfilingEnabled
    528     let shouldProfile =
    529             case pin.item of
    530                 FUN l -> not $ member highFreqLaws
    531                 _     -> False
    533     if not (enab && shouldProfile) then do
    534         pure pin
    535     else do
    536         let nam = encodeUtf8 (valName pin.item)
    537         let key = nam <> "-(" <> shortHex pin.hash <> ")"
    538         pure (setExec (profWrap key pin.exec) pin)
    539   where
    540     profWrap tag fun args =
    541         seq args $ unsafePerformIO do
    542             withSimpleTracingEvent tag "fan" $ evaluate (fun args)
    545 mkPin' :: Fan -> IO Pin
    546 mkPin' inp = do
    547     -- let putNam tx = putStrLn ("\n\n==== [[[" <> tx <> "]]] ====\n")
    548     -- putNam (valName inp)
    550     item  <- evaluate (normalize inp)
    551     match <- readIORef vJetMatch
    553     res <- mdo let exe = pinExec (PIN res) item
    554                let ari = trueArity item
    555                let hax = fanHash item
    556                let ref = pinRefs item
    557                res <- addProfilingToPin =<< match (P ref hax ari item exe)
    558                pure res
    560     -- hack that causes functions to be serialized/hashed immediately.
    561     case item of
    562       FUN{} -> evaluate res.exec >> pure ()
    563       _     -> pure ()
    565     {-
    566         We do not do deduplication here.  Instead, we should deduplicate
    567         the heap occasionally, after each snapshot.
    569         Heap deduplication as a pass is relatively cheap, because we
    570         are merely walking the pin-DAG and looking at the hashes.
    572         If this were ever of significant cost, we can have a flag on
    573         each thing to mark it as the canonical version.
    574     -}
    575     evaluate res
    577 loadPinFromBlob :: Vector Pin -> Hash256 -> Fan -> IO Pin
    578 loadPinFromBlob refs hax item = do
    579     match <- readIORef vJetMatch
    581     res <- mdo let slf = (PIN res)
    582                let exe = case item of
    583                              FUN law -> \e -> executeLaw slf law.code law.code e
    584                              _       -> \e -> foldl' (%%) item (toList e)
    585                                            -- TODO is this correct?
    586                                            -- Doesn't the passed environment
    587                                            -- include ourselves?
    588                let !ari = trueArity item
    589                res <- addProfilingToPin =<< match (P refs hax ari item exe)
    590                pure res
    592     evaluate res.exec
    594     pure res
    596 {-# INLINE pinExec #-}
    597 pinExec :: Fan -> Fan -> (SmallArray Fan -> Fan)
    598 pinExec self = \case
    599     FUN law -> executeLaw self law.code law.code
    600     item    -> foldl' (%%) item . drop 1 . toList
    603 -- Evaluation ------------------------------------------------------------------
    605 (%%) :: Fan -> Fan -> Fan
    606 (%%) = app2
    608 data APPLY = APPLY (Int, Int) [Fan]
    609   deriving (Show)
    611 app2 :: Fan -> Fan -> Fan
    612 app2 f x =
    613     case evalArity f of
    614         1    -> eval2 f x
    615         args -> KLO (args-1) (a2 f x)
    617 app3 :: Fan -> Fan -> Fan -> Fan
    618 app3 f x y =
    619     case evalArity f of
    620         1    -> app2 (eval2 f x) y
    621         2    -> eval3 f x y
    622         args -> KLO (args-2) (a3 f x y)
    624 app4 :: Fan -> Fan -> Fan -> Fan -> Fan
    625 app4 f x y z =
    626     case evalArity f of
    627         1    -> app3 (eval2 f x) y z
    628         2    -> app2 (eval3 f x y) z
    629         3    -> eval4 f x y z
    630         args -> KLO (args-3) (a4 f x y z)
    632 appN :: SmallArray Fan -> Fan
    633 appN xs =
    634     case sizeofSmallArray xs of
    635        2 -> app2 (xs.!0) (xs.!1)
    636        3 -> app3 (xs.!0) (xs.!1) (xs.!2)
    637        4 -> app4 (xs.!0) (xs.!1) (xs.!2) (xs.!3)
    638        !wid ->
    639             let !arity = evalArity (xs.!0)
    640                 !need  = arity+1
    641             in
    642             -- trace (ppShow $ APPLY (wid,need) (toList xs))
    643             case compare wid need of
    644                 EQ -> evalN (KLO 0 xs)
    645                 LT -> KLO (need-wid) xs
    646                 GT -> let
    647                           !hed = evalN $ KLO 0 (cloneSmallArray xs 0 need)
    648                           !xtr = wid - need
    649                       in
    650                           appN $ createSmallArray (xtr+1) hed \buf -> do
    651                                      copySmallArray buf 1 xs need xtr
    653 execFrame :: SmallArray Fan -> Fan
    654 execFrame buf =
    655     let x = buf.!0 in
    656     case x of
    657         FUN l -> executeLaw x l.code l.code buf
    658         PIN p -> p.exec buf
    659         ROW v -> mkCow (fromIntegral $ length v)
    660         KLO{} -> error "Invalid stack frame, closure as head"
    661         NAT n -> execNat n buf
    662         BAR b -> if null b then buf.!1 else NAT (barBody b)
    663         TAb t -> ROW (tabKeysArray t) -- tabs return keys row
    664         COw n ->
    665             let !las = fromIntegral n in
    666             ROW $ rowGenerate (fromIntegral n) \i ->
    667                       (buf .! (las - i))
    669         SET ks ->
    670             if sizeofSmallArray buf == 3 -- (set badVals arg)
    671             then
    672                 -- This only happens if the first arguments was not a
    673                 -- valid values-row.  Here we run the actual legal
    674                 -- behavior, which is to return the keys row.
    675                 ROW (ssetToArray ks)
    676             else
    677                 case buf.!1 of
    678                     ROW vals | (length vals == length ks) ->
    679                         TAb (mkTab ks vals)
    680                     _ ->
    681                         KLO 1 buf
    683 eval2 :: Fan -> Fan -> Fan
    684 eval2 fn x1 =
    685     case fn of
    686         k@(KLO _ x) ->
    687             case x.!0 of
    688                KLO{} -> evalN (KLO 0 $ a2 k x1)
    689                func  -> let !w = sizeofSmallArray x in
    690                         valCode func $ createSmallArray (w+1) x1 \buf -> do
    691                                            copySmallArray buf 0 x 0 w
    692         _ ->
    693             valCode fn (a2 fn x1)
    695 eval3 :: Fan -> Fan -> Fan -> Fan
    696 eval3 fn x1 x2 =
    697     case fn of
    698         k@(KLO _ x) ->
    699             case x.!0 of
    700                KLO{} -> evalN (KLO 0 $ a3 k x1 x2)
    701                func  -> let !w = sizeofSmallArray x in
    702                         valCode func $ createSmallArray (w+2) x2 \buf -> do
    703                                            copySmallArray buf 0 x 0 w
    704                                            writeSmallArray buf w     x1
    705         _ ->
    706             valCode fn (a3 fn x1 x2)
    708 eval4 :: Fan -> Fan -> Fan -> Fan -> Fan
    709 eval4 fn x1 x2 x3 =
    710     case fn of
    711         k@(KLO _ x) ->
    712             case x.!0 of
    713                KLO{} -> evalN (KLO 0 $ a4 k x1 x2 x3)
    714                func  -> let !w = sizeofSmallArray x in
    715                         valCode func $ createSmallArray (w+3) x3 \buf -> do
    716                                            copySmallArray buf 0 x 0 w
    717                                            writeSmallArray buf w     x1
    718                                            writeSmallArray buf (w+1) x2
    719         _ ->
    720             valCode fn (a4 fn x1 x2 x3)
    724 -- For example, to eval (f x y) do `evalN (KLO 0 3 [f,x,y])`.
    725 evalN :: Fan -> Fan
    726 evalN env =
    727     -- trace ("evalN: " <> show env)
    728     -- trace ("evalN: " <> show (frameSize env))
    729     execFrame $ createSmallArray (frameSize env) (NAT 0) \a -> do
    730                     void (fill a env)
    731   where
    732     fill :: ∀s. SmallMutableArray s Fan -> Fan -> ST s Int
    733     fill buf = \case
    734         KLO _ e -> do
    735             !i <- fill buf (e.!0)
    736             let !w = sizeofSmallArray e
    737             let !v = w-1
    738             copySmallArray buf i e 1 v
    739             pure (i+v)
    740         hed ->
    741             writeSmallArray buf 0 hed $> 1
    743 deriving instance Eq PrimopCrash
    744 deriving instance Ord PrimopCrash
    745 instance Exception PrimopCrash where
    746     displayException (PRIMOP_CRASH n x) =
    747         unsafePerformIO do
    748             s <- readIORef vShowFan
    749             pure $ concat [ "Evaluation crashed by calling the number "
    750                           , show n
    751                           , " with this argument:\n\n"
    752                           , unpack (s x)
    753                           ]
    755 instance Show PrimopCrash where
    756     show = displayException
    758 execNat :: Nat -> SmallArray Fan -> Fan
    759 execNat 0 e = mkLaw (LN $ toNat $ e.!1) (toNat $ e.!2) (e.!3)
    760 execNat 1 e = wut (e.!1) (e.!2) (e.!3) (e.!4) (e.!5)
    761 execNat 2 e = case toNat (e.!3) of 0 -> e.!1
    762                                    n -> (e.!2) %% NAT(n-1)
    763 execNat 3 e = NAT (toNat(e.!1) + 1)
    764 execNat 4 e = mkPin (e.!1)
    765 execNat n e = unsafePerformIO do
    766     let arg = (e.!1)
    767     evaluate (force arg) -- If arg crashes, throw that instead
    768     Fan.Prof.recordInstantEvent "crash" "fan" $
    769         M.singleton "op" (Right $ tshow n)
    770     throwIO (PRIMOP_CRASH n arg)
    772 wut :: Fan -> Fan -> Fan -> Fan -> Fan -> Fan
    773 wut p l a n = \case
    774     x@NAT{} -> n %% x
    775     x@KLO{} -> let (hd,tl) = boom x in app3 a hd tl
    777     PIN pin -> p %% pin.item
    779     FUN law ->
    780         let nm = NAT
    781             ar = NAT law.args
    782         in app4 l nm ar law.body
    784     BAR b -> app4 l (NAT 1) (NAT 1) (NAT $ barBody b)
    785     COw m -> wutCow m
    787     -- Always a pair
    788     v@TAb{} -> let (hd,tl) = boom v in app3 a hd tl
    790     SET k -> wutSet k
    792     x@(ROW v) ->
    793         if null v
    794         then wutCow 0
    795         else app3 a h t where (h,t) = boom x
    796   where
    797     wutCow m = app4 l (NAT 0) (NAT (m+1)) (NAT 0)
    799     wutSet k =
    800         app4 l (NAT 1) (NAT 2) (ROW $ ssetToArray k)
    802 {-
    803     PIN p -> rul (LN 0) args (pinBody args p.item)
    804                where args = (trueArity p.item)
    805     ROW v -> case reverse (toList v) of
    806                     []   -> rul (LN 0) 1 (AT 0)
    807                     x:xs -> apple (DAT $ COw sz) (x :| xs)
    808                where sz = fromIntegral (length v)
    809     TAB d -> tabWut d
    810     BAR b -> rul (LN 1) 1 (AT $ barBody b)
    811     COw n -> rul (LN 0) (n+1) (AT 0)
    812     SET k -> setWut k
    813 -}
    815 {-
    816     -- DAT dj    -> dataWut goLaw goApp dj
    817       -- where
    818         -- goApp g y      = a %% g %% y
    819         -- goLaw nm ar bd = f %% NAT (lawNameNat nm) %% NAT ar %% bd
    821 dataWut
    822     :: ∀a
    823      . (LawName -> Nat -> Pln -> a)
    824     -> (Pln -> Pln -> a)
    825     -> Dat
    826     -> a
    827 dataWut rul cel = \case
    828 -}
    831 cnsName :: Fan -> String
    832 cnsName v =
    833   let res = valName v
    834   in if (null res || any (not . C.isPrint) res)
    835      then show v
    836      else unpack res
    838 showCns :: Fan -> String
    839 showCns v@KLO{}  = "(KLO " <> intercalate " " (showCns <$> kloList v) <> ")"
    840 showCns v@FUN{}  = cnsName v
    841 showCns v@PIN{}  = cnsName v
    842 showCns (ROW xs) = "(row " <> intercalate " " (fmap showCns xs) <> ")"
    843 showCns COw{}    = "COW"
    844 showCns TAb{}    = "TAB"
    845 showCns SET{}    = "SET"
    846 showCns BAR{}    = "BAR"
    847 showCns (NAT n)  = show n
    849 instance Show Prog where
    850     show p = "(PROG "
    851           <> "{ arity =" <> show p.arity
    852           <> ", varsSz=" <> show p.varsSz
    853           <> ", prgrm=(" <> show p.prgrm <> ")"
    854           <> "})"
    856 showBind :: (Int, Run) -> String
    857 showBind (i,x) = show (VAR i) <> " " <> show x
    859 instance Show Run where
    860     show (CNS c) = showCns c
    861     show (ARG i) = "_" <> show i
    862     show (VAR i) = "_v" <> show i
    863     show (KAL xs) = "(KAL " <> intercalate " " (show <$> toList xs) <> ")"
    865     show (EXE _ _ f xs) =
    866         "(EXE " <> showCns f <> " " <> intercalate " " (show <$> toList xs) <> ")"
    868     show (PAR n xs) =
    869          "(PAR arity_is_" <> show n <> intercalate " " (show <$> toList xs) <> ")"
    871     show (REC xs) = "(REC " <> intercalate " " (show <$> toList xs) <> ")"
    873     show (TRK v b) = "(TRK " <> show v <> " " <> show b <> ")"
    875     show (MK_ROW es) = "(MKROW " <> intercalate " " (show <$> es) <> ")"
    877     show (MK_TAB vs) = "(MKTAB " <> intercalate " " (show <$> (tabToAscPairsList vs)) <> ")"
    879     show (LETREC vs v) =
    880         "(LETREC [" <> intercalate " " (showBind <$> vs) <> "] " <> show v <> ")"
    881     show (LET i x v) =
    882         "(LET " <> showBind (i,x) <> " " <> show v <> ")"
    884     show (IF_ c t e) =
    885         "(IF " <> show c <> " " <> show t <> " " <> show e <> ")"
    887     show (IFZ c t e) =
    888         "(IFZ " <> show c <> " " <> show t <> " " <> show e <> ")"
    890     show (SEQ x b) =
    891         "(SEQ " <> show x <> " " <> show b <> ")"
    893     show (SWI x f v) =
    894         parencalate ["ROW_SWITCH", show x, show f, show v]
    896     show (JMP_WORD x f ks vs) =
    897         parencalate ["TAB_SWITCH_WORDS", show x, show f, show v]
    898       where
    899         v = mapFromList (zip (toList ks) (toList vs)) :: Map Word Run
    901     show (LAZ exe arg) =
    902         parencalate ("LAZ" : show exe : (show <$> toList arg))
    904     show (JMP x f vs) =
    905         parencalate ["TAB_SWITCH", show x, show f, show vs]
    907     show (OP2 name _ a b) =
    908         parencalate ["OP2", show name, show a, show b]
    910 parencalate :: [String] -> String
    911 parencalate xs = "(" <> intercalate " " xs <> ")"
    913 -- Match row/tab constructors: (c2 y x) -> MK_ROW [x,y]
    914 matchConstructors :: Run -> Run
    915 matchConstructors = go
    916   where
    917     go = \case
    918         LAZ{}               -> error "matchConstructors: impossible"
    919         SEQ v x             -> SEQ (go v) (go x)
    920         REC vs              -> REC (go <$> vs)
    921         KAL vs              -> KAL (go <$> vs)
    922         PAR r vs            -> PAR r (go <$> vs)
    923         TRK m x             -> TRK (go m) (go x)
    924         MK_ROW rs           -> MK_ROW (go <$> rs)
    925         MK_TAB vs           -> MK_TAB (go <$> vs)
    926         r@CNS{}             -> r
    927         r@ARG{}             -> r
    928         r@VAR{}             -> r
    929         LET i v b           -> LET i (go v) (go b)
    930         LETREC vs b         -> LETREC (fmap go <$> vs) (go b)
    931         IF_ c t e           -> IF_ (go c) (go t) (go e)
    932         IFZ c t e           -> IFZ (go c) (go t) (go e)
    933         SWI c f v           -> SWI (go c) (go f) (go <$> v)
    934         JMP c f vs          -> JMP (go c) (go f) (go <$> vs)
    935         JMP_WORD c f ks vs  -> JMP_WORD (go c) (go f) ks (go <$> vs)
    936         OP2 f op a b        -> OP2 f op (go a) (go b)
    938         EXE _ _ COw{} r -> do
    939             go $ MK_ROW $ reverse $ fromList $ toList r
    941         EXE _ _ (PIN p) r
    942             | sizeofSmallArray r == 2
    943             , Just (name, fun) <- matchPin p op2Table
    944                 -> go $ OP2 name fun (r.!0) (r.!1)
    946         EXE _ _ (KLO 1 n) r
    947             | [PIN p, a] <- F.toList n
    948             , [b] <- F.toList r
    949             , Just (name, fun) <- matchPin p op2Table
    950                 -> go $ OP2 name fun (CNS a) b
    952         EXE x s (SET ks) r ->
    953             if sizeofSmallArray r /= 1 then
    954                 error "TODO: Remove this check, since this should never happen"
    955             else
    956             case go (r.!0) of
    957                 MK_ROW vs | length vs == length ks ->
    958                     MK_TAB (mkTab ks $ V.toArray vs)
    959                 _ ->
    960                     EXE x s (SET ks) (go <$> r)
    962         EXE x s (KLO n e) r ->
    963             case e.!0 of
    964                 COw{} ->
    965                     go $ MK_ROW
    966                        $ fromList
    967                        $ reverse
    968                        $ ((fmap CNS $ drop 1 $ toList e) <>)
    969                        $ toList r
    970                 _ ->
    971                     EXE x s (KLO n e) (go <$> r)
    973         EXE x s f r -> EXE x s f (go <$> r)
    975 matchPin :: Pin
    976          -> Map Hash256 (String, (Fan -> Fan -> Fan))
    977          -> Maybe (String, (Fan -> Fan -> Fan))
    978 matchPin p tbl =  M.lookup p.hash tbl
    980 valCode :: Fan -> (SmallArray Fan -> Fan)
    981 valCode = \case
    982     KLO _ x   -> valCode (x.!0)
    983     x@(FUN f) -> executeLaw x f.code f.code
    984     PIN p     -> p.exec
    985     NAT n     -> execNat n
    986     ROW{}     -> execFrame
    987     BAR{}     -> execFrame
    988     TAb{}     -> execFrame
    989     COw{}     -> execFrame
    990     SET{}     -> execFrame
    992 -- Saturated calls become EXE nodes, undersaturated calls become KLO nodes.
    993 resaturate :: Int -> Run -> Run
    994 resaturate selfArgs = go
    995   where
    996     go LAZ{}       = error "resaturate: impossible"
    997     go EXE{}       = error "resaturate: impossible"
    998     go PAR{}       = error "resaturate: impossible"
    999     go MK_ROW{}    = error "resaturate: impossible"
   1000     go MK_TAB{}    = error "resaturate: impossible"
   1001     go IF_{}       = error "resaturate: impossible"
   1002     go IFZ{}       = error "resaturate: impossible"
   1003     go SWI{}       = error "resaturate: impossible"
   1004     go JMP{}       = error "resaturate: impossible"
   1005     go JMP_WORD{}  = error "resaturate: impossible"
   1006     go SEQ{}       = error "resaturate: impossible"
   1007     go REC{}       = error "resaturate: impossible"
   1008     go TRK{}       = error "resaturate: impossible"
   1009     go OP2{}       = error "resaturate: impossible"
   1011     go c@CNS{}     = c
   1012     go r@VAR{}     = r
   1013     go a@ARG{}     = a
   1015     -- go (EXE f xs)  = EXE f xs
   1016     -- go (PAR i xs)  = PAR i xs
   1017     go (LET i v b)   = LET i (go v) (go b)
   1018     go (LETREC vs b) = LETREC (fmap go <$> vs) (go b)
   1019     go (KAL xs)      = kal (toList xs)
   1021     kal (KAL ks : xs) = kal (toList ks <> xs)
   1022     kal (CNS c  : xs) = cns c (go <$> xs)
   1023     kal (ARG 0  : xs) = sel (go <$> xs)
   1024     kal xs            = KAL (smallArrayFromList $ go <$> xs)
   1026     cns :: Fan -> [Run] -> Run
   1027     cns f xs =
   1028         let len = fromIntegral (length xs)
   1029             r   = evalArity f
   1030         in
   1031         case compare r len of
   1032           -- TODO work harder to keep these flat?
   1033           GT -> PAR (r-len) (smallArrayFromList (CNS f : xs))
   1034           EQ -> EXE (valCode f) (frameSize f) f (smallArrayFromList xs)
   1035           LT -> KAL $ smallArrayFromList
   1036                     $ (EXE (valCode f) (frameSize f) f (smallArrayFromList $ take r xs) : drop r xs)
   1038     sel :: [Run] -> Run
   1039     sel xs =
   1040         let len = fromIntegral (length xs)
   1041             r   = selfArgs
   1042         in
   1043         case compare r len of
   1044           -- TODO work harder to keep these flat?
   1045           GT -> PAR (r-len) (smallArrayFromList (ARG 0 : xs))
   1046           EQ -> REC $ smallArrayFromList xs
   1047           LT -> KAL $ smallArrayFromList
   1048                     $ ((REC $ smallArrayFromList $ take r xs) : drop r xs)
   1050 ugly :: Nat -> String
   1051 ugly 0 = "0"
   1052 ugly nat =
   1053     let ok '_' = True
   1054         ok c   = C.isAlphaNum c
   1055     in case natUtf8 nat of
   1056         Right t | all ok t -> show t
   1057         _                  -> show nat
   1059 -- TODO: Review potential for overflow of `numArgs`
   1060 compileLaw :: LawName -> Nat -> Fan -> Prog
   1061 compileLaw _lawName numArgs lBod =
   1062     let lxp    = LetRec.loadLawBody numArgs lBod
   1063         lxpOpt = LetRec.optimize (fromIntegral numArgs) lxp
   1064         (code, maxVar) = LetRec.compile (fromIntegral numArgs) lxpOpt
   1065         opt    = resaturate (natToArity numArgs) code
   1066         run    = optimizeSpine (matchConstructors opt)
   1067         prog   = PROG (fromIntegral numArgs)
   1068                       (fromIntegral (maxVar + 1))
   1069                       run
   1070     in
   1071     {-
   1072     if True || _lawName == "flushDownwards" then
   1073        trace (ppShow ( ("lawName"::Text, _lawName)
   1074                      , ("rawLxp"::Text, lxp)
   1075                      , ("optLxp"::Text, lxpOpt)
   1076                      , (("rawRun"::Text, code), ("maxVar"::Text, maxVar))
   1077                      , ("semiOptimized"::Text, opt)
   1078                      , ("finalProg"::Text, prog)
   1079                      ))
   1080        prog
   1081     else
   1082     -}
   1083        prog
   1084   where
   1086 {-
   1087     recPro is different from exePro because, in a shattered-spine, we
   1088     recurse into a different program (the outermost one) than the one
   1089     we are running (the fragment).
   1090 -}
   1091 executeLaw :: Fan -> Prog -> Prog -> SmallArray Fan -> Fan
   1092 executeLaw self recPro exePro args =
   1093     unsafePerformIO do
   1094         let numVars = exePro.varsSz
   1096         -- traceM ( "EXECUTING: " <> show pro <> "\n"
   1097         --       <> "AGAINST: " <> show (toList args)
   1098         --        )
   1100         -- traceM ("EXECUTE LAW: " <> show self)
   1101         -- traceM ("\t" <> show self)
   1102         -- traceM ("\t" <> show pro)
   1103         -- traceM ("\t" <> show (numArgs, numVars))
   1104         -- traceM ("\t" <> show (toList args))
   1105         let err = error ("UNINITIALIZED" <> show exePro.prgrm)
   1106         vs <- newSmallArray (numVars + 1) err
   1107                 -- TODO: Figure out why this is wrong!!  This is no good!
   1108         go vs exePro.prgrm
   1109   where
   1110     go :: SmallMutableArray RealWorld Fan -> Run -> IO Fan
   1111     go vs = \case
   1112         CNS v  -> pure v
   1113         ARG 0  -> pure self -- TODO Does this still need to be special-cased?
   1114         ARG i  -> indexSmallArrayM args i
   1115         VAR i  -> readSmallArray vs i
   1116         KAL xs -> do
   1117             -- traceM "KAL"
   1118             cs <- traverse (go vs) xs
   1119             pure (appN cs)
   1121         LETREC binds b ->
   1122             if sizeofSmallArray binds == 1 then do
   1123                 let (i, r) = binds .! 0
   1124                 rec res <- (writeSmallArray vs i res >> go vs r)
   1125                 go vs b
   1126             else do
   1127                 rec for_ (zip [0..] $ toList binds) \(ix,(slot,_)) ->
   1128                         writeSmallArray vs slot (results .! ix)
   1129                     results <- for binds \(_,v) -> go vs v
   1130                 go vs b
   1132         LET i v b -> mdo
   1133             -- traceM "LET"
   1134             when (i < 0) do
   1135                 error "bad index"
   1136             when (i >= sizeofSmallMutableArray vs) do
   1137                 error $ concat [ "out of bounds: "
   1138                                 , show i
   1139                                 , ">="
   1140                                 , show (sizeofSmallMutableArray vs)
   1141                                 , "\n"
   1142                                 , ppShow exePro
   1143                                 ]
   1144             go vs v >>= writeSmallArray vs i
   1145             go vs b
   1147         PAR r xs -> do
   1148             -- traceM "PAR"
   1149             env <- traverse (go vs) xs
   1150             pure (KLO r env)
   1152         -- TODO Maybe `trk` should take two arguments, name and data.
   1153         TRK x b -> do
   1154             xv <- go vs x
   1155             evaluate (force xv)
   1156             trk <- readIORef vTrkFan
   1157             trk xv
   1158             case trkName xv of
   1159                 Nothing -> go vs b
   1160                 Just (encodeUtf8 -> nm) ->
   1161                     withAlwaysTrace nm "trk" do
   1162                         res <- go vs b
   1163                         evaluate res
   1165         MK_ROW es -> do
   1166             ROW . V.toArray <$> traverse (go vs) es
   1168         MK_TAB es -> do
   1169             -- print ("mk_tab"::Text, res)
   1170             TAb <$> traverse (go vs) es
   1172         EXE x sz (KLO _ e) xs -> do
   1173             -- traceM "EXE_KLO"
   1174             !buf <- newSmallArray sz (error "dur")
   1175             let w = sizeofSmallArray e
   1176             copySmallArray buf 0 e 0 w
   1177             let !nar = sizeofSmallArray xs
   1178             let fill i = unless (i==nar) do
   1179                              v <- go vs (xs.!i)
   1180                              writeSmallArray buf (i+w) v
   1181                              fill (i+1)
   1182             fill 0
   1183             env <- unsafeFreezeSmallArray buf
   1184             pure (x env)
   1186         EXE x sz f xs -> do
   1187             !buf <- newSmallArray sz f
   1188             let !nar = sizeofSmallArray xs
   1189             let fill i = unless (i==nar) do
   1190                              v <- go vs (xs.!i)
   1191                              writeSmallArray buf (i+1) v
   1192                              fill (i+1)
   1193             fill 0
   1194             env <- unsafeFreezeSmallArray buf
   1195             pure (x env)
   1197         REC xs -> do
   1198             let recArgs    = length xs
   1199             let recEnvSize = recArgs + 1
   1200             !buf <- newSmallArray recEnvSize self
   1201             let fill i = unless (i==recArgs) do
   1202                              v <- go vs (xs.!i)
   1203                              writeSmallArray buf (i+1) v
   1204                              fill (i+1)
   1205             fill 0
   1206             env <- unsafeFreezeSmallArray buf
   1207             pure (executeLaw self recPro recPro env)
   1209         SEQ x b -> do
   1210             -- traceM "SEQ"
   1211             xv <- go vs x
   1212             _ <- evaluate xv
   1213             go vs b
   1215         IF_ i t e -> do
   1216             -- traceM "IF_"
   1217             go vs i >>= \case
   1218                 NAT 0 -> go vs e
   1219                 NAT _ -> go vs t
   1220                 _     -> go vs e
   1222         IFZ i t e -> do
   1223             go vs i >>= \case
   1224                 NAT 0 -> go vs t
   1225                 _     -> go vs e
   1228         SWI i f c -> do
   1229           idx <- go vs i >>= \case
   1230               NAT x -> pure $ fromIntegral x
   1231               _     -> pure 0
   1232           if idx >= sizeofSmallArray c
   1233           then go vs f
   1234           else go vs (c.!idx)
   1236         JMP i f c -> do
   1237             key <- go vs i
   1238             case lookup key c of
   1239                 Just x  -> go vs x
   1240                 Nothing -> go vs f
   1242         -- TODO Rewrite `search` to use raw pointer manipulation.
   1243         -- TODO Try to avoid the per-iteration bounds check by putting
   1244         --      some sort of sentinal value at the end.
   1245         JMP_WORD i f keyVec branches -> do
   1246             go vs i >>= \case
   1247                 NAT (NatS# w) ->
   1248                     let
   1249                         !key = GHC.W# w
   1250                         !end = length keyVec
   1252                         search ix | ix>=end                 = go vs f
   1253                         search ix | (keyVec SV.! ix == key) = go vs (branches.!ix)
   1254                         search ix                           = search (ix+1)
   1255                     in
   1256                         search 0
   1257                 _ ->
   1258                     go vs f
   1260         LAZ subroutine xs -> do
   1261             let lazArgs = length xs
   1262             !buf <- newSmallArray (lazArgs + 1) self
   1263             let fill i = unless (i==lazArgs) do
   1264                              v <- go vs (xs.!i)
   1265                              writeSmallArray buf (i+1) v
   1266                              fill (i+1)
   1267             fill 0
   1268             env <- unsafeFreezeSmallArray buf
   1270             -- putStrLn "<LAZ>"
   1271             -- pPrint ("self"::Text, self)
   1272             -- pPrint ("prog"::Text, subroutine)
   1273             -- pPrint ("envr"::Text, env)
   1274             pure (executeLaw self recPro subroutine env)
   1275             -- putStrLn "</LAZ>"
   1276             -- pure res
   1278         OP2 _ f a b -> do
   1279             af <- go vs a
   1280             bf <- go vs b
   1281             pure $ f af bf
   1283 trkName :: Fan -> Maybe Text
   1284 trkName fan = do
   1285     res <- case fan of
   1286         NAT n  -> either (const Nothing) pure (natUtf8 n)
   1287         BAR n  -> pure (decodeUtf8 n)
   1288         ROW xs -> guard (not $ null xs) >> trkName (xs ! 0)
   1289         _      -> Nothing
   1290     guard (all C.isPrint res)
   1291     pure res
   1293 -- WHAT EVEN -------------------------------------------------------------------
   1295 fanIdx :: Nat -> Fan -> Fan
   1296 fanIdx idxNat fan =
   1297     if idxNat > fromIntegral (maxBound::Int) then
   1298         -- We can't build structures big enough to index with non-int
   1299         -- keys.
   1300         0
   1301     else
   1302         go (fromIntegral idxNat) fan
   1303   where
   1304     go idx = \case
   1305         ROW vec | idx < length vec -> vec ! idx
   1306         TAb tab | idx < length tab -> if idxNat==0 then tabValsRow tab else 0
   1307         KLO _ env                  -> idxKlo idx env
   1308         _                          -> 0
   1310     -- {{f 4 3} 2 1 0}
   1311     idxKlo idx env =
   1312         if arrIdx > 0
   1313         then indexSmallArray env arrIdx
   1314         else go (idx - (arrWid-1)) (indexSmallArray env 0)
   1315       where
   1316         arrWid  = sizeofSmallArray env
   1317         arrIdx = (arrWid - idx) - 1
   1319 op2Table :: Map Hash256 (String, (Fan -> Fan -> Fan))
   1320 op2Table = mapFromList
   1321   [ ( idxHash, ("idx", op2Idx) )
   1322   , ( getHash, ("get", op2Get) )
   1323   , ( addHash, ("add", op2Add) )
   1324   , ( subHash, ("sub", op2Sub) )
   1325   , ( mulHash, ("mul", op2Mul) )
   1326   , ( eqlHash, ("eql", op2Eql) )
   1327   , ( lteHash, ("lte", op2Lte) )
   1328   , ( lthHash, ("lth", op2Lth) )
   1329   , ( gteHash, ("gte", op2Gte) )
   1330   , ( gthHash, ("gth", op2Gth) )
   1331   ]
   1333 op2Idx :: Fan -> Fan -> Fan
   1334 op2Idx a b = fanIdx (toNat a) b
   1336 op2Get :: Fan -> Fan -> Fan
   1337 op2Get a b = fanIdx (toNat b) a
   1339 op2Add :: Fan -> Fan -> Fan
   1340 op2Add a b = NAT $ toNat a + toNat b
   1342 op2Sub :: Fan -> Fan -> Fan
   1343 op2Sub a b =
   1344     let (x, y) = (toNat a, toNat b)
   1345     in NAT (if y>x then 0 else (x-y))
   1347 op2Mul :: Fan -> Fan -> Fan
   1348 op2Mul a b = NAT $ toNat a * toNat b
   1350 op2Eql :: Fan -> Fan -> Fan
   1351 op2Eql a b = fromBit (fastValEq a b)
   1353 op2Lte :: Fan -> Fan -> Fan
   1354 op2Lte a b = fromBit (a <= b)
   1356 op2Lth :: Fan -> Fan -> Fan
   1357 op2Lth a b = fromBit (a < b)
   1359 op2Gte :: Fan -> Fan -> Fan
   1360 op2Gte a b = fromBit (a >= b)
   1362 op2Gth :: Fan -> Fan -> Fan
   1363 op2Gth a b = fromBit (a > b)